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Mesmer Help please


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I've recently returned to GW2 and have been wanting to level a Mesmer (one of the few I hadn't levelled and played prior to my break). I've searched and looked at tons of different builds (really like that Open World MetaBattle Builds website) but anyways, I need some help. All of the ones that I've found all talk about dodging a lot and similar stuff which is a problem for me....


I have slow reflexes in my hands thanks to arthritis so can't make a lot of sudden dodges, rolls and such. That being said, is there a build that doesn't require a lot of jumping around/dodging, etc? I can move around, just not quickly with instant (or nearly instant) reactions/reflexes. I know the answer is probably not but doesn't hurt to ask the pro's right? :smile:


Thanks in advance


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Hey Kesari….I'm in a similar position to you. Recently returning player and never leveled a Mesmer. Also, in terms of reflexes mine are garbage. But I've really come to enjoy Mesmer using the GS Burst build I found on metabattle. Basically I stay in GS as long as I can to stay at range and only swap to sword when I have evasion up. I know it's not the "optimal" build, but I've found that for my playstyle it works really well and isn't as reliant on timing dodges. Here is a link to the build:



[https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Mesmer_-_Greatsword_Burst](https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Mesmer_-_Greatsword_Burst "https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Mesmer_-_Greatsword_Burst")


It looks like there are a couple of variations of this using Chrono and Mirage, but the core concepts are the same. Again, it probably isn't "optimal" but it works for me and might for you as well.


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Thanks Bernie :) I will definitely look at it and see if it'll work. I would just really like to level one, I watch my hubby play his and having fun with it, I see/hear others having fun with theirs so I would like to check them out as well, especially since it's one of the couple I didn't get levelled before the r/l break. I had made it to 24 on her and she's still 24...lol


I'll see if I can't at least get her to 25 today...lol


Thanks again!

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No worries! Glad to help! The nice thing about GW2, in my opinion, is that there is a place for all of us.....even if we aren't pushing the super high-end content! I'm an old fart, at least in gaming terms, and have found GW2 to be the most "forgiving' of all the MMO's out there. Have fun with it! I do have to say, leveling from 1 to 80 is a chore...not gonna lie. I insta-boosted my Mesmer to 80 with the Path of Fire xpac…...just keep trucking at it and it'll start to feel better.

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All combat in this game, to an extent, relies on use of the dodge mechanic. However, perfectly timed dodges are pretty much exclusively an issue of damage mitigation, not playstyle of the build itself. If you don't want to rely as much on dodging, the best choice is going to be to simply beef up the defensive stats in the build a bit, whichever you choose.


For mirage, instead of viper you'd swap in some pieces of dire or trailblazer. For Chrono, instead of zerker you'd use some knights, cavaliers, or valkyries. The build choice itself isn't as consequential as the stats you run it with; none of the builds particularly require precisely timed execution.

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For leveling from 1-80 I recommend: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vhAQNAW8flknhC0YHawQNQtGL4GEaubyOKDQCe95MextB-e


Start with Inspiration, other trees are up to you.


Mind that you can use your illusions as a shield to eat direct damage hits when you stand behind them, so there will be situations where it's healthier for you to not shatter them but to let them die by enemie's hits. Use shatters when it's safe so when there's at least one other player too.


Staff grants you the necessary mobility, because Phase Retreat catapults you backwards and out of most AoE-fields and melee range. Swap to torch and use Prestige in case of emergency or when surrounded by a group cast Chaos Storm then swap and use Prestige for blast finisher. Your staff clones will also apply condition damage as they use staff's auto-attack too, so you can accumulate lots of torment, bleeding and burning when 3 clones and you attack at the same time. Staff clones will reliably use stairs and run around corners as long as the focused mob is in range and it's not necessary to jump to reach it. Any other illusion will just not spawn but go on cd if there's no obstacle-free line of sight between you and the focused mob.


Mobs using direct damage attacks should never reach you, condition cleansing granted by Sympathetic Visage helps against what really hurts. Due to Phantasmal Fury and Persistence of Memory you also gain perma fury. This would both strengthen a power build and also give a higher crit chance to the low direct damage of condition builds.


There is no recommendation to focus on power or condition during leveling.

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This is a very different build than you'll find on metabattle I think, but it has the advantage of having a block available very frequently which takes some pressure off dodging. If you want, you can use the dodge (once you get the Mirage spec) almost exclusively as a stun break - condi clear. For PVE play, this is very survivable, but it takes a long time to kill things compared to power builds.




I use this for wvw roaming. It's best advantage is that it can survive multiple opponents. If you're not getting in situations like this, you probably want something different. But don't ignore blocking skills if your reflexes aren't great (Chrono spec has a really block on the shield).

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Wow! Thank you everyone, you have given me a lot to look at and try/play with so that I can find something that I am comfortable with & can achieve :+1:

LoL Bernie I am no spring chicken by far, and yeah, in gaming some would consider old (after all, I do have a 17 y/o grandson...lol) but I really like playing GW2 because it is forgiving, allows for different playstyles and yeah, may not be the best but hey, I survive...lol, most the time anyways.


Will definitely look at all of these for sure and who knows, one or a combination of them will be the one that fits me & my playstyle the best & I can get that lvl 80 Mesmer I want....lol. I have the levels boosts from whatever reasons, lvl 20, 30, 40, 50, 80 but don't want to use them on a class I haven't leveled the old fashion way to 80 first. That way I get to know the class better for my playstyle & have stuff worked out before I get to 80 (I hope) and then save those boosts for like, oh, my 3rd Ranger, 3rd Engineer, etc...lol

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I dont have bad reflexes but I am no god either yet my friends are always amazed how can i dodge something in games. In order to dodge you need to relise danger->formulate a plan how to deal with it->execute the plan. If you simply formulate your plans before fight then it is changed to relise danger->execute your plan. This way your reaction are much faster because you dont have to think about it.

When I did VG (raid boss) for the first time i couldnt dodge stuff in time but after I got more familiar with encounter and I planed how to deal with certain problems I failed for totaly diferent reason, I was reacting too quickly so when my eveades ended mechanic wasnt finished.

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Since your issue is reflexes the first thing you wanna do is to stay the heck away from Mirage and go for Chronomancer that can make the best tank in the game, they can be used to soak dmg rather than evade it (which Mirage is built upon) mostly due to the Sword/Shield combo being such a great defensive weapon set.

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