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It is not civil behavior to celebrate a cancer victims death

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What has been the most surprising in the last few days is the number of people who find this behavior acceptable, and I can't imagine what kind of thinking could ever justify it. Maybe some people have been lucky enough to be spared seeing a loved one slowly die in a hospital bed through even so the lack of empathy required to celebrate a death is beyond me.


Death is not peaceful. Seeing someone go from alive and healthy to suddenly be in constant pain and unable to walk is painful, and from here it only get worse. Pain medicine only do so much and after a point the pain is just constant every hour, every minute, every second. On a good day they may be awake a few hours and talk almost like it was a normal day, and then following that you have days where they don't even recognize you and are frozen in a face of agony. Open mouth but with a silent scream and a horrible slow breathing. You stay in the hospital for hours or days and doctors can't do anything while you watch the person hopelessly as they fade away in constant pain.


Celebrating that a 32 year old human person has to go through that is not just harsh, its uncivil. Arguing that they have the opposing political view or did not control their follows does not even get close to justify celebrating the death of a cancer victim. If you hear or see someone defending this behavior please, make them stop. That is no way to behave online or offline for that matter. There is limits to what political polarization may result in and this is one of those.

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