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Literally spent 2 hours just now in Cursed shore watching the temples while simultaneously having my LFG open to see if maybe the Lyssa or Dwayna temple would pop up there so I could work on completing my Tyrian Service Medal achievement. During my 2 hour adventure that led to nowhere I learned a couple of things.


1) I was told that the temples don't become contested if people do the defense events, so basically, an event has to FAIL for you to "re-take" any temple.

2) I was also told that if you participate in the defense events, you get credit for the achievement.


So here I go, to the temple of Grenth and the defense event pops up! I am excited, not wanting my 2 hours of waiting to go to waste I gladly participate, and solo'd it. Upon completion, no credit for the achievement.... Then I learned the thing that will be driving me from your game probably for a good month or so, and that is that the credit for the defense event is bugged....


Seriously?! Do you even value your players time? You put achievements in the game that rely on failed events (which honestly, this is like the 5th time you've done this, you know how the community is going to react.... learn your lessons already?), events that can be SOLOED by anyone not doing the achievement just exploring the map.... And to boot it's bugged for getting credit by doing the defense event?! I am so frustrated that I just literally wasted 2 hours of my life waiting on a bug.


I wanted to get back into this game with this new patch but yeah, looks like God of War 4 and Ni No Kuni 2 will be getting my money instead of you guys.

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So I got the items out of the following.


Balthazar: Failed Defense event.(GOLD)

Lyssa: Defense event.(GOLD)

Dwayna: Defense event.(SILVER)

Grenth: Defense event.(GOLD)

Melendru: the first part with the legendary *only* i left the event after the legendary died and got credit for the event and the token.(GOLD)





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@"webtoehobbit.4201" I agree that we need some clarification for these events, because there are now several threads about this and everyone reported different behaviour.

However, you can't say that the event for the defense is bugged, simply because the description for these achievements say "Hint: Assist in the Retaking the XX".

Anyway, we need some more info about it, also because we have to wait hours staring at our monitor, so it's quite boring to waste time this way.

But you could rage against Anet and say loudly that it's bugged if you didn't get the achiev for a capture, not for a defense (the retaking is still the safest way, afaik).

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