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Any chance for Renegade buffs?


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Renegade needs a rework before becoming viable in PvP, as long as the summon can be killed Kalla will be useless, and even if they make them invulnerable, it won't change the fact that Kalla brings no condition removal, a stun break that costs a lot of energy, no real movement ability, and no real utility outside of an alright AoE daze, which is even worst because you want to play Kalla alongside Mallyx, both being oriented towards condition damage, and Mallyx doesn't make up for Kalla's weaknesses, Mallyx which also needs a rework in my opinion, particularly for Pain Absorption.


The shortbow also needs a rework, because Spiritcrush cannot fire without a line of sight, unlike Citadel Bombardment, which doesn't make any sense to me, moreover they need to speed up the animation on Spiritcrush, but also Scorchrazor, both being way too easy to avoid right now. Then they need to improve the tracking on Bloodbane Path, because it currently misses way too many shots on moving targets. After that they need to add some sort of ground effect on Sevenshot, when Path of Fire came out someone on the forum (don't recall their name) suggested that Sevenshot should leave frost trails, similarly to the trails left by some Heart of Thorns enemies, because Sevenshot is **never** going to hit any decent player in it's current iteration. At last they need to add a shadowstep follow up skill to Scorchrazor, in order to give a bit of mobility to the shortbow.


Then you also have some traits that need to be either buffed or reworked.



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They need to do nothing. A spec which was desingned with 0 defensive/mobility skills in the new weapon and with the breakstun in the healing (at the initial PoF release) doesn't need presentation: is garbage for PvP and was never mean to play that gamemode.


Instead of tryiong to sugarcoat it, better use the time to try to design a future spec which isn't garbage at PvP.

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if the spend no time improving renegade and make a new dope spec for new expansion then i want that spec for free.


and renegade is suppose to be used in pvp, its the first one in the default builds. that tells you a lot about anet devs.

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Here's my take: I prefer massive buffs to the legends so that it will become a target that has to be destroyed instead of leaving it there because who cares despite being invulnerable. Additionally these changes shouldnt affect pve too much.

Razerclaw's rage: additionally transfers one condition from buffed allies on top of the bleeding

Icerazor's Ire: additionally randomly inflict either chill (1s) or torment (2s) each attack

Darkrazor's daring

Breakrazor's bastion (heal) now breaks stun and cast instantly

Elite: no longer ground-target. Cast at yourself so you become the legend buffing yourself and people around you (and hence is indestructible)


Shortbow 2: press 2 again to teleport to the target while skill is active, if done so cd increased to 15s

Sevenshot: 0.5s immob per hit, instant cast


All for one: protection always grant to yourself on top of the legend


Ashen demanour: change from cripple to chilled

Righteous rebel: additionally chill foes in the range

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> @"Master Ketsu.4569" said:

> Got u fam.


> July 10th renegade balance patch Renegade preview:


> -Decreased energy cost of Kalla elite by 1 pip in PvP and WvW only

> -Reduced energy cost of Bow 5 by 5

> -Increased damage of Icerazor by 10%



> woooooooooooooooooooooo


where can i preview the next balance patch???


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I honestly think Kalla and Shortbow are dead on arrival for PvP. I don't see anything short of a complete rework making them viable, and that'll never happen. Both were designed for PvE purely, and I mean they might as well do that considering Rev was trash tier in PvE before PoF.


What they should be looking at to salvage the situation in PvP is the actual trait line, so it's at least maybe viable instead of Herald for either condi or power

Rev badly needs some build variety atm.

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It's not enough that Renegade's got the most clunky and prone to fail AoE in the game,due to the ingenious idea of making the AoE as entities that need to

calculate a path from the player to the targeted area in order to fire,now you want more buffs?

Me,I enjoy having to work 10 times as hard to achieve 50% of a Scourge's AoE damage.

It's why I play Ren.That and the nice looking skill buttons.


P.S-And my Rev is a Sylvari that got to kill Zhaitan as a Rev long before that newb Rytlock- Cuddles -Trombone went into the mists.

So the true first Rev.There's that.Again.We don't need buffs ,we look the coolest.


P.S 2- Ignore all of the above.Buff Renegade.Please.


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Rev has a PoF spec?

Kalla's flawed from a design perspective, really

Spirits being able to be CC'd/Killed is a problem - it should be one or the other, but not both

Bow NEEDS some defensive utility. Perhaps make Skill 2 a minor evade much like Thief's Shortbow

Sevenshot's just terrible in this game mode where constant target movement exists - imo, it should mark your target and fire arrows at them through mist portals from the sides (seeing that skill Bloodbane usually aims from the back)

Make the projectiles a little faster, too.


The rest is looking into traitline synergy with what Rev already has and the weapons (and bringing back Beta Mallyx with some polish). Kalla Rev+Mallyx is just a poor man's Scourge as it stands.

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