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New elite specializations : Suggestions

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Curious what people can come up with for new elite specs for each profession, and possibly what weapon?


I think the game could use a flail (long handle, chain at the end with a ball/spiked metal ball of sorts at the end). Maybe a boomerang. Maybe fist weapons/unarmed.


Elite specs:

**Warrior**: Juggernaut/Marauder - Flail. <-- Or, since we have a few dps builds under the warrior, make it an Ironbreaker, full tank type of archetype. Shield/Flail/sword/etc.

**Guardian**: Battlemage - Flail - Focused more on actual casting, and not just in a cone in front or PBAoE...

**Revenant**: Apparition - Flail


**Thief**: Rogue/Saboteur: Fists/Boomerang - Focused more on traps (might require a rework to traps).

**Ranger**: Wrangler : Boomerang/Fists - Something along the lines of literally wrestling mobs :) This is a toughy...



**Necromancer**: Minionmancer - Flail - Full fledged pet spec. I know you can do this already, or at least back in the day, but really focus on it.




I haven't thought of the other specs yet..


Lets get some ideas rolling!


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I want warrior to get a spec called executioner. You get a big battle axe and the abilities change based on the ability you used prior. For example, the 1 skill would be a normal swing when pressed on it's own. But now let's say you press the 5 skill (which in my vision would be a trip/sweep the leg CC). After you trip someone with the 5 skill all 4 of your abilities change into something else. Think of it as a mini weaver on one weapon. Allowing an introduction of combos for warrior. So in my example above you would trip someone and then the 1 skill would change to an over the head axe drop while they are on the ground.

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> @"Game of Bones.8975" said:

> As much as we want to see new weapons, has there been any mention of it in upcoming changes? They seem to be recycling the old weapons in new ways for new elites.


There have probably been no mention. But its always fun to brainstorm interesting stuff.



> @"Dreadshow.9320" said:

> So you want a Flail?

Sure why not? More the merrier...A 'melee' weapon but more midrange as the chain extends when you swing.


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> @"Zalavaaris.5329" said:

> I want warrior to get a spec called executioner. You get a big battle axe and the abilities change based on the ability you used prior. For example, the 1 skill would be a normal swing when pressed on it's own. But now let's say you press the 5 skill (which in my vision would be a trip/sweep the leg CC). After you trip someone with the 5 skill all 4 of your abilities change into something else. Think of it as a mini weaver on one weapon. Allowing an introduction of combos for warrior. So in my example above you would trip someone and then the 1 skill would change to an over the head axe drop while they are on the ground.


Ah so, combo'ing abilities together? Trip and 'execute' per say?


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> @"cesmode.4257" said:

> > @"Zalavaaris.5329" said:

> > I want warrior to get a spec called executioner. You get a big battle axe and the abilities change based on the ability you used prior. For example, the 1 skill would be a normal swing when pressed on it's own. But now let's say you press the 5 skill (which in my vision would be a trip/sweep the leg CC). After you trip someone with the 5 skill all 4 of your abilities change into something else. Think of it as a mini weaver on one weapon. Allowing an introduction of combos for warrior. So in my example above you would trip someone and then the 1 skill would change to an over the head axe drop while they are on the ground.


> Ah so, combo'ing abilities together? Trip and 'execute' per say?



Yes exactly


I could see a few different cc options as well on this weapon. I dont have a good idea that would be the new burst skill. The only thing I can really think of is how cool it would be to have a dynamic weapon that allows creative play in various scenarios.

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These espec suggestions are terrible. Minionmancer or trapper thief shouldn't become especs to be good they should just be made good.wrangler sounds like a technical nightmare and why give battlemage a flail of all things, just because you added a new weapon doesn't mean all specs should use them.


But more on topic: i would like to see a more demon oriented necro spec and perhaps a technomage for engi.

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I've been thinking about some Vampire-like elite for necro with an off-hand axe/sword or a pistol where Health and life force become a single bar and F1 abilities cost health instead of LF.


The "Vampire" uses single target power/condi attacks with a good amount of lifesteal for sustain.

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