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> @CaniRawrYou.8621 said:

> Hey thanks for commenting on my post, am interested in joining if you would have me. Only thing is that i don't think i can join discord as i don't have a mic, don't really plan to get one unless it's a strong requirement. (not much of a chatter) Hope that's not too much of an issue


Discord only serves as a requirement to join the server, not necessarily the voice chat. However, we do encourage you to come into voice chat even if it is just to listen (we do require it, to listen, in terms of guild events). We can talk more in-game. I will be on this morning, and this evening. Feel free to send me a message.

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Old-timer returning to the game. PvE on Stormbluff (main is staff ele). I want to start catching up on dungeons/fractals/ascended stuff. I only own HoT, but I'm on almost nightly (Eastern US time zone). I also kinda need help with HoT, as it is hard as balls. O.o


Dumb question: What does 100% representation mean? Like just wearing the guild tag overhead? I'm not too keen on in-game recruiting; it's something I would prefer to leave to others.

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> @tiakeravelonna.5394 said:

> Old-timer returning to the game. PvE on Stormbluff (main is staff ele). I want to start catching up on dungeons/fractals/ascended stuff. I only own HoT, but I'm on almost nightly (Eastern US time zone). I also kinda need help with HoT, as it is hard as kitten. O.o


> kitten question: What does 100% representation mean? Like just wearing the guild tag overhead? I'm not too keen on in-game recruiting; it's something I would prefer to leave to others.


Welcome back to GW2 for starters. :) We always grab an assortment of players, from new to returning to complete experienced (more so new and returning though), so I am sure it would not be difficult to find members who want to cover over the HoT content (we will be doing more HoT/PoF events in the new year, hopefully).


For terms of representation, it is wearing the tag mainly, yes, and participation within our guild. Because we are a small bunch, we want members who want to be here to _be here_, not once a week, not once a day, but all the time (take it all or leave it, you could say). We allow exceptions to the repping rule, in the case you have you're own personal bank/WvW you need to rep everyone once in awhile; in that case, we ask for you to talk with us to let us know of that arrangement. Outside of that, rep us here on all characters all the time. :) I hope that clears up and answers your question. (We used to recruit in-game, at the start, but we just have waaaaaaaay to much content to go over for our guild, so I keep it to here and Reddit at this point)


I would be happy to answer any other questions you may have when you are online this evening, if you so desire. You can, also, join our Discord server ahead of time, and send me questions there too if you'd like.

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> @GREENJELLO.6439 said:

> Just found your Guild, and am interested in joining. I will be on tomorrow for any questions with recruitment you have for me.


Hi there, will be on late this evening so expect to see me on sometime after 9PM EST (maybe before, just depends). :D




LWS4 has been announced! It is happening a lot sooner than I anticipated, so that is exciting for sure.

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