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Glass Weaver perspective guild run + full Tutorial w/ voice


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I am not playing a "true" glass weaver as I typically run a 15.5k health pool without any keep buffs etc, and I achieve this very minimally by running the Master's Fortitude trait (weaver) + Orrian Steak Frittes + 1x Valkyrie (shoulder) 2x Marauder (legs, boots), 1x Valk+Zerk (backpack) and the rest being all berserker. I am of course running Scholar runes with sigil of force + bloodlust with fire 112 air 331 weaver 321 for what is in my opinion the optimal dps/survivability build.


I do not discriminate against those who wish to tank up further to survive while playing weaver in large-scale battles, however it is my opinion that you do not need to tank up after you have acclimated to the heavily reaction-time and muscle-memory based gameplay of the midline DPS weaver.



[https://youtube.com/watch?v=qKP8dhiVhR8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qKP8dhiVhR8 "https://youtube.com/watch?v=qKP8dhiVhR8")


Note that my play-style can be squirrel-like at times. I typically pull it off without dying and optimize my kills so I do not mind if you criticize it but I will likely continue behaving like this.

I also understand there are times when sticking extremely close to tag is desirable. The weaver build, in my experience, tends to be played in a sort of hybrid manner where half of the time you are very close to tag, and the other half of the time you are on the sideline casting (I explain this in the tutorial). **also note that this is not a guild v guild video and in some fights, we outnumber the enemy**. The idea behind showing this video to other weavers is that I believe it is a good example of how to behave in regards to certain situations, not because the fights as a whole were objectively impressive. Also note that I am of course not a machine, but a human being, and sometimes despite being aware of the optimal execution I do falter!


_**Tutorial**_ (with gameplay)

[https://youtube.com/watch?v=QS2FUnBBjLQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QS2FUnBBjLQ "https://youtube.com/watch?v=QS2FUnBBjLQ")


I hope my detailed description has pre-emptively quelled the contrarians of this forum >_> and also helped anyone who is in a position of needing help.


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