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Leveling in GW2 - Seems Pretty Slow and Boring?

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I don't know about you and how much you play daily, but I got to level 80 in about a week worth of total time. With my other MMOs this wouldn't have ever been possible before the 1 month mark. So I actually think there was 0 grind to this game to reach level 80, mostly cause you level up so much doing the personal story as well and that was definitely fun for me.

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> @"Sleepwalker.1398" said:

> Also get some of those really cheap Halloween food that cost like 2copper and grant +15% exp.

> If you running short on gold msg me ingame, i have tons of those leftover food which i can mail to you for free.


Stacking Xp buffs while you play really helps with leveling.

+15% Glazed Peach tart (3 copper)

+10% Any utility item (minor potions of X slaying are <5 copper on TP)

+10% guild XP buff

+10% Banner (If you can find one)

If you have an XP or heroic booster to spare, you can get another 50% on top of that.

If you're a returning player you can go still faster yet with a birthday booster giving you an extra 100% xp gain.


Just make sure you're doing some kind of group content with lots of enemies to tag and the XP will roll in.

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> @"Epiphany.7125" said:

> Thanks for the responses - the bottom line is I have absolutely no desire to deep dive into the intricacies of this game - if it's not something I can pick up fairly easily after having played various MMORPG's over the past 15 years, then I'm really not interested - and it also appears you have a pretty active alt-right aspect to your community and kitten's aren't my thing so I'll quietly take the $80 hit and be on my way. Really sorry I bought this game.


Sorry to hear but if some forum drama is enough to turn you away then no one of us will be able to change your mind.


That said as a mid 30 year old player having gone through games as DAoC, WoW, Warhammer Online and Eve Online I can safely say that GW2 has by far the friendliest community.


Good luck with your next game.

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> @"Overlord RainyDay.2084" said:

> Just make sure you're doing some kind of group content with lots of enemies to tag and the XP will roll in.


And besides that thanks to gliders and mounts there are a lot more mobs out there giving triple and quadruple bonus xp when killed. Leveling in the open world nowadays actually is much faster than it used to be.

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> @"Epiphany.7125" said:

> Thanks for the responses - the bottom line is I have absolutely no desire to deep dive into the intricacies of this game - if it's not something I can pick up fairly easily after having played various MMORPG's over the past 15 years, then I'm really not interested - and it also appears you have a pretty active alt-right aspect to your community and kitten's aren't my thing so I'll quietly take the $80 hit and be on my way. Really sorry I bought this game.


So what you're saying is you want to play a game that's like every other game? Because that makes very little sense to me. I'm here mostly because I find other games to be on rails and Guild Wars 2 is quite refreshing. Still, good luck on your search for another game that's just like other games you've played.


As for the alt-right comment, my experience has been quite the opposite, but you know, it's quite funny that people will draw that conclusion from a few loud voices.

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You can't be serious. Levelling in this game is unbelievably fast. In fact, in order to stay in level-appropriate content you have to consciously decide to skip 80% of the content along the way. This attitude that games should just give you a top-level, fully-geared toon at the outset is preposterous. If you don't like levelling, you don't like the game. Don't play it.

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Great responses, but I wanted to add this: there is no rush.


Unlike other MMOs, the content isn't going to be outdated, you won't miss out on something because you aren't high enough a level, and the game doesn't 'begin' at LV80. I know everyone wants to get to max level, makes sense, but for this game, you don't have to, so enjoy the ride!


Some ideas:

- Take time to do map completion while you level up to unlock the next chapter in your personal story.

- Gather as much as you can, so when you decide to start crafting, you won't be short on mats. You can also try to craft as you go, and earn some XP at the same time.

- Participate in Metas and World Bosses in the zone you're in. Remember if you're in a LV 20 zone, everything in that zone is the same level, including max level characters (they get downleveled...is that a word?) A world boss like Shadow Behemoth ( https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Shadow_Behemoth) is only LV 15, so jump in and have fun.


Once you get to Max level and have access to Path of Fire (expansion #2), most players will do the 1st quest of that expansion to earn the Raptor mount, which unlocks account wide, and makes leveling a lot faster. Until then, take time to stop and pet the Quaggan. :)

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You are mistaken on the AltRight following. If you’re refering to the twitter drama, Ms Price didn’t get the trolls on her back until after she shared the drama to her 10k followers and other, non GW2 reddit subs got involved. Check the GW2 subreddit and the forums to get an actual idea for our population before judging us please. news media has a vested interest in drama to drive clicks.

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My advice:


If you own PoF expansion and you don't mind minor spoilers I advise you to boost 1 character to lvl80 and do 1st story quest of Path of Fire cuase it will unlock a wide account accsess to raptor mount for all your toons. This should make game and exploring way more fluid while leveling your main character.

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What??? Did did you just say you think leveling is to slow in the core game? Im so sorry but im laughing at this lol! I mean really dude? Never played an mmorpg before or something? The core leveling experience is way faster then most single player rpgs.... And do events if its boring, do not do the hearts.

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