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So I would like to talk about something a bit more positive.

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Hey everyone,


So this will probably end up being a long form post so I hope you will stick around till the end because I am truly looking for some meaningful conversation about this fantastic game. TLDR at the bottom if you're not interested.


To begin, to much personal backstory:


I started playing Guild Wars right after the launch of Eye of the north. I was late to the party and this was my first real foray into this genera of game but I was instantly hooked. I love a good story and as such franchises like The Elder Scrolls, Guild Wars, and Mass Effect have always been my go to. When Guild Wars 2 was announced I pre-ordered the collectors editon, bought a new computer, fancy new RGB peripherals and buckled down for what I was sure would be thousands of hours of fun. I was totally right. I have loved everything about GW2 since launch and to this day it is still one of my favorite stories. However I am not so disillusioned to believe that it is without flaws. I have read plenty of grievances, filed many of my own, and joined in the frustrated chorus that has popped up here and there. None of this however has ever actually touched my deep rooted love for this game.


A few years into GW2's life I found my self along side two others at the helm of a guild of almost 300 people. Organizing and leading missions in all content and loving every moment of it. To this day I have attended two weddings, one of which I was the best man, and one of which I was the photographer, been to several states and built a core of friends that I will love forever thanks to this game bringing us together. We love to sit around and talk about the good ole days and re-live battle stories from days past that were glorious, and often times hilarious. However nothing lasts forever and shortly after the release of HoT I found myself without this world I had lived in since launch.


All at once my graphics card died, there was some unnecessary drama in our guild that ended in myself being removed from my leadership role, which in turn as much as I tried to calm down friends it did a number on many of our guildies and a large portion left. The changes with the mastery system killed my favorite pvp/wvw build and I struggled to find a replacement that I enjoyed, and to drive the final nail in the coffin I took in to much negative content from all over. (forums/reddit/youtube/etc.) And So I was gone for a long time.


Recently I was talking to my best friend and he tried convincing me to come back by talking about all the new masteries (#xpgrind), the mounts, blah blah blah. Eventually he mentioned that the new expansion was about Balthazar returning. That actually got me curious. So I reinstalled and since the expansion was half off I pulled the trigger and got it. I have been taking my main through living story 3 with the intention of getting acquainted with the game play again, and more importantly getting back to the root of what I have always loved the most about Guild Wars......the story. To be completely honest: It's working. It feels like coming home and I have missed it so much.


However I have started to notice something. I can make it through most of the content just fine on my own or with a friend and I have enough experience with online gaming now that finding a group is not an issue. The problem is that as I start to reconnect I am starting to feel that negativity once more. Now this latest incident on twitter is quite obviously not a normal thing but the reaction to it is. FIRE! BRIMSTONE! DEATH! While I don't feel that we should not be talking about it, taking sides, or making a stand, I do feel that we should take this as an opportunity to find some light in all of this. I love this game, many of us love this game, and we want to see it succeed. I read a post where someone was asking how they were supposed to advertise a game when all of this was going down.


**TLDR**: I'm a vet player, lots of bad stuff happened after HoT and I was gone for a long time. Now I'm back.


So that's what I would like to discuss, after coming back from such a long break there are a ton of changes. I need some help getting caught up so:

* What are your favorite parts of the game right now?

* What is this game doing right that keeps you coming back?

* What do you personally think I should know as a returning player?

* Moving forward what are some things you think would help grow our community that we as players could get together and do?

* Any suggestions on managing to get 11 characters caught up on story? :'(


Thanks for taking the time to stop by and maybe take a read. I love this game and this community and its good to be home. Do me a small favor if possible and go light with any spoilers I haven't finished all the new story content so I'm avoiding info on that as much as possible. Thanks :)

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**•What are your favorite parts of the game right now?**

Enjoying the new episode and exploring new lands. Also fact that can go almost anywhere in the world and still find stuff you missed before. Have to confess love how they have cats hidden just about everywhere


•**What is this game doing right that keeps you coming back?**

Fact that I can play at my pace - find sometimes have burn out and once took a year or 2 break. Fact that you can come back and your character is as playable now as then eg lack of the power creep that happens in a lot of games. Here talking as a Casual player - do know there been changes that shake things up at the competitive level


**•What do you personally think I should know as a returning player?**

That you have a new game and take the time to learn it from scratch - maybe start a new character and take it through the levels to see all the changes. You can then more easily pick up your old characters and continue the journey


**•Moving forward what are some things you think would help grow our community that we as players could get together and do?**

This is hard to help with - have to confess to being mainly a solo player.

Have seen lots of requests for new stuff for guild and that I do think would help eg options for a small guild and also have stuff that bigger guilds can do. Do think that the regular events eg wintersday etc do help spice things up.

Not much of a wvw player but have seen the interest and bit of apprehension with regards to the proposed changes to the worlds. Do think it can be one of the bigger shakeups for a while.


**•Any suggestions on managing to get 11 characters caught up on story?**

Best suggestion is don't try to do them all at once. Either do them one at a time or give each some time. Have to confess to have only finished story on my main - the other 41 get some time now and then - might focus on at least one from each profession.


Edit - readability


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