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starting up a druid from scratch, what starting gear should i use?


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so, i just made a Ranger with an intent to play a support/healing Druid build for structured PvP/WvW and i was just wondering what my starting gear should be. there's plenty of guides and suggestions out there for top-tier gear. if i had to guess, Magi or Cleric would be the one, yeah?

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> @"nvmvoidrays.2158" said:

> so, i just made a Ranger with an intent to play a support/healing Druid build for structured PvP/WvW and i was just wondering what my starting gear should be. there's plenty of guides and suggestions out there for top-tier gear. if i had to guess, Magi or Cleric would be the one, yeah?


Cleric gear gives you power, toughness and healing power whereas Magi gear gives you precision, vitality and healing power. Cleric is better against power professions because of the toughness and Magi is better against condition professions because of the vitality.


For PvP, you don't have to worry too much about gear. Just use rune of the monk or water and Mender's Amulet increase your healing tremendously.

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> @"nvmvoidrays.2158" said:

> so, i just made a Ranger with an intent to play a support/healing Druid build for structured PvP/WvW and i was just wondering what my starting gear should be. there's plenty of guides and suggestions out there for top-tier gear. if i had to guess, Magi or Cleric would be the one, yeah?


Well in SPvP your gear is irrelevant, all of your stats come from the amulet you choose in your PvP build, which you can edit by going to the PvP lobby and hitting the helmet icon at the top of the screen once you’re there. It has some unique choices of stats there, but menders is too good to pass up imo.


As for WvW, I personally would probably run some sort of mix between Clerics and Magi, since in WvW you need to be way tankier than you do for PvE content due to the sheer amount of abilities/siege damage going out in your direction in fights. You COULD run full harriers if you wanted, just expect to be on the floor a lot.


I’m not a huge WvWer so my knowledge of the meta may be dated, but last I checked the name of the game was bring more Scourges, so I’m thinking it’ll be more Condi based.


As for what to use until the end game? I’d just throw on Clerics, most mobs in PvE do exclusively physical damage so the toughness would be helpful, and Clerics does way more damage than Magi due to actually having power on it. However, due to not having Druid until 80, and base ranger having only ok support outside of a shouts/spirits build, you could just go full on damage mode and throw on some like, Berserkers, or Rabid or any other more offensive focused gear as you level.

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