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Torn between Warrior and Revenant


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I got back to the game a week before the PoF launch, and have tried to decide on my character since tbh. I used to play alot a couple of years ago and my main game mode was WvW and PVP, while i played a few dungeons, fractals, events here and there aswell. At this time i played warrior mostly.


This time around i want to focus more on the PvE part of the game, but i still want to somewhat choose my main around WvW and PVP aswell.


The things that mainly torns me is the following:

PS! Wall of text incomming.




I loved the warrior back then, but i did get to a point where i found the class to lack a little dept. The rotations, feel etc is a complete package that runs smooth however. Now returning i do love the Spellbreaker aswell.

For WvW and PvP this class is bonkers for me, but how does it do in PvE? Build diversity, interesting rotation etc, what role does it play?



I really enjoy the fantasy of the build, and how the different abilites feel and looks. I also feel like a solo god in PvE content with so many abilites. Renegade really helped for solo PvE aswell i think.

How is the revenant in all game mods? same questions here as for the warrior. However i am a little more torn here on how the class is in WvW and PvP.

The main thing that keeps me interested in the revenant is its depth, i still dont "feel in control" of the class. And often encounter situations where i sit back after the fight and figure out stuff i could do better. I find this really interesting for soloing, but i got a feeling that the rotations are really basic for Raids etc?

I also fear that the reason i feel the class got so much depth is because its maybe a little clunky and lacking in a few parts? So i will never get to a point where i feel as much as in control as i do with my warrior?

I am a player that enjoy the game alot more when i have managed to decide on ONE class to focus on. So, with the information gathered is there some way to guide me in the right direction here?


I will really appreciate inputs and help on the different questions asked. Thx in advance

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Short answer. For PvP I think both classes are alright if you dont plan to play only with PoF specs


For PvE, if you want to go to high end content like raids and T4 Fractals, stay with Warrior. Let's hope Renegade brings something to Rev, but if not Rev is kinda fked.. really sad, I also loved Rev before my hiatus from the game, to comeback to a nearly useless class. Now I know how necros have been feeling all these years

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Yeah, for PvP i really like both classes. So that mode wont trigger my decision. I will probably play on both here anyways.


Main reason for deciding upon a min is to get a grip of what gear to focus, which one to do the map completion on and really learn to master for PvE and WvW.


So what roles do you figure the classes will have in the WvW?

For PvE it is ofcourse nice to feel contributing, but my decision will land mostly on what feels fun here. And as stated i kinda fear that the rotation for Rev seems a bit lackluster if it is like i think. auto-attack and rotate the elite skills for the stances? Feels weird that you should use so few abilites. Or am i getting this wrong?


Mpascoal, what class did you decide on btw?

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> @alindland.5894 said:

> Yeah, for PvP i really like both classes. So that mode wont trigger my decision. I will probably play on both here anyways.


> Main reason for deciding upon a min is to get a grip of what gear to focus, which one to do the map completion on and really learn to master for PvE and WvW.


> So what roles do you figure the classes will have in the WvW?

> For PvE it is ofcourse nice to feel contributing, but my decision will land mostly on what feels fun here. And as stated i kinda fear that the rotation for Rev seems a bit lackluster if it is like i think. auto-attack and rotate the elite skills for the stances? Feels weird that you should use so few abilites. Or am i getting this wrong?


> Mpascoal, what class did you decide on btw?


Condi Rev doesnt really have a rotation, just spam 2,3 and 5 whenever avaiable. I stopped Rev once i noticed myself that the power Rev was starting to feel weak and that was the spec i really had fun with, Idk why I dont like the Rev Mace. but regarding gear, right now if you get Vipers the set will work with both classes.. but if you dont have it I recommend waiting for the meta to settle.. just know the Warrior PvE meta isnt going to change since Spellbreaker doesn't bring anything new to the Warrior in PvE (if you decide Warrior you can start getting it now) but the Rev might change

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Rev is tougher to play, especially in PvP where you really need to know when to swap legends. Conversely, the Warrior's utility bar is ever present and much more versatile, making it a class that you can be very specific with in terms of builds. This got even better with the new Spellbreaker, which is absolutely brilliant at counter-play. The Rev's new elite on the other hand seems to be very strange. It's basically a buff to condition specs or so it seems, however it has a curious 33% crit rate buff on full endurance among other things, so I think there is potential for power or power/condition hybrid with that elite which we haven't figured out yet. With all that said though, the Warrior's worth seems to be obvious, and it's almost always been a strong class so it is the safest pick. If you want volatility in your life, go Rev, they are not *terrible* in PvE and the hammer melts faces in PvP... Until somebody notices you.

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