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Wanting to come back to GW2...

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> @"roxim.6470" said:

> Where should I start. All of the friends I used to have on GW quit or moved on. Also I'm not very familiar with anything in Path of fire.

EU or US? If EU give me a call, i'll help you get settled.


Anyway, depends on where you left off, really... But usually the story is a good introduction. If you've been away fro a really LONG time, you might want to start a new character and get reacquainted.

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Well, it depends. Do you have either of the expansions? Both of them? Are you concerned about understanding the story? Or do you just want to jump in and do events? If you want to do the complete story, you should start with the Personal Story > Living World Season 2 > Heart of Thorns > Living World Season 3 > Path of Fire. Do make note that Living World Season 1 is not playable, but Magister Ela Makkay in Lion's Arch has a short cinematic summary of what happened. If that is not sufficient (and I honestly don't think it is), I believe there is a 3 hour movie on youtube showing what occurred. Also, you'll need to additionally purchase LWS2 and LWS3 from the gem store as those are not the current Living World chapter.


If you don't want to spend extra on LWS2, you can find someone who has LWS2 and play with them in game to see the story. You won't be able to get any achievements or Central Tyria mastery points from it though. Unfortunately as LWS3 is in their own self-contained new maps, you will need to purchase that in order to play those chapters.


If you don't care about story and just want to do new stuff, events, and mounts, etc and assuming that you have Path of Fire. Go to your hero panel, select Path of Fire's story and just do the first instance and you'll get your raptor mount to start, assuming you already have a level 80 or used the boost. Most people advise you to not use the boost on your first character, but as you are a returning player, I do not know if you already have a level 80 already. You'll be able to get the other mounts and associated mastery points by running around the Crystal Desert maps and doing heart events. I do not recommend this method, but everyone has their own preferences.


Good gaming to you and welcome back to Tyria!

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If you go straight from core Tyria to the new maps on HoT and PoF you’re going to get stomped by the mobs. I suggest you play for a day or so on the original maps to relearn your skills then go to the Silverwastes, a new map to the west of Brisbane that’s accessed through [Fort Vandal](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Vandal%27s_Claim). That area is intermediate in difficulty between core Tyria and the new maps. You can learn from there how to fight better and maybe rethink your gear as needed.

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> @"roxim.6470" said:

> Where should I start. All of the friends I used to have on GW quit or moved on. Also I'm not very familiar with anything in Path of fire.


Make new friends, it's easy. Make you familiar with content, it's pretty easy to access (but hard to survi... no forget it) :-)

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> @"roxim.6470" said:

> Where should I start. All of the friends I used to have on GW quit or moved on. Also I'm not very familiar with anything in Path of fire.


Where to start, well, that depends heavily on what you want to accomplish. Do you want to unlock elite specs? Get into pvp? End-game instanced content? etc. Where your interest(s) lie could very drastically change what any of us recommend to you to start with.


Personally, I would play through the Path of Fire story and the Living World (seasons 3 and 4, if you have them. If 3, before you play PoF, if 4, after you play PoF) for the story, easy access to some rewards, and to gain the mounts and some masteries. After that there are Fractals and Raids for the end-game instanced content (5 and 10 person content respectively), sPvP for small scale pvp, and WvW for the larger more open pvp.


Hope this helps some.

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I, personally, would start with where you left off in the story, after getting reaclimated to your character, or start a new character if you feel like you may want to play a new class/race more. That is just me, though. I'm not sure I would jump straight into PvP, however, it might be a little discouraging, lol.

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You have level 80 characters so sky’s the limit. I would suggest getting familiar with lfg(looking for group) finder, run the world boss train. You can do the bosses once a day. For story, run PoF 1st mission for the raptor mount. Then run the living story in order. Ls2. HoT. Ls3. PoF. Finally the current Ls4. At any point do your dailies and join groups from lfg. Welcome back.

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> @"roxim.6470" said:

> There's world bosses?


A number of them.


Here’s a [timer.](http://howar31.com/GW2Timer/) If you copy the waypoint code on the far right into chat it will give you the waypoint to jump to if you already have it. If not it will show where it is so you can run to it. (There’s no spaces in the code. For example it’s [&BE4DAAA=], not

[ &BE4DAAA= ])


Here’s another useful [timer](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Event_timers)

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