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Path of Fire players get less then Heart of Thorns players

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Since I took a 1 year break from the game I can't really judge but I must admit that I'm having the some amount of joy when playing HoT or PoF and find plenty of stuff to do in the game as a whole. When I came back to the game I started with a new character (I used to main a ele) and played everything, did map completion in core, HoT and PoF, I did the story and map achievements of HoT and LS3. Yesterday I finished the PoF story and all the achievements with it. So basicly I'm finishing up on achievements and catching up at my own pace.

The only feeling I'm having towards the game at the moment is that I don't have enough time to do everything that I want.

But I must say that when I left the game it was because I did spend to much time in it, making it so that I had not much left to do, which was during HoT.

So in my opinion they are equal.

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How is this even relevant? Most MMOs won't allow you to only have one newer expansion instead of the old anyway. I also think that anet should just include it. But what really bothers me: why the hell can't you afford a 10€ expansion. I mean really? That's what I pay to eat lunch every day (even 10-20€).

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> @"otto.5684" said:

> > @"mindcircus.1506" said:

> > > @"otto.5684" said:

> >

> > > Quality of LS maps. Lol?! LS 3 1-3 maps are top tier compared to LS4 garbage (except sand swept isles).

> >

> > I find it absolutely impossible to believe you can compare the quality of BloodStone Fen, Ember Bay and Bitterfrost Frontier and say they are even close to what the first three maps of s4 are.

> > Bloodstone Fen is easily the worst map we have seen in the game, Core Tyria included. The only things that keep people going there is the Blood Ruby farm for Aurora (and some who like the stat swappable trinkets) and the Maguuma Lily/Freshwater Pearl hunting. It's clealy unfinished, there are very few actual stories in the open world, The mobs are poorly tuned, and the meta event is a tedious grind. Ember Bay is not much better. BFF is just two farms.

> > This isn't just opinion. The new maps are **objectively** better in every way.

> >

> > >Value of mounts vs glides. Glides created new ways to traverse. Mounts did not. We already had waypoints for a reason.

> > Now I know you are just being contrary to somehow enhance your point.

> > If you actually think mounts are not a new way to traverse, then you are not using them properly.


> Different views I guess. Though most of the threads involving best/worst maps put blood fen and bitter frost on the high end. The feedback regarding LS4 episode 3 specifically had Domain of Kourna map as the low point. I consider Istan to be the worst map in the game and it was not strongly received either.


> As for mounts, there is not much to them more than fast movement speed. You run around you see a mob you wanna attack then you pounce on it. There were a couple of interesting puzzles involving the jackal, but they are few and far in between.


> Trying to say that your opinion of the maps is consensus, in contrary of most feedback is funny though.


I think you're forgetting about the vertical aspect of mounts. If you don't think it is a new way to traverse the land, just look at how much easier vistas are to get to in core Tyria. If you don't think being able to jump to the top of a mountain is a new way to get around, you are being purposely oblivious to prove your point.

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