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Assassin's Signet vs Blinding Powder


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In the spirit of keeping conversation about what works in PvP, I have a proposal. Please hear me out, then feel free to critique or applaud as necessary. Just today, I've been considering the

merits of switching out Blinding Powder for Assassin's Signet. Why Blinding Powder specifically? As a Thief, particularly S/D core, we're sort of locked in to certain utilities. Signet of Agility grants us our beloved precision, and it also operates as our primary (and really only) reliable source of condi cleanse in a condi oriented meta (If you're running the traditional Trick/DA/Acro). Shadowstep helps contribute to our signature mobility (one of the only reasons we're accepted on a team) and acts as a stun break. That leaves only Blinding Powder to even consider being removed. So, I'll give a quick pro/con in my own opinion:


****Switching to Assassin's Signet****



Greater Sustained Damage (2,225 to 2,405 when using Marauder's. This is further amplified by might stacks, and critical damage buffs, as there's more raw damage to pull from)


Greater Burst Damage (2,765 Power on activation. Advertised as 540 increase, but technically only 360, as 180 of that increase is already applied via the passive)


More potent finisher on sword 3 (My assumption is that your sword 3 would have a bit more bite, almost the way it used to. It'd be around 1,222 in damage where it is currently somewhere in the neighborhood of 1130's)


Potentially able to duel previously less than desirable match ups (With a few nerfs coming in (7/10) here and there for different classes while core thief was mostly untouched, this extra bit of damage can likely push us over the edge of being a more competent duelist. I know that's not what people consider our job these days but look me straight in the eyes and tell me when you originally created a thief you didn't enjoy the idea of having some solo kill pressure. Just because people have beaten into our heads that we're only supposed to +1 and decap doesn't mean we have to accept that as our only identity.)




Loss of a critical stun break (In my opinion, this game's stun break mechanic is really annoying. It's rare that you'll have enough stun break potential for more than 1 knockdown, and blinding powder in conjunction with Shadowstep affords us 2. This could be a very dangerous setback.)


Loss of stealth (for S/D, this is your primary source of stealth outside of dagger 5, which is not an incredibly common mechanic to rely on as a primary stealth activation. Could make survival much more difficult when you want to disengage.



Loss of a Blind (bye bye free enemy miss)



Over all more sense of vulnerability (This is an obvious trade off in defensive mechanics for a more burst potential.)



So, that's what I've got so far. What do you guys think? If you're thinking, "does this guy even have the credentials to have build discussions," I can't argue with you there. This is my first ever season of PvP and I'm currently hard stuck Gold. I'm just someone that wants to keep the conversation of finding powerful ways to play this class going. I know that sometimes people find something that works and don't want to share it, but I'm an open book. If we can put our heads together and create ways to keep thief ahead of the game, I'm all for it. Looking forward to your opinions.






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As I believe you've realised - your trading in utility and suitability for more general damage and potential burst on demand.


How would you describe your playstyle? Do you tend to push to win, at the risk of losing - or do you prefer to back off and re-engage?


Consider, test and then evaluate accordingly.


> @"Mhina.1827" said:

> So, that's what I've got so far. What do you guys think? If you're thinking, "does this guy even have the credentials to have build discussions," I can't argue with you there.


Anybody who practices gate-keeping regarding the thief class, on the thief sub-forum, is not worth your time. Everyone can, as you say, learn from each other. Only a fool ignores every resource available. Good hunting.

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> @"Scud.5067" said:

> As I believe you've realised - your trading in utility and suitability for more general damage and potential burst on demand.


> How would you describe your playstyle? Do you tend to push to win, at the risk of losing - or do you prefer to back off and re-engage?


> Consider, test and then evaluate accordingly.



I believe I've deviated to the back off and re-engage playstyle out of necessity. The damage potential is very enticing, but I'm still having trouble actually taking blinding powder off my bar to try it. Which is why I suppose I'm asking if anyone actually does roll AS.



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IMO, S/D core is more of a tactical build than burst build. Although it is neat to burst with Sword 3 every 20 seconds using AS, however, it's not very effective. If you want to burst using S/D, I would recommend going for DA/Trick/DD - then you can burst with Sword 3 by boosting your damage after Bounding - no signet needed. With DD, you also have access to the best stun break.


In any case, my short answer is; AS doesn't make sense for S/D core.

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> @"Leo Schrodingers Cat.2497" said:

> Honestly. I don't see the need to follow meta if the build and playstyle works for you.


Pretty much. I've said it before, I'll say it again - the thief, at least with regards to pvp (either type) is one of the classes where personal play style really makes the difference to build choices.

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Yeah I prefer a very offensive playstyle as I do play Core D/D I'm generally in their face and have to go back to look at the fight a little more closely while I wait and bait for my burst to land and generally stay in their face downfall of this. I could get cced and planted with condis to where i die in seconds due to my low condi clear and stun breaks I have to swap builds non stop. generally DA Trick SA but as of the changes i've been finding CS Trick SA/Acro working better for my build

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> @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:

> IMO, S/D core is more of a tactical build than burst build. Although it is neat to burst with Sword 3 every 20 seconds using AS, however, it's not very effective. If you want to burst using S/D, I would recommend going for DA/Trick/DD - then you can burst with Sword 3 by boosting your damage after Bounding - no signet needed. With DD, you also have access to the best stun break.


> In any case, my short answer is; AS doesn't make sense for S/D core.


I like your answer, and I personally love the idea of going DD on S/D, but someone gave me a solid response on a previous thread of mine about how Acrobatics just makes more sense in most cases. I still may mess around with DD on S/D because why not, eh? Ultimately, when I'm in core S/D, I've found after a few matches that I'm way too reliant on blinding powder for me to opt into Assassin's Signet. So I guess that answers my question about it! haha but it may work for someone else.

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> @"Mhina.1827" said:

> > @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:

> > IMO, S/D core is more of a tactical build than burst build. Although it is neat to burst with Sword 3 every 20 seconds using AS, however, it's not very effective. If you want to burst using S/D, I would recommend going for DA/Trick/DD - then you can burst with Sword 3 by boosting your damage after Bounding - no signet needed. With DD, you also have access to the best stun break.

> >

> > In any case, my short answer is; AS doesn't make sense for S/D core.


> I like your answer, and I personally love the idea of going DD on S/D, but someone gave me a solid response on a previous thread of mine about how Acrobatics just makes more sense in most cases. I still may mess around with DD on S/D because why not, eh? Ultimately, when I'm in core S/D, I've found after a few matches that I'm way too reliant on blinding powder for me to opt into Assassin's Signet. So I guess that answers my question about it! haha but it may work for someone else.


I only ever use Assassin's Signet in my Open World PvE P/P power CS/Trick/DE build with Signet of Power.

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