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Do you ever feel like a scrub because you play an 'easy' profession? Are they really that easy?


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> @"Oglaf.1074" said:

> Warriors aren’t easy by any stretch of the imagination. They’re simple (as in the opposite of complex) and straightforward, true, but that is just as much of an disadvantage as an advantage.


> Compared to classes like Mesmer and Thief, Warrior is sorely lacking in “neat tricks” and other fancy mechanics.


> In PvP especially this translates to Warriors being quite hard to be good at. If a Thief tries to “out melee” a Warrior in a slugging match he will lose, no contest. But a highly skilled Thief player will run circles around you to the point where it feels like you can’t fight back at all.


I disagree, a highly skilled warrior is completely different from a regular warrior

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> @"pareth.3847" said:

> I simply don't care. I chose the classes I play because I ENJOY them (ele, ranger, warrior). It is my spare time, my enjoyment. Why should I let others dictate my own gaming time?


So much of this.


Besides almost everything is in the meta one day, then nerfed to oblivion the next.


Some of us stick with our clas through thick and thin.

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