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Jackal Reconnaissance - progress blocked

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My progress for this achievement was blocked by not working NPC. The story is, while i was supposed to find Nori Mahat and deliver a note from the Djini ( the Jackal vendor - also a heart quest in the region of Sand Jackal Run). The problem is, that i have found and picked up the item i was supposed to deliver to him after the note the Awakened Intel and came to him with both of the items in the inventory. The npc seems to be bugged - it does not respond and i can not interact with it. Also, there is no way to reset the progres. Could you advise on the approach ?



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Bump. Jackal Reconnaissance is definitely a bug for me. My issue is I have the Confidential Bonestrand Letter that I'm supposed to deliver to Nori Mahat, an NPC in a tent in the Village of Purity area southeast of Bonestrand Waypoint. I understand the procedure is supposed to be he takes that letter from me, thanks me, and then directs me to go fetch Awakened Intel and give it to him. But Mahat won't talk to me. He's sitting in a tent on the floor. When I try to talk to him he gets halfway up, a small blip of dialogue box appears, then disappears immediately and he thens sits back down.


Compare this to the Pristine Piece of Forged Armor that you need to take to Ahel Nakat. That piece is in the middle of the Ruptured Heart, but it won't even show up if you don't go talk to Nakat first! I have not tried grabbing the Awakened Intel first, because I assumed it wouldn't show up, given my previous experience with the Forged Armor.

But a poster above thinks him getting the Awakened Intel first bugged it out, which apparently means you can see it. I can report that that was not what bugged it out for me. The only thing I can think of that I did was try 2 errands at once, talking to Aisha Jedgok in preparation to get the Sulfuric Sample, and then try to talk to Nori Mahat.


But Jedgok took my letter from me and told me to go get the Sample. So it seems that this quest is bugged for some people just outright. Others have reported no issues with it, but as it stands some people are blocked from finishing Jackal Reconnaissance and getting a mastery point in the Desolation achievement line.

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Update: This is definitely bugged all the way around. I tried to go get the Awakened Intel, but I couldn't see it just like you couldn't see the Pristine Piece of Forged Armor before talking to that NPC. I tried a workaround by putting the letter--which is account bound--into my bank and had an alt, who hadn't been out of the Crystal Oasis (but has max masteries) put the letter in his inventory, go to the tent where Nori Mahat is in the Desolation, and try to see if it would work then. Nope. He wouldn't get up and talk to my alt either. So progress is completely blocked, because the NPC won't take the letter from anyone, which triggers the step to get the Awakened Intel, which ultimately awards the Jackal Treat.


This is United States, Central Timezone.

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I have the same issue and opened a support ticket about a week ago. I found the Awakened Intel without realizing it was part of the achievement, and when I finally went to Nori Mahat, he just stood up and sat right back down without talking with me. I've tried with multiple characters both with and without the letter and intel in my inventory, but I got the same result. I thought that getting the Awakened Intel early was the problem, so I even tried deleting it to see if he would talk with me then, but it was still bugged. I thought I might be able to go back and get the Awakened Intel, but it's not interactable now, so even if this does get fixed, I'll probably have to open another support ticket to get it back, but that's my fault for foolishly deleting it.

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Same issue here, where I had picked up the Awakened Intel before starting the achievement and now Nori Mahat will not respond even with the Confidential Bonestand Letter in the inventory. One or both, on the character that picked it up, the one that started the achievement or one new to the maps. A friend also has the same issue with Nori Mahat not responding but she didn't have the Awakened Intel.

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Still not fixed. Deleted the Confidential Bonestrand Letter to see if it would "unbug" Nori Mahat, but instead, can't get a new one from Drojkor.

So now I'm at:

- Can't receive another **Confidential Bonestrand Letter** from Drojkor after being deleted.

- **Nori Mahat** doesn't engage in a conversation (before and even after the Awakened Intel was deleted).

- **Awakened Intel** doesn't respawn after it being deleted.

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