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Is Eater of Souls supposed to be near impossible?

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I've heard some people say "oh, that was super easy beat it no prob lol" but I haven't heard anything else about HOW they do it. I've seen a couple of people beat it, but they seem to be decked out in pretty damn good gear whilst I (I cheese'd it and got it done, but I have a couple of friends who are trying to do it legit and I'd like to be able to do it) have mere exotics. All I'm seeing is to get him stuck and use ranged attacks to cheese it.


Surely something is off balance-wise? You get a 1 second window to break his bar and anything I do that hits in time seems to put a small dent in and nothing more. Is this fight broken? Can you only cheese it or use a few specific builds? Do you need ascended gear?


This is hugely frustrating and I can't tell if it's just terribly designed/busted or if I'm missing some huge obvious tactic or something.

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Well, I used a necromancer, but DID NOT use minions. I had Death Magic, Shroud and Reaper Specializations, and used shout utilities for healing.


As for armor, only Carrion. Nonetheless, the strategy I used never involved CC’ing the boss, as I’m not good enough at burst for that.


Anyways, the fight wasn’t hard for me whatsoever. I expected it to be, considering what everyone was saying on here, but nope. The only trick I found to work was to save the dodge rolls for when he was about to heal, so keep dodging while he sucks you in.


The farther you are, the less he heals. Not having any other party members helps as they car as extra healing for him, including minions, illusions, pets, and so on.


Nevertheless, you know when he’s about to heal, when a blue circle is near you, and he’s ready to leap at you. Run! Run as far as you can, so by the time he’s about to suck you in, you can dodge roll when he pulls you in.

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> @FallenSentinel.9065 said:

> I've heard some people say "oh, that was super easy beat it no prob lol" but I haven't heard anything else about HOW they do it. I've seen a couple of people beat it, but they seem to be decked out in pretty kitten good gear whilst I (I cheese'd it and got it done, but I have a couple of friends who are trying to do it legit and I'd like to be able to do it) have mere exotics. All I'm seeing is to get him stuck and use ranged attacks to cheese it.


> Surely something is off balance-wise? You get a 1 second window to break his bar and anything I do that hits in time seems to put a small dent in and nothing more. Is this fight broken? Can you only cheese it or use a few specific builds? Do you need ascended gear?


> This is hugely frustrating and I can't tell if it's just terribly designed/busted or if I'm missing some huge obvious tactic or something.


i am one of those people that say its super easy. but i did it on a ranger with shortbow and black widow poison. POISON reduces healing and dmgs him . also keep your distance from him and whenever he does his jump attack at you double dodge backwards away from him. also shortbow has nice breakbar daze . that in combination with the entangle elite and the daze skills of DRUID makes this a very easy fight

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i have no idea this was a thing. i just facerolled it with a firebrand. soldiers armor, traveler runes, celestial trinkets, berserker weapons. radiance zeal firebrand. scepter focus. i can go 20 stacks of might with just autos and symbols with strength sigil. i am sure if someone fine tune such a build, it will be insane the damage.

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So, to beat him you either need to:


A. Inturrupt his leap... he always follows the leap with the soul eating tether.

B. Run away when he leaps... he doesn't heal or do damage if you're too far away.

C. Dodge Roll through his tether... nothing else hits very hard, so save your dodge for that and he'll do little damage and heal very little.

D. Consistently kite him... He can't life steal if you're too far away, so range him forever. A friend can sorta kite him for you if he's careful about the soul eater tether himself.


Having more damage helps (when does it not?) but it's pretty easy if you can stay consistent about staying out of his soul eater tether.

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Awful lot of threads for the same thing, I beat this with a tanky chrono build at the time with at most 1600-1700 power. Just use any CC to kill the blue bar the second it pops, always keep ready and it should never heal at all. If you need to change weapons but can't get to inventory, go to the equipment menu. For a revenant, maybe try the skill Jade Winds from Assassin stance or maybe that taunt skill from the Dwarf if that counts as CC.

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This was a weird fight for me. I did this on my Ele. Started as a weaver with a sword. That was a bad idea. Switched to staff, better but died still. Ok, dagger warhorn fresh air tempest. Nope. Staff fresh air tempest? Nope.


Oddly I had to do it as core ele. Build was:


Fire: 1 - 1- 2

Water: 2 -3- 3

Arcane: 2-3-2


Heal was arcane blast. Utilities were arcane blast, fire signet, arcane shield and FGS.


Whenever he tethered I'd Burning retreat (Staff 4) then double dodge back. Crits gave me vigor and switching to water gave me soothing mists for about 230 hp a tick.


I usedhave all ascended gear. Zerrker armor. Celestial back, rings and amulet. Zerker trinkets for the other 2 slots. Assassins stats on my Staff. It wasn't exciting but was weirdly more effective than tempest and overloading for me.


Rotation was camp fire. Autoattack, 2 and 3 on cooldown. Dodge his leaps, backpedal. Stay at range. When he tethered just blazing retreat then double dodge back. Might stacking kept my damage up. Hit my arcane blast offensively on cooldown for the bonus ferocity. Use arcane shield defensively. I could kind of ignore the mechanics by just dodging his attacks.

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I did it with holosmith. Wasnt that hard actually. Just used the jump/boots utility to get away from him when he does his cast sucker thingy. Otherwise just kite and try to range attack if possible (holomode 3 and elite).


Ppl need to stop crying if they cant faceroll everything, just learn to adapt.

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People need to stop trying to do their max dps rotations standing in front of it and pay attention to what's going on, especially the break bar. Save that CC and dodge the big attacks, not every attack and don't dodge to reposition. Don't go glass, or if you do, be damn good at it. I killed it on my first try in about 45 seconds, maybe a minute. Was on a condi necro reaper with about 2500 armor. Mostly melee and 300 range.


That being said, this boss is a pain because you can't access your inventory, bank, or whatever to swap gear if needed. So, you're screwed and would need to replay the long instance to try the boss again on a different build. That's just dumb.

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I did this fight with condi Scourge (first attempt but I did read before that it would be difficult). Stayed at range, throwing condis at it, when the jump came and ranged HP drain started used fear or pull quickly, dodged out the second melee drain and then used all the damage I had. I went down when the thing was at 20 % because I got stuck behind the tree and then just used Necro down skill Life Leech to finish off the fight (super big damage for some reason).

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> @Spurnshadow.3678 said:

> People need to stop trying to do their max dps rotations standing in front of it and pay attention to what's going on, especially the break bar. Save that CC and dodge the big attacks, not every attack and don't dodge to reposition. Don't go glass, or if you do, be kitten good at it. I killed it on my first try in about 45 seconds, maybe a minute. Was on a condi necro reaper with about 2500 armor. Mostly melee and 300 range.


> That being said, this boss is a pain because you can't access your inventory, bank, or whatever to swap gear if needed. So, you're screwed and would need to replay the long instance to try the boss again on a different build. That's just kitten.


Honestly, I don't know why you would need to swap the gear. I mean, what do you play your story missions on, Settler stats?

You can change your utility skills, and normally you shouldn't need anything more. Assuming you don't play full support or something else designed to work in group in your solo instance.


To answer the original question: played full zerk staff Weaver. I expected the fight to be difficult from similar reactions in the forums and in my guild chat, so I took a few defensive utilities (I think I had Arcane Shield and some elemental maybe). The fight isn't particularly hard. The draining got me by surprise the first time, but it was manageable. The boss downed me at around 20% hp and I very nearly killed it using down-state skills (down state 5 passive ftw). Then I respawned and finished it off.


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I beat him on warrior, only melee. Just look at his rotation. I didnt really need to dodge any dmg i could just move out of the way and saved the dodges til jist after his leap to avoid the lifesteal! I died once before i understood the mechanics! Double dodgeroll on lifesteal was enough!

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> @FallenSentinel.9065 said:

> I've heard some people say "oh, that was super easy beat it no prob lol" but I haven't heard anything else about HOW they do it. I've seen a couple of people beat it, but they seem to be decked out in pretty kitten good gear whilst I (I cheese'd it and got it done, but I have a couple of friends who are trying to do it legit and I'd like to be able to do it) have mere exotics. All I'm seeing is to get him stuck and use ranged attacks to cheese it.


> Surely something is off balance-wise? You get a 1 second window to break his bar and anything I do that hits in time seems to put a small dent in and nothing more. Is this fight broken? Can you only cheese it or use a few specific builds? Do you need ascended gear?


> This is hugely frustrating and I can't tell if it's just terribly designed/busted or if I'm missing some huge obvious tactic or something.


Im the one who said it was super easy, deadeye zerk, full ranged attack, and I even didnt notice that he is some kind of uber boss. Just another trash mob, few minutes later I really forgot about him. Way too easy for me.

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I died once on my Thief, and it's far from a maxed out build. To be honest the first few times he jumped me were probably luck, because I didn't get slammed by his big attack until like 75% through the fight, but then he got me twice in a row. With Thief, one maxed-out Steal was enough to hit his breakbar. It's fast, but it's a very weak breakbar, so it doesn't take a lot. Short of that, I believe Impairing Daggers or spamming Staff 4 also worked.


Oh, I should also point out that I spent the entire fight constantly circling him counter-clockwise (to his left side), and this seemed to avoid _most_ of his normal attacks.

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Firstly, a caveat. I have not faced this guy yet so cannot attest the difficulty or lack thereof.


What I would like to say is, not all of us are "good" gamers and some folk may well find this encounter hard. To those telling us to do more than just faceroll, I say: thanks for pointing that out, that's not what I expect and thats not what I'm doing but I'm still finding it difficult.


To this end, it would make sense to have a difficulty level setting with rewards appropriately metered out.

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OK to help with the HOW. I do understand the frustration here as I initially hit the same brick wall with multiple downs on my Mirage and a very annoying 20 mins. I quickly realised holding the CC ready for the break bar is key, as well as moving away and keeping distance to avoid the siphon but my clones just kept causing the reheal. But then it struck me that I now have 2 elites and Chrono is perfect for the fight with shield and wells keeping him broken whilst sword phantasms can wipe him easily. Swapped elite and he died in a quick and easy 60 secs. So my advice is avoid camping and be flexible, elites are meant to be circumstance specific so freely swap to make the most of the game. One final point, this is not a Chrono is better post, I love my Mirage and his jack-in-the-box play style pumping out clones and delivering massive shatter bursts whilst I chain break mirrors. It's a lovely dps take on a Mesmer that takes existing class dynamics and shift them to a new quite exhilarating playstyle.

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> @FallenSentinel.9065 said:


- ranged works really well

- attack chain that needs to be avoided small AOE circle jump > tether > large AOE. All three will heal him. The first and third offer breakbars though the window for the first one seems the shortest. If you're on the move, the first AOE jump is pretty easy to avoid and if you can hit the breakbar, it break the chain of attacks and offers a window of opportunity to get in there and hammer on him.

- If you're having trouble breaking the first bar: Watch out for the AOE circle jump and move out of range (running or other movement skill, save your dodges), then dodge roll twice during the tether away from the boss. This allows you to avoid a couple of the healing ticks AND the further away you are, the less he'll take. This should put you well outside of his last AOE. Try to break the defiance bar here - longer window. Or just range him, then get up close and personal after the AOE fires if you need to.

- If you want to try for the defiance bar, I recommend at least two hard CCs (not too sure how well soft CC's work).


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Wow, is this actually a thread? That boss was a joke!


Just run out of range when he does his absorption thing. I assume you can block the absorption attack too, or even just kite/range him to keep out of its reach. I play thief and PvP almost exclusively, and kept my PvP build on, so I just used infiltrator's strike and return to avoid it. Then just hit him and dodge the telegraphed moves, and save a single cc skill for when he's channelling that ultimate attack (no idea what it does because I never let him cast it).

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