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GW 2 Devs/Playerbase Twitter Discussion

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> @"morrolan.9608" said:

> > @"miraude.2107" said:


> > So it's perfectly acceptable for the community to be horrid right back? I don't give a crap if it's an alien that got fired we shouldn't be sending things like this


> Not only this but now because I was trying to shine a light on the elements fanning the flames of this issue I'm now being personally targetted on reddit, thanks MOB this is a direct result of your actions.


The reality is, what is acceptable or not acceptable is decided by the majority, and only the minority in a dictatorship, or where you agreed to give the minority power. However since the game is the players playing it, and that the players are made up of many people from different walks of life, and most agree that JP was wrong, why do you think that is? Because we are a hive mind? No. Looking more based upon JP's actions. Why does it matter to Anet? Because the community is the game. Without players, you have nothing. This is one of the reasons traditional game journalism died, because they were out of touch with the community and the gamers.

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My point of view to this topic.... i write it here in my way


A cooking pot full of different ingredients, wildly mixed and meshed up...


....but in the end a big disaster, tastes bad, smells bad, feels bad.... in summary two employees fired! the guy who wants a serious discussion, left in the bad situation to feel bad because those employees are fired... the whole situation tried to finished / stopped by a word of power by Mo. But it is not solved! A lot of ppl are joining the different point of views, lets call them parties, or movements.


If you are on the internet these days you can experience such things happen every minute around the globe ... and in the end nobody wins, they all loose and always someone got victimized.



i have a different PoV.... the true victim in this mess is the topic... which madam was writing in first place at twitter.... with positive intention, with knowledge and with a search for a solution, the answer and question of the profound guy who has its own thoughts about the topic.... both are unanswered, what i mean,the development in the topic was halted, the growth stopped.... the creativity behind those two entries and the possible growth of the topic/tweet itself, the chances it inherits? "Its dead Jim!"


I have a question here, which bothers me alot.... Can a person, who is unable to handle humans correctly, create / develop and define rules how ingame charakters should be build, structured, configured in conjunction to the players = humans, who are playing those ingame charakters? After what is happened i would say definitively not! You should know first humans and how to handle them correctly, else the first component of your theory will be handled wrong. As a consequence of having the wrong picture about people and by that also about players, this person must fail with her project in the second part how to develop ingame charakters for those humans!

Its the similarity to "a doctor who does not trust me and which i cant trust as the patient, cant heal me at all!"


Even if i am thankful to those y2bers who pointing me to this topic and are discussing it, i also slightly dislike that they are doing... earning money with this topic through monetization, through patreon-supporters and so on... here is something really wrong!



You, i mean Arenanet as Creators, should know that you can only be truly creative as whole humans, in summary of all of your parts, heart and brain.... and you should also know that we ... as players .... can feel (that is really important here - our emotions while we play) and must experience it, if you are creating something what has flaws... we cant proof that technical, but we feel it / experience it if something was going wrong while you were creating this stuff... we feel the intentions, if you want to call it so, or at least we experience that it doesnt work / run well / functions bad, or has logical issues.... those felt intentions have an effect on our gameplay, how we are acting further in the game... not willingly... but subconscious.... a lot of anger ingame is truly coming from there and not because all those players are bad humans or angry kids... we experience flaws ingame which we cant sort out exactly, due to the complexity of the game, but it feels wrong so our mood gets bad.... in the sense, what you think would be enjoyable to us players from your point of view, can feel very different for us as players from our point of view.


If you creators ... humans can have fine senses in the creation of ingame charakters, you as provider could at least assume that we as players have also fine senses to see if your creation has flaws / issues, your decision has flaws / issues because we are humans too?


I personally don't have any doctortitle in Gamedesign, Psychology, Communication, Journalism.... but either i can tell you in my words that something is going wrong, plays false, feels wrong in your game.... i cant tell you (Arenanet) if it is the whole gaming industry who does several steps in the wrong direction while misunderstanding us players, or the tragic of big institutions who are always loosing the contact and sense for and with (single) humans / customers, or if it is the whole system through school, uni, business there the FoT (failure over time) stacks to a disaster like the one, we actually face, due to the "survival of the fittest"- race. , which is already prooven as wrong.


Again this is my point of view, and my very personal opinion... My advice - do not fire employees, instead make a conference / meeting ... invite this guy who has answered well profound to her tweet... and discuss about the theme ... develop it ...and maybe we, the customers, the players can experience less flaws in your game!

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Well, my prediction was true. Just read the Kotaku article, and it had this quote from JP:


"My only real regret here is that I encouraged other women to come on board and promised them it was a safe company for them"


I'm sorry, what? She regrets getting other people a job? Is Arenanet how somehow a hostile and misogynist company now? She clearly didn't learn her lesson, which I will repeat is that not all adversity is sexism, treat customers well, misandry is bad, and branching dialogue is a good thing. Not only that, but she has _projected_ her views and her attitude onto every female employee in the entire world.


When I say that debate is useless, this isn't a proud proclamation. It is a lamentation. It means that there are people with a warped perspective that will only cause themselves and the world further harm, and there is nothing that can be done about it. All attempts to convince them otherwise will only embolden them. Cause and effect has no meaning, success is not a measure of truth, and contrary evidence is just further avenues for explanation.




> @"Ace Kenshader.1253" said:

> So when companies put complete faith into far-right extremism, it's alright, but when it's far-left it's a no-no. Thanks for being transparent showing us why the gaming industry is forever effed.


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> @"Loli Ruri.8307" said:

> Laughing at the people trying to play this as # gamer gate again. Uhhhhh, gamer gate was about reforming the gaming industry in a positive direction. It was never about misogyny, sexism, or any form of bigotry. The Gaming Journalist industry was in need of desperate help. Sadly they didn't want to reform or change, and now they are irrelevant, replaced by YouTube and Twitch. The individual who inspired it all, Zoë Quinn, was not a good person. Not only that, it was revealed in email leaks, that those who were creating the dilemmas in the community, were also the same people who were calling out names such as misogyny and sexism, namely the Gaming Jouralists and their cronies.


Oh please it started was a way of harassing Zoe Quinn and Anita Sarkeesian:



And thats what it was about. I was following it right from the moment it started. The whole ethics in journalism story was a front. And yes I do believe gaming media is generally poor but that doesn't mean gamergate was justified..


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I find it hilarious that the side that is upset about Jessica Price getting fired and saying that you shouldn't be punished for things that you say on twitter is the same side that tried to get Mark Kern fired a few days ago for asking a question on twitter. He was called Nazi, racist, white (Even though he's Asian) and all kinds of insults against him and they tried to contact Blizzard so he could get fired even though he doesn't work there, when they found out, they went to his forum and started to post his tweets and tried to get the community to abandon him. Recently, a writer of Rock Paper Shotgun blamed him for Jessica's firing, claiming that he was one of the people calling ANet to get her fired even though he didn't even tweet about the matter at all and used the same opportunity to insult him and lie about him. Good times.


This is not the first time this side has tried to get people fired or games boycotted:


- Simon Chylinski, the sound designer of Subnautica was fired because ResetEra community got angry at him for some tweets and demanded Unknown Worlds to fire him.


- JonTron had voice lines for the game Yooka-Laylee, but the woke people boycotted the game for some of his comments during an interview. Playtonic removed JonTron's voice lines to please them.


- Following the issues with Yooka-Laylee, same people that got JonTron's lines removed from the game tried once again with A Hat in Time, where JonTron voices a character, but this time they failed, yet they continue boycotting the game after that, claiming that JonTron is a white supremacist.


- Daniel Vávra, co-founder of Warhorse Studios and director of Kingdom Come: Deliverance was accused of being racist for not having black characters in 1403 Bohemia. Vávra told them they were trying to make the game as historically accurate as possible and that there weren't black people in Bohemia at the time, but still they accused him of racism and boycotted his game, with many woke journalists refusing to give coverage to his game. Vávra stood his ground despite all the insults and lies.


These people were very happy and celebrated when they got their way and got pissed off and lied when they didn't, and now that it has happened to someone they support, they suddenly think that what someone says in their personal time should have no impact on their jobs and should just get a slap on the wirst? Nah, they're hypocrites, I know full well that the next time a developer says something they don't agree with, they'll try to get them fired too.


This is the world of your own making so get you better get used to it, the rules apply to everyone, not just the people you don't like. Better be careful what you say now, or said yesterday, or said 20 years ago, because it might just come and destroy your life tomorrow and we archive a lot.

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> @"Ace Kenshader.1253" said:

> > @"Mike O Brien.4613" said:

> > Recently two of our employees failed to uphold our standards of communicating with players. Their attacks on the community were unacceptable. As a result, they’re no longer with the company.

> >

> > I want to be clear that the statements they made do not reflect the views of ArenaNet at all. As a company we always strive to have a collaborative relationship with the Guild Wars community. We value your input. We make this game for you.

> >

> > Mo


> https://kotaku.com/guild-wars-2-writers-fired-for-calling-out-fan-on-twitt-1827401422


> You've really failled ArenaNet and GuildWars 2 by cowtowing to the internet mob that has unrealistic demands, Mr. O'Brien. Did Price say stupid kitten? Yes. But by firing her and Fries (who's only crime was supporting a fellow co-worker), you've basically shown the gaming industry that developers should never listen nor communicate with their customers and consumers lest they want to be fired because, as the internet shows, the fringe mob overtakes the narrative and destroys faith people have in us gamers.


Incredibly biased. Not even quoting what Deroir said, not even that he apologized. But no problem to report that "she's getting shit all day".

Yeah no, I lost faith in humanity for good.

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> @"morrolan.9608" said:

> > @"Loli Ruri.8307" said:

> > Laughing at the people trying to play this as # gamer gate again. Uhhhhh, gamer gate was about reforming the gaming industry in a positive direction. It was never about misogyny, sexism, or any form of bigotry. The Gaming Journalist industry was in need of desperate help. Sadly they didn't want to reform or change, and now they are irrelevant, replaced by YouTube and Twitch. The individual who inspired it all, Zoë Quinn, was not a good person. Not only that, it was revealed in email leaks, that those who were creating the dilemmas in the community, were also the same people who were calling out names such as misogyny and sexism, namely the Gaming Jouralists and their cronies.


> Oh please it started was a way of harassing Zoe Quinn and Anita Sarkeesian:

> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gamergate_controversy


> And thats what it was about. I was following it right from the moment it started. The whole ethics in journalism story was a front. And yes I do believe gaming media is generally poor but that doesn't mean kitten was justified..


I did not see it as the reason, but rather as the final straw. Also Anita, hmm, when you look at what she says about games, then look at the reality of those games, what she says doesn't add up. Take for example, female hip sway, or batman's rear end. The female hip sway happens in real life. One company actually put sensors around an actresses body and had her go through the actions in real world, and capture it as data to help feed the computers information on character movements. This depicted the female hip sway as natural. And yet Anita depicts it as sexism towards women......... Batman's rear, she made comment about the super hero outfit covering his rear as if it was designed to cover it at all costs, as intentional covering of his rear. And yet people were easily able to debunk that statement by simply playing the game and showing that you can see his rear end easily, if you actually played the game. Also his cape actually was a piece of Wane Industries tech that allowed him to fly. It was not meant to cover his rear end as a feature. But because Anita is an ideolog that comes across imo as a pervert, of course she's going to think these outrageous things. Only a pervert would think perverted intentions about everything. It really follows the old wise saying. If all you have is a hammer to solve your problems, eventually every problem looks like a nail.


Also wikipedia is not a credible source of information. You can't even use it at University last I checked.

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> @"morrolan.9608" said:

> > @"Loli Ruri.8307" said:

> > Laughing at the people trying to play this as # gamer gate again. Uhhhhh, gamer gate was about reforming the gaming industry in a positive direction. It was never about misogyny, sexism, or any form of bigotry. The Gaming Journalist industry was in need of desperate help. Sadly they didn't want to reform or change, and now they are irrelevant, replaced by YouTube and Twitch. The individual who inspired it all, Zoë Quinn, was not a good person. Not only that, it was revealed in email leaks, that those who were creating the dilemmas in the community, were also the same people who were calling out names such as misogyny and sexism, namely the Gaming Jouralists and their cronies.


> Oh please it started was a way of harassing Zoe Quinn and Anita Sarkeesian:

> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gamergate_controversy


> And thats what it was about. I was following it right from the moment it started. The whole ethics in journalism story was a front. And yes I do believe gaming media is generally poor but that doesn't mean kitten was justified..



I have completely missed it when it happened, so I hope you won't mind a perspective of someone from _outiside_:

From the reactions I saw throughout the internet, it does appear quite a lot of people genuinely believe it was about ethics in journalism. And quite a lot of people genuinely believe it was about harassment.

So, isn't it possible, that both these groups of people were involved and triedn _fight for what they thought was right_? Isn't it possible it was just one big misunderstanding and lack of proper communication between these groups?

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> @"seinka.4823" said:

> > @"morrolan.9608" said:

> > > @"Loli Ruri.8307" said:

> > > Laughing at the people trying to play this as # gamer gate again. Uhhhhh, gamer gate was about reforming the gaming industry in a positive direction. It was never about misogyny, sexism, or any form of bigotry. The Gaming Journalist industry was in need of desperate help. Sadly they didn't want to reform or change, and now they are irrelevant, replaced by YouTube and Twitch. The individual who inspired it all, Zoë Quinn, was not a good person. Not only that, it was revealed in email leaks, that those who were creating the dilemmas in the community, were also the same people who were calling out names such as misogyny and sexism, namely the Gaming Jouralists and their cronies.

> >

> > Oh please it started was a way of harassing Zoe Quinn and Anita Sarkeesian:

> > https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gamergate_controversy

> >

> > And thats what it was about. I was following it right from the moment it started. The whole ethics in journalism story was a front. And yes I do believe gaming media is generally poor but that doesn't mean kitten was justified..

> >


> I have completely missed it when it happened, so I hope you won't mind a perspective of someone from _outiside_:

> From the reactions I saw throughout the internet, it does appear quite a lot of people genuinely believe it was about ethics in journalism. And quite a lot of people genuinely believe it was about harassment.

> So, isn't it possible, that both these groups of people were involved and triedn _fight for what they thought was right_? Isn't it possible it was just one big misunderstanding and lack of proper communication between these groups?

Well I know for a fact, the Games Journalists tried to play it off as "insert shaming language". It doesn't even matter now. YouTube and Twitch is where it is at now.

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> @"twobears.5713" said:


> The reason that you see a higher number of women playing Overwatch, which translates into the rarity of someone like Geguri being found at the highest levels of play, is due to the fact that Blizzard is better at fostering a supportive environment for women and minorities than ANet. I didn't really feel that way until yesterday, where I came back to do some inventory shuffling in DR to find map chat reading like a Breitbart comment section. Blizzard, while hosting its fair share of controversies, seems better at keeping the far right elements that pepper gaming spaces in check. This stands in stark contrast to the situation we see here, where those elements essentially run the show.


It probably has nothing to do with that blizzard makes tries to make their games as easy as possible to make them more accessible to a larger customer base. Their more difficult games _oddly_ are male dominated.

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> @"Ace Kenshader.1253" said:

> > @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

> > Personally I'm still in disbelief that this has happened. Mostly because I've seen the opposite happen about a dozen times. Normally, when confronted about this behavior, they double down and the company they're a part of backs them fully. It is what happened with the comic book industry. It is what happened with journalism. It is what happened with most independent forums that I used to visit. It is what happened to most television shows I used to watch. It is what happened to Magic: The Gathering. It is what happened to countless videogame studios. It is what happened to social sciences. It is what happened to Canada. What do you mean "Canada isn't an industry"? Maple Syrup is a thing!

> >

> > Anyway, the point being that way too many businesses put complete faith into far-left extremism, and it goes horribly. The businesses assume that all of these people preaching about microaggressions and the patriarchy know what they're talking about, and that everyone disagreeing with the message is proof of the message. GW2 appeared to be right on that track, with Arenanet being "An ideals driven company" and all that. I expected GW2 to give in and Get Woke, Go Broke eventually. When I said that the next LWS4 update would have Tiami go into a diatribe about mansplaining, I was serious. But when Mike dropped the hammer on JP hard, it restored my faith in the company.

> >

> > The sad part is, I don't think JP is going to learn from this. "kitten always double down" is a phrase for a reason. She'll get snatched up by another game developer that values her stances, and she'll continue man-hating and mass blocking for eternity. Because the moral of this story can't possibly be "treat customers well," "not all adversity is sexism," "branching dialogue is a good thing," or "misandry is bad, too." The moral is "There's a massive conspiracy of alt-right extremist men secretly in control of the gaming industry, and we need to prune our customer base and refuse to serve them." How could it be anything else? But hey, I've been wrong before.


> So when companies put complete faith into far-right extremism, it's alright, but when it's far-left it's a no-no. Thanks for being transparent showing us why the gaming industry is forever effed.


In what timeline can you reasonably connect Anet to far right extremism? Don't you think you're being just a _tad_ disingenuous with this narrative?

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if you all want some examples of what GG was about i suggest you google "deepfreeze it" and on the site look up some names of the major gaming news outlets. all sources are available for each claim.


regardless. i just wanted to give my 2 cents and say i was pleasantly surprised at Anet for taking this position. when i saw this initially i sorta expected Anet to do nothing and then i would have had to seriously consider whether or not i would continue to support this game i love. lucky for me they took action, so i can keep enjoying the game.

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> @"seinka.4823" said:

> I have completely missed it when it happened, so I hope you won't mind a perspective of someone from _outiside_:

> From the reactions I saw throughout the internet, it does appear quite a lot of people genuinely believe it was about ethics in journalism. And quite a lot of people genuinely believe it was about harassment.

> So, isn't it possible, that both these groups of people were involved and triedn _fight for what they thought was right_? Isn't it possible it was just one big misunderstanding and lack of proper communication between these groups?


The best explanation I have for gamergate is this (warning, strong language):



Basically, Zoe Quinn was the Archduke Franz Ferdinand of the culture war. Or... maybe she was the guy who shot Ferdinand. Something like that. I had been reading a book about the political correctness takeover of social sciences that was published in 2005, so this issue has been simmering for decades. It was only a matter of time until the fuse was lit on the powder keg, and it happened in videogames.


I can [attest](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/586632#Comment_586632 "https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/586632#Comment_586632") to the closely knit circle of journalism. When somebody posted up 8 articles to provide proof of their claim, 4 out of those 8 articles were just rehashing what the previous ones said, with one article being a literal copy/paste of another. All of them providing biased and terrible arguments of the same thing. And that is why nobody respects kotaku.

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Already we're getting articles defending Price and Fries, using the incident as an example of online harassment as a weapon, with Arenanet pulling the trigger. I don't understand how an argument the opposing side started becomes grounds for harassment, but it's absolutely appalling to see that people will just play victim until everyone else is as miserable as they are. I'm concerned, and I don't envy ANet's PR team right now, but you made the right call. Anyone with a brain could tell that Price and Fries were acting like unprofessional, sexist morons.

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> @"Loli Ruri.8307" said:

> Also wikipedia is not a credible source of information. You can't even use it at University last I checked.


I followed it from when it began, whats written in the wiki is pretty much what happened.



> @"seinka.4823" said:

> So, isn't it possible, that both these groups of people were involved and triedn _fight for what they thought was right_? Isn't it possible it was just one big misunderstanding and lack of proper communication between these groups?


There's not always 2 sides to everything, there were undoubtedly some who totally believed in the ethics explanation but there people driving the controversy were only interested in harassment.


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> @"StyxTBeuford.2071" said:

> Anyone with a brain could tell that Price and Fries were acting like unprofessional, sexist morons.


Sadly, people with a brain are the minority these days, regardless if you're left leaning or right leaning. :\ It's easier to drink the Kool-Aid and believe what a person or organization tells you to believe than it is to actually use your headmeat, do research (which REQUIRES looking at all sides of an issue, including the sides you don't like and/or agree with), apply critical thinking, and form your own opinion based on said research and critical thinking.


Idiocy knows no boundaries.

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> @"morrolan.9608" said:

> > @"seinka.4823" said:

> > So, isn't it possible, that both these groups of people were involved and triedn _fight for what they thought was right_? Isn't it possible it was just one big misunderstanding and lack of proper communication between these groups?


> There's not always 2 sides to everything, there were undoubtedly some who totally believed in the ethics explanation but there people driving the controversy were only interested in harassment.



Impressive how you contradicted yourself in just a single sentence.

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i strongly suggest you don't believe anything said about GG that has had the opportunity to be spun, as it likely has. only direct sources / archives.


oh and there always are 2 sides, likely even more, to anything. no one goes around thinking that today they will be a bad person, even if they are being one (including psychopaths btw, there selfish desires just have primacy over everyone else's rights in their minds). this is why (primary) sources and debate are the way forward.


calling out relationships between developers and journalists covering the developers game, to me, that is asking for more ethical games journalism.

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> @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

> The best explanation I have for kitten is this (warning, strong language):

> [...]


Thanks, this video is the only one I've seen that summarises reasons behind **both** of these groups. It still looks like a big misunderstanding, that was blown out of proportions, but at least I have some background.


> @"morrolan.9608" said:

> there people driving the controversy were only interested in harassment.


This part sounds a bit bizarre, don't you think?

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After reading through the majority of the comments both here and reddit, I am dissapointed by the sheer number of people that are defending Jessica Price. Did any of you even read the twitter posts that she handled so poorly? Her response to Deroir's constructive criticism would be akin to me going up to someone on the street and accusing them of punching me in the face when all they said was 'hello.' Read the damn posts people. Price was fired multiple times by past companies for the same crap she pulled here with the guild wars community. I'm honestly surprised she was hired in the first place. This is the same person that posted some rather vile comments about TotalBiscuit's death (streamer, very nice guy for those who didn't know him). I rarely ever post on the forums, but this is one of these times where I have to add my two cents. This Price defense/white knighting is ridiculous. She acted poorly, she paid the consequences.


Tl;dr Read the very short twitter back and forth between Price and Deroir before you rush to her defense.

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> @"Menoitios.8375" said:

> > @"miraude.2107" said:

> > > @"Loli Ruri.8307" said:

> > > > @"miraude.2107" said:

> > > > > @"Mike O Brien.4613" said:

> > > > > Recently two of our employees failed to uphold our standards of communicating with players. Their attacks on the community were unacceptable. As a result, they’re no longer with the company.

> > > > >

> > > > > I want to be clear that the statements they made do not reflect the views of ArenaNet at all. As a company we always strive to have a collaborative relationship with the Guild Wars community. We value your input. We make this game for you.

> > > > >

> > > > > Mo

> > > >

> > > > I understand the decision you made but as someone who is a co-founder, I'd have expected more from you as well to also stand by the views of ArenaNet and reread your rules of conduct, specifically that first line and a few points within it.

> > > >

> > > > _The following Guild Wars 2 Rules of Conduct (the “Rules of Conduct”) govern basic interaction within the Guild Wars 2 game and websites._

> > > >

> > > > Parts of your community that you listend to are still harassing them. I don't see the game surviving at all if you don't hold your community to the same standards you want to hold your developers at. Please gives us an actual front page post that's more than a paragraph about why you thought firing two developers was best, how the company will deal with the loss of two developers and how much this delays you and that honestly, you didn't do this firings based on panic and emotions. Do remember you had to lock Price's ArenaNet reddit arrival post because of the way the community acted towards her;

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > So Mr O'Brien, please think carefully about how you move ahead. Your blanket statement has given harassers and trolls free reign. When I see comments like this:

> > > >

> > > > “Nobody at Arenanet is safe from the hand of reddit. We’re literally running the company now, they’re in fear of the very users they seek to consort with... The moment a dev steps out of line or try to talk back to a player, guess what, they’ll know we got their hands on their throat and we can squeeze any time we like.”

> > > >

> > > > In reddit and now in some of the discord groups I'm a part in. I feel like one of the few games I still enjoy is gonna become a game I'll have to shelve.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > Alt right, harassers and trolls, it's all identity politics. You can call out kittens all day long, but the reality is, this woman was actually being terrible by "action", with the Anet name to bear. This was not a once off. This was something that was injust. If it is not okay towards women, why is it justifiable against men? Please think about this and look at what she actually said, in response to those who were trying to be reasonable.

> >

> > So it's perfectly acceptable for the community to be horrid right back? I don't give a crap if it's an alien that got fired we shouldn't be sending things like this

> >

> > and basically go neener neener, you got fired for doing this but no repercussions for me~! No. H E double toothpicks NO. There needs to be a discourse that yes if an ArenaNet employee acts out of conduct to their statement there are consequences, the same needs to be done to the other side of the fence as well. Blizzard had to learn that the hard way with WoW and then again with Overwatch about their community because they thought they knew it so well. O'Brien should at least have the foresight that he should have addressed the community as well so that there is civility on both sides instead of just saying a blanket statement of he fired them.


> I don't think any of us are actually condoning the actions of the small part of the community that is being immature after the fact (or during it for that matter). Fact of the matter you shouldn't be glad that someone got fired, this is not something to celebrate. Just like you shouldn't be celebrating someone's death. It's just wrong. Should these people celebrating the situation have action taken against them? In my opinion, yes, but that does not change the fact of what happened or why (which we don't even 100% know the facts) it happened.


Most of those people aren't even a part of the community. Go back 200 tweets and this is the first ever mention of GW2 in them... many of the other twitter accounts sending harassing messages are 1-2 days old and were clearly created only for this purpose. There is a certain type of person latching on to this story and deliberately conflagrating it. ANet as a company has absolutely zero recourse against anonymous kittens on twitter who use every controversy to push a certain type of agenda. It has reached beyond the scope of just our community, whether we like it or not. That said... seriously people. Someone being a kitten on the internet does NOT make it okay to also be a kitten on the internet. A bully is still a bully.


It's also important for some other people to understand... sexism absolutely exists in the industry... probably to a level that most people don't realize, or want to pretend is "overinflated." This may be an instance of someone crying wolf over sexism, and from a business standpoint the firing was justifiable and not unreasonable, but... and I want this to be perfectly clear... that doesn't mean the person is not ever actually a victim. In most cases, the type of people who start to see victimization in every action... are the ones who have been trained to do so by circumstance. It doesn't excuse bad behavior, but it's still something people should try to be a little understanding of.

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So people are upset that a woman who has proven herself to be human garbage was fired? Even if the community did gang up on her, do you guys not think that outrage against someone twisting a fan's words and using it against them is warranted? Perhaps not to the extreme sense that I'm gathering from these comments, but this woman doesn't get any of my sympathy at all, as she's shown she's just not a pleasant person at all. I'm seeing comments of sexism, but do you know what else is sexist? Thinking that any man who tries to engage you in a discussion, with opposing views, is trying to tell you how to do you job, and "mansplain," even if he's trying to converse with you in the politest manner possible. Yes, sexism exists. It exists for both sides.

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