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Griffon Bugs

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I've noticed that the griffon is... really bugged. There are several times where I am flying and the mount just disappears out from under me out of nowhere. There are also times where it puts me into a T pose and causes me to plummet to my death. The character becomes stuck in the T pose even after respawning. Has anyone else experienced these bugs?

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After I unlocked the third mastery track, yes I have been able to reproduce this many times. https://gyazo.com/8bf3197166ac29a63493413a999e61bc


It seems to happen when you perform a wingflap while divebombing (skill 1). Once it happens you appear to dismount, and fall out of the sky with a T-Pose. You then need to re-mount, and dismount again in order to fix it. Fairly annoying and I hope it gets fixed soon, the issue being this mount is hidden and not many people have it.

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I've also noticed that when this happens even at survivable heights, the fall damage seems to be pretty consistently fatal. I fell _maybe_ 500 in Amnoon and still died - very frustrating, as this is otherwise a really exciting mechanic if it functioned properly.


There do seem to be certain map regions that are worse than others - the segment of the Forged camp south-east of the Temple of Kormir and the gorge to the northwest (near the first fire hydra) have both dismounted me every time I tried to zip past, flapping or not. Trying to re-mount in one of these free-falls has also not worked for me. I haven't used it much beyond Crystal Oasis yet, but I suspect there are other dismount points in other maps.

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