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Thoughts on JP's recent firing

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I've wanted to post this for a couple of days now, but I'm not great at getting my thoughts in order at the best of times, and thinking about a situation where someone got treated absolutely unfairly is definitely not 'the best of times' for me.


Helpfully, a friend of mine shared with me someone else's Twitter thread which near-perfectly sums up my feelings. Here it is:



I know that a lot of people feel she got her just desserts for being toxic, but from the start all i could see was a woman, in a public space, being told what to do and how to feel, by a man who had and has no good reason to think he knew better than her.


If you'll allow me to be metaphorical, she is an IT technician describing a complex technical problem, and he responds with "turn it off and back on again". And then has the nerve to say "i was just trying to create discussion!" When she responds with the verbal equivalent of an eye roll.


I know many of you felt that the 'rando asshat' comment was a bridge too far, but in my world, someone who tells me my job without an internal perspective on it is *undoubtedly* an asshat at best, and I'd probably employ more colourful turn of phrase. The bit that does not apply is the 'rando' and i think it's forgiveable not to be familiar with every single streamer of your game, especially when you don't work in a PR/customer relations field. I'd certainly never heard of the guy before this recent controversy.


I doubt I'll find much sympathy, much less agreement here, but i felt that this was important to post regardless.

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