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Questions about 80, as well as elite choice for necro


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So I didn't think I would actually hit 80, but apparently I'm only a couple levels away so I figured now is a good time to ask quite a few questions I have..


So first, I'm playing Minion Mancer Necromancer. I enjoy it, I know it's not the best, but I like it. I'm torn between going Power Reaper or Condi Scourge. I've seen a lot of good things about both. Now I tend to avoid melee, so not sure if I really want to do reaper, but I feel like I'll really miss having access to shroud? I could always stay core necro also, in theory...just not sure what to do here.


For Reaper, Reaper/Blood/Death seems obvious enough. Spite/Blood/Death seems good for core. Not sure what to do for scourge though. Scourge/Death/...Curse? Will I miss Blood? I don't think I can give up Death with the pet buffs, but I would lose the hp leeching from Blood, but you also get heals from curses with condi. Blood/Death/Scourge? But then I miss the goodies for curse T-T I really need advice for scourge.


Since this will help: Primary goal is soloing, and while I know all classes can do that just fine, there's always some builds that do it better. Especially in regards to soloing the harder champs there are definitely some who shine brighter. I don't plan to do much in the way of raiding or PvP, although I may dip my toes into just wandering around in realm sometimes? But really, not my priority at all. If you're concerned with the whole "mmos are for grouping" tripe, I have a ranger (future druid) I enjoy grouping with, the necro is for "me time."


Now, as for hitting 80 questions. In the event I want to do Scourge, how would I go about it? I know it's normally recommended that you start as Berserker because it's cheap and easy to get that gear, while Condi gear can be pretty expensive. Can you do power scourge? If not, would it be better to stay core necro until I gather the condi gear? Which condi gear do I want? I know for reaper I was going to try and get valk, but what about scourge? I was thinking Seraph but I could be wrong here..maybe plague doctor? Shaman? It seems to me I would want condi damage primary, with some combination of healing, vitality and expertise in there, but at least healing if I can't get expertise or vitality? Should I just use Viper? Really unsure here, so could use advice badly...


Thank in advance for the help. First time closing in on 80 so I am 100% lost, but if I can at least figure out what to aim for I'll be off to a good start.

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Reaper is primarily a power build but has a magic hybrid trait if you want to play condi.


Power builds have the greater variety, if that matters, in which case Reaper is a consideration.


Scourge is mostly a condi elite but can share barriers making it a hybrid dps/support specialization.


Blood Magic is half of Necro's support that you can use regardless of other trait lines so do not think Scourge's barriers are the only support build. Reaper and core can do it, too, but not as well in a condi build.


Check out the wiki page on "nomenclature." Consider how your traits and equipment will work with certain traits and equipment. I do not want to tell you what to do but recommend you carry equipment for power, condi damage, and support when you have room and funds for it. I carry Berserker's, Viper's, Shaman's and Soldier's and mix and match armor, weapons, trinkets and food for hybrid builds however I feel.

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