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GW 2 Devs/Playerbase Twitter Discussion

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> @"Reincarnatie.7254" said:

>but it does not lessen the fact that women still do experience inequalities in the workplace.

Men experience inequalities in the workplace as well. And before you say no they don't, go look at the number of workplace accidents and deaths. And that's not where it stops either. I could start citing articles of abuse against men. The reality is, humans suck. Welcome to actual equality.......


The difference is, men are told to "man up". Doesn't sound so good, when somebody tells you to "man up" every time they give you a kitten sandwich.


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I am wondering whether all the people who find JP's firing an overreaction have actually built up careers. A simple Google search on "fired because of social media" gives you a slew of examples. People fired because of inappropriate posts, racist posts, misplaced jokes, posts unrelated to their work on social media accounts and on accounts not tied to their employer. This really is not a strange or outrageous phenomenon, but an obvious one for any of us who have careers. Of course, when you display your employment on your account and post your official work there as well, the connection is a no-brainer, as are the consequences for negative and socially unacceptable behavior, and even beliefs.


Claims of "having the right to sue for wrongful termination" in the case of PF I also don't understand. What do these people know of the internal goings on at ANet's office that the rest of us don't? How are they privvy to this non-public information? How do they know all the steps taken? How do they know ANet hasn't offered both of them to make an apology, and how do they know how either JP or PF responded? If you also don't understand the dangerous legal position ANet would place themselves in if they had fired only JP and not PF, in a case where sexism was used in an accusatory fashion, you are not as knowledgeable about these topics as you think you are. JP legally can't use the sexism card against her former employer anymore, because they fired both a man and a woman over this incident. She can claim it in the media, but legally she doesn't have a foot to stand on with that argument.


Just stop making claims based on assumptions, for which you need information none of us are privvy to because we don't work at ANet. We don't know all the details, we don't have copies of any internal documentation regarding this case, we don't have copies of ANet's contract of employment, we don't know what legal counsel they have received (though people with a legal background, especially in employment, would know these things). Yet people still make claims that can only be made by actually having all this information. And I'm pretty sure they don't have it, any of it.


Claims about an alt-right mob are even more ludicrous, if people had even done their homework. Before MO made his announcement, there was very little alt-right trolling, mob mentality or baying going on. It may have increased after his announcement, but it's typical alt-right behavior to spot a situation they can benefit from and jump in and make claims about it, or even appropriate it. Lumping all reasonable and well thought out responses taking a stand against JP's behavior together with the baying trolls is doing a disservice, it's dumb and incredibly transparent. By putting the emphasis on that you're giving them more power than they have. They're trying to incite the mob mentality where there is none and to a certain extent their tactic has worked. Let's not give them the satisfaction and give them more power and influence. JP's behavoir against a customer and official partner to ANet is unacceptable, PF publicly taking a stand with her was a mistake on his part, and public opinion is very much a factor, whether we like it or not. Without the public, most companies do not survive. Without the public, most of us wouldn't have a job. So their perception is important and should always be considered from a business point of view. It's easy to make this personal, or even ideological, while at its core it's just business and public image. Social media is not private and if you actively espouse your employer and talk about your work on such a platform, it's neither private nor personal. It is the weakest excuse in this situation, and both JP and PF know this, whether they want to admit it or not. I really don't believe either of them would be this naïve.


Edit: grammar

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> @"Loli Ruri.8307" said:

> > @"juhani.5361" said:

> > > @"Zabi Zabi.3561" said:

> > > > @"IndigoSundown.5419" said:

> > > > There's only one winner in this situation:

> > > >

> > > > + Not Ms. Price: She lost her job, which might have added to her stress.

> > > > + Not Mr. Fries: He lost his job which he seems to have valued.

> > > > + Not ANet management: at best they've acted in the way that was less of a loss, but no matter what they did, some group was going to be unhappy with them.

> > > > + Not ANet staff: this kind of situation is going to have repercussions and effect staff's sense of camaraderie.

> > > > + Not Deroir: though by comparison, his loss is almost not worth mentioning, this situation has got to leave a bad taste in the mouth.

> > > > + Not the GW2 community: some are satisfied with ANet's reaction, some are not, but the affair has highlighted the divides between us more than any other interaction I've followed.

> > > >

> > > > The winner? The winner is people who like watching things burn.

> > > >

> > > > That means we all lost.

> > >

> > > Price would have been hazardous to the company if she was kept around and kept insulting the PLAYER BASE OF THE GAME AND COMPANY SHE WORKED FOR!

> > >

> > > Anet did the right thing by putting the COMMUNITY OF THE GAME FIRST before TOXIC EMPLOYEES!

> > >

> > > So the true winners are Anet, and the Community.

> > >

> > > Some will have disagreeing opinions and will probably leave the game HOWEVER! I have noticed more new players coming in and that's a good thing!

> >

> > I'm a part of the community, and I definitely _don't_feel like this is a win. And, honestly, this whole situation is a setback for women in the gaming industry-- not to mention in society as a whole. Anet's actions were necessary, but they're nothing to be celebrated. All of this brigading and mob mentality does nothing but degrade the GW2 community.

> How does removing a terrible person make it a setback for women in the gaming industry? I'm in the gaming industry, and I don't feel a setback at all. Wat? XD


Didn't you know? anything that goes against somebody that happens to be female is misoginy and a setback to women.

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> @"muffi.3964" said:

> > @"Loli Ruri.8307" said:

> > > @"juhani.5361" said:

> > > > @"Zabi Zabi.3561" said:

> > > > > @"IndigoSundown.5419" said:

> > > > > There's only one winner in this situation:

> > > > >

> > > > > + Not Ms. Price: She lost her job, which might have added to her stress.

> > > > > + Not Mr. Fries: He lost his job which he seems to have valued.

> > > > > + Not ANet management: at best they've acted in the way that was less of a loss, but no matter what they did, some group was going to be unhappy with them.

> > > > > + Not ANet staff: this kind of situation is going to have repercussions and effect staff's sense of camaraderie.

> > > > > + Not Deroir: though by comparison, his loss is almost not worth mentioning, this situation has got to leave a bad taste in the mouth.

> > > > > + Not the GW2 community: some are satisfied with ANet's reaction, some are not, but the affair has highlighted the divides between us more than any other interaction I've followed.

> > > > >

> > > > > The winner? The winner is people who like watching things burn.

> > > > >

> > > > > That means we all lost.

> > > >

> > > > Price would have been hazardous to the company if she was kept around and kept insulting the PLAYER BASE OF THE GAME AND COMPANY SHE WORKED FOR!

> > > >

> > > > Anet did the right thing by putting the COMMUNITY OF THE GAME FIRST before TOXIC EMPLOYEES!

> > > >

> > > > So the true winners are Anet, and the Community.

> > > >

> > > > Some will have disagreeing opinions and will probably leave the game HOWEVER! I have noticed more new players coming in and that's a good thing!

> > >

> > > I'm a part of the community, and I definitely _don't_feel like this is a win. And, honestly, this whole situation is a setback for women in the gaming industry-- not to mention in society as a whole. Anet's actions were necessary, but they're nothing to be celebrated. All of this brigading and mob mentality does nothing but degrade the GW2 community.

> > How does removing a terrible person make it a setback for women in the gaming industry? I'm in the gaming industry, and I don't feel a setback at all. Wat? XD


> Didn't you know? anything that goes against somebody that happens to be female is misoginy and a setback to women.

Kinda reminds me of that episode of A Current Affair in Australia, where this dude was there to take pictures at a Lagoon, which is something you can do by the way, and he was stopped and made to show what pictures he took within a minute of trying to do anything. He did not take any, it was a social experiment. But when they replaced the dude with a woman, for a whole 30 minutes, nobody questioned what she was doing with that camera. You can look this up by the way.


The human brain is a pattern recognition machine, allowing you to read what you are seeing on your monitor, to know that what you are looking at is a monitor, and that a chair is for sitting. Sure you can use that chair for something else, like a tool to reach a high place, or beat somebody up with it, or break it up for kindling. But normally we look at a chair and see it as a tool to sit down. Why? Because pattern recognition. Sadly people have developed the culture that men are evil, and women are angels. This is a dangerous precedence, because it means that you cannot even critique, without people like Anita Scamkeezian calling out misogyny........... for crying out loud, you can't even sit in the front row of a Vidcon with her there, without her thinking that your very presence there alone is enough to warrant it being harassment and misogyny. These people are insane. I don't even know why people give these people power, let alone hundreds of thousands of dollars. If I was an alien species passing Earth, I'd fly away at warp 9.999..... Telling people that women are precious little angels that need protecting, that can do no wrong, is a dangerous thing. Because that will give rise to an even more potent type of evil, one that is excused for many atrocities. Humans suck, and believes in equality of being terrible. Give half the population a pass for being terrible, and you will have exactly that.

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> @"Loli Ruri.8307" said:

> So you should be afraid of being a terrible human being? This dev was doing it since her previous job at her last company, that resulted in her being let go. This is a patented history of being a terrible human being. Why should anybody at anet feel afraid?


There is so much wrong with this statement I don't know where to begin...

>! Once upon a time, there was a country, that was ruled by a [group of people]. In this country lived a family, that had a 3 years old daughter. One day, when they were shopping, the little girl asked: "Daddy, why are they dumb?" The daddy had no idea what she's talking about, so he asked: "Who is dumb?" And the girl replied: "The [group of people], of course..." And that made the daddy very afraid. Why? Because if someone from the [group of people] heard it, he could lose his job or go to jail. Does it mean the daddy was a terrible human being? Or the 3 years old girl was a terrible human being? Why else should they be afraid, right?


I'll try to be as clear as possible here: I see those tweets certain way and I disagree with them. But I'm very much certain, that there are other people, who see them differently. The reason why someone could be afraid to post anything on social media, might be because they can't understand how this could warrant firing someone. So they might be afraid, that someone with enough social pressure, could exploit pretty much anything and get them fired for something, that also doesn't warrant firing.


I'm starting to partially agree with @"miraude.2107" that some nice, polished and civil statement from ANet could be a good thing...

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> @"Magnus Godrik.5841" said:

> She was a terrible human. Peter Fries was not. Dont forget 2 were terminated. I guess he is not important. He was just there since the beginning. Your are absolutely right, the devs have no fear as long as they smile for the community.

He actually told a person that she didn't ask for feedback or critique. Bad idea. Look at what Mike O' said about feedback and community.

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> @"Magnus Godrik.5841" said:

> She was a terrible human. Peter Fries was not. Dont forget 2 were terminated. I guess he is not important. He was just there since the beginning. Your are absolutely right, the devs have no fear as long as they smile for the community.


Peter, having been with the company so long, SHOULD have known what would happen if he stepped in, and yet he did step in AND he continued to attack a PARTNER. He's just as guilty in the end.

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> @"seinka.4823" said:

> > @"Loli Ruri.8307" said:

> > So you should be afraid of being a terrible human being? This dev was doing it since her previous job at her last company, that resulted in her being let go. This is a patented history of being a terrible human being. Why should anybody at anet feel afraid?


> There is so much wrong with this statement I don't know where to begin...

Ahhhh no. I'm not going to let you get away with just that. You better start.

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> @"Loli Ruri.8307" said:

> > @"seinka.4823" said:

> > > @"Loli Ruri.8307" said:

> > > So you should be afraid of being a terrible human being? This dev was doing it since her previous job at her last company, that resulted in her being let go. This is a patented history of being a terrible human being. Why should anybody at anet feel afraid?

> >

> > There is so much wrong with this statement I don't know where to begin...

> Ahhhh no. I'm not going to let you get away with just that. You better start.


Read the rest of the post. ;)

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> @"seinka.4823" said:

> > @"Loli Ruri.8307" said:

> > > @"seinka.4823" said:

> > > > @"Loli Ruri.8307" said:

> > > > So you should be afraid of being a terrible human being? This dev was doing it since her previous job at her last company, that resulted in her being let go. This is a patented history of being a terrible human being. Why should anybody at anet feel afraid?

> > >

> > > There is so much wrong with this statement I don't know where to begin...

> > Ahhhh no. I'm not going to let you get away with just that. You better start.


> Read the rest of the post. ;)


What you posted doesn't match up with this situation, nor does it match up with reasonable.

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> @"TheGrimReaper.9510" said:

> Well it sucks the situation happened but I think they deserved it.

> It was non vitriolic, constructive criticism and they turned it into a gendered issue.

> Gud guy Mike. I imagine it still isn't easy firing those you work with.


Its true, but i wonder how this gonna effect Anet...i mean, i believe that there a lot of devs who share the same views of Jessica and probably are pissed at the both the company and the community...as Trahearne would say, "This wont end well".

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> @"TheNecrosanct.4028" said:


> Claims about an alt-right mob are even more ludicrous, if people had even done their homework. Before MO made his announcement, there was very little alt-right trolling, mob mentality or baying going on. It may have increased after his announcement, but it's typical alt-right behavior to spot a situation they can benefit from and jump in and make claims about it, or even appropriate it. Lumping all reasonable and well thought out responses taking a stand against JP's behavior together with the baying trolls is doing a disservice, it's dumb and incredibly transparent. By putting the emphasis on that you're giving them more power than they have. They're trying to incite the mob mentality where there is none and to a certain extent their tactic has worked.

> Edit: grammar


Your telling of the situation is revisionist.


Within hours of the tweets happening they were already circulating in alt-right communities and their members were already trolling and posting in the 3rd party GW2 forums. There are a number of their posts that were highly magnified and pushed to the top by the the GW2 community. This is very telling of the state of our game's community and i wouldn't be surprised if we notice the toxic elements of the community becoming more and more vocal. MO decided to stand with all the gators so look forward to how that changes our interactions in game for times to come.

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> @"Bit Risky.9018" said:

> Congrats, ANet. kitten loves you now. You must be so proud.

> The community is now a toxic hellhole because you capitulated ASAP to a lynch mob.


> The narrative has been set, good luck changing it.

You're kidding right? Toxic? I got the feeling you TL;DR strawmanned yourself into this thread and put in a load of nonsense. Didn't you actually read?

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> @"Bit Risky.9018" said:

> Congrats, ANet. kitten loves you now. You must be so proud.

> The community is now a toxic hellhole because you capitulated ASAP to a lynch mob.


> The narrative has been set, good luck changing it.


Yet another member of the community that does not bother to understand what happened and thinks they simply caved to a lynch mob, sigh.

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> @"muffi.3964" said:

> > @"Asudementio.8526" said:

> > > @"TheNecrosanct.4028" said:

> >

> > > Claims about an alt-right mob are even more ludicrous, if people had even done their homework. Before MO made his announcement, there was very little alt-right trolling, mob mentality or baying going on. It may have increased after his announcement, but it's typical alt-right behavior to spot a situation they can benefit from and jump in and make claims about it, or even appropriate it. Lumping all reasonable and well thought out responses taking a stand against JP's behavior together with the baying trolls is doing a disservice, it's dumb and incredibly transparent. By putting the emphasis on that you're giving them more power than they have. They're trying to incite the mob mentality where there is none and to a certain extent their tactic has worked.

> > > Edit: grammar

> >

> > Your telling of the situation is revisionist.

> >

> > Within hours of the tweets happening they were already circulating in alt-right communities and their members were already trolling and posting in the 3rd party GW2 forums. There are a number of their posts that were highly magnified and pushed to the top by the the GW2 community. This is very telling of the state of our game's community and i wouldn't be surprised if we notice the toxic elements of the community becoming more and more vocal. MO decided to stand with all the gators so look forward to how that changes our interactions in game for times to come.


> It's because to ppl like you every community is altright that's not drinking the feminist cool-aid. heck some ppl here called goobergate altright.


This is just a dishonest attack on my character. Some of us like to be factually correct and that involves identifying GG for what it was. I'm sorry if i've bothered you by pointing this out.

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This had nothing to do with sexism, racism or any other –ism. And I think it’s pathetic that some people – including Jessica – are trying to turn it into such. Gender and racial inequality are very much a thing. But when people pull out the gender/racial bias card to try to defend their mistakes and justify their poor behavior, it makes it much more difficult to call out the real issues. It’s an incredibly selfish action, and a great disservice to all the people who really are facing legitimate discrimination and bias.


Jessica’s Twitter exchange was toxic, aggressive, arrogant and extremely unprofessional – and she got exactly what she deserved for acting that way. I hope she eventually learns from her mistake and understands that she is perpetuating the very problem that she claims to be fighting against.


Mike O’Brien’s decision had nothing to do with being influenced by the vocal minority or succumbing to a Reddit lynch-mob. He firmly put his foot down and said “we’re not going to put up with this kind of attitude at my company.” I greatly respect him for it, and I’ll be wearing my Guild Wars 2 t-shirt while I’m out and about this weekend in support of ArenaNet.


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> @"Asudementio.8526" said:

> > @"muffi.3964" said:

> > > @"Asudementio.8526" said:

> > > > @"TheNecrosanct.4028" said:

> > >

> > > > Claims about an alt-right mob are even more ludicrous, if people had even done their homework. Before MO made his announcement, there was very little alt-right trolling, mob mentality or baying going on. It may have increased after his announcement, but it's typical alt-right behavior to spot a situation they can benefit from and jump in and make claims about it, or even appropriate it. Lumping all reasonable and well thought out responses taking a stand against JP's behavior together with the baying trolls is doing a disservice, it's dumb and incredibly transparent. By putting the emphasis on that you're giving them more power than they have. They're trying to incite the mob mentality where there is none and to a certain extent their tactic has worked.

> > > > Edit: grammar

> > >

> > > Your telling of the situation is revisionist.

> > >

> > > Within hours of the tweets happening they were already circulating in alt-right communities and their members were already trolling and posting in the 3rd party GW2 forums. There are a number of their posts that were highly magnified and pushed to the top by the the GW2 community. This is very telling of the state of our game's community and i wouldn't be surprised if we notice the toxic elements of the community becoming more and more vocal. MO decided to stand with all the gators so look forward to how that changes our interactions in game for times to come.

> >

> > It's because to ppl like you every community is altright that's not drinking the feminist cool-aid. heck some ppl here called goobergate altright.


> This is just a dishonest attack on my character. Some of us like to be factually correct and that involves identifying GG for what it was. I'm sorry if i've bothered you by pointing this out.


You use factually but I don't think you understand what that word means. Maybe some of you should stop listening to news outlets, the last time I cared about news was when I was 13 years old until I realized that most of it is agenda driven kittenwash

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> @"Asudementio.8526" said:

> > @"muffi.3964" said:

> > > @"Asudementio.8526" said:

> > > > @"TheNecrosanct.4028" said:

> > >

> > > > Claims about an alt-right mob are even more ludicrous, if people had even done their homework. Before MO made his announcement, there was very little alt-right trolling, mob mentality or baying going on. It may have increased after his announcement, but it's typical alt-right behavior to spot a situation they can benefit from and jump in and make claims about it, or even appropriate it. Lumping all reasonable and well thought out responses taking a stand against JP's behavior together with the baying trolls is doing a disservice, it's dumb and incredibly transparent. By putting the emphasis on that you're giving them more power than they have. They're trying to incite the mob mentality where there is none and to a certain extent their tactic has worked.

> > > > Edit: grammar

> > >

> > > Your telling of the situation is revisionist.

> > >

> > > Within hours of the tweets happening they were already circulating in alt-right communities and their members were already trolling and posting in the 3rd party GW2 forums. There are a number of their posts that were highly magnified and pushed to the top by the the GW2 community. This is very telling of the state of our game's community and i wouldn't be surprised if we notice the toxic elements of the community becoming more and more vocal. MO decided to stand with all the gators so look forward to how that changes our interactions in game for times to come.

> >

> > It's because to ppl like you every community is altright that's not drinking the feminist cool-aid. heck some ppl here called goobergate altright.


> This is just a dishonest attack on my character. Some of us like to be factually correct and that involves identifying GG for what it was. I'm sorry if i've bothered you by pointing this out.


It really isn't dishonest.


We won, you lost. They are not getting rehired.


Get over it.

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Why does this remind me of Crazy Amy from Kitchen Nightmares? Always blaming other people. The narrative has been set? Yeah somebody trying to redirect the narrative to being a hate mob. It's so sad really. The inability to see what she did as actually being wrong, and then trying to blame others, is astounding.

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> @"Ambush.9420" said:

> > @"Asudementio.8526" said:

> > > @"muffi.3964" said:

> > > > @"Asudementio.8526" said:

> > > > > @"TheNecrosanct.4028" said:

> > > >

> > > > > Claims about an alt-right mob are even more ludicrous, if people had even done their homework. Before MO made his announcement, there was very little alt-right trolling, mob mentality or baying going on. It may have increased after his announcement, but it's typical alt-right behavior to spot a situation they can benefit from and jump in and make claims about it, or even appropriate it. Lumping all reasonable and well thought out responses taking a stand against JP's behavior together with the baying trolls is doing a disservice, it's dumb and incredibly transparent. By putting the emphasis on that you're giving them more power than they have. They're trying to incite the mob mentality where there is none and to a certain extent their tactic has worked.

> > > > > Edit: grammar

> > > >

> > > > Your telling of the situation is revisionist.

> > > >

> > > > Within hours of the tweets happening they were already circulating in alt-right communities and their members were already trolling and posting in the 3rd party GW2 forums. There are a number of their posts that were highly magnified and pushed to the top by the the GW2 community. This is very telling of the state of our game's community and i wouldn't be surprised if we notice the toxic elements of the community becoming more and more vocal. MO decided to stand with all the gators so look forward to how that changes our interactions in game for times to come.

> > >

> > > It's because to ppl like you every community is altright that's not drinking the feminist cool-aid. heck some ppl here called goobergate altright.

> >

> > This is just a dishonest attack on my character. Some of us like to be factually correct and that involves identifying GG for what it was. I'm sorry if i've bothered you by pointing this out.


> It really isn't dishonest.


> We won, you lost. They are not getting rehired.


> Get over it.


I never cared if they were to be fired. My concern this entire time is highlighting that those who throw their lot in with gators are themselves toxic and that they will pay a higher price for GW2 in the end by welcoming them en bloc than anything JP could have ever done.


Enjoy your choice - it was the wrong one.

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> @"Mike O Brien.4613" said:

> Recently two of our employees failed to uphold our standards of communicating with players. Their attacks on the community were unacceptable. As a result, they’re no longer with the company.


> I want to be clear that the statements they made do not reflect the views of ArenaNet at all. As a company we always strive to have a collaborative relationship with the Guild Wars community. We value your input. We make this game for you.


> Mo


Nowadays hardly any company dares to act that way against SJW agenda driven employees due to the backlash which is to be expected from those people. Therefore I can not thank you enough for this statement, Mr. O Brien. There is a lot I would like to change about GW2 and I'm not always your biggest supporter (although I always recommend GW2 to friends looking for a good RPG / MMO). But you have to give credit where credit is due and today I'm proud to be a long time customer of Arena Net (since GW1). Keep up the good work!

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