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Broken game


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> @"voltaicbore.8012" said:

> > @"choovanski.5462" said:


> > basically to explain, premades had high win rates at really high ranks. like in high plat they won a ton. but in all the lower divisions they didn't win a lot. this is because most of those premades were made from guilds of friends, so the focus wasn't on super efficient builds and comps, but rather on being able to play with your guildmates

> >


> This makes sense. I spend all my time in various stages of plat, hoping to end in the mid 1600s this season (down to 1566 right now on a losing streak). In this neck of the mmr woods, premades seemed highly effective - built with an eye towards solid team comps, coverage of important roles, countering the meta, etc. I find it _very_ easy to believe that the overall statistical un-winningness of premades comes from poorly made groups doing ranked without caring enough about winning or skill.


the funny thing is, the loudest complaints about premades were from lower ranks- like a certain **bronze tier mesmer** who hates them lol. loads of bad players just blamed their inability to leave silver on premades, but lol the premades who were down in silver and gold were pretty bad most of the time. most didn't even run comps that made sense


my guild trio, and whatever we picked up for the two PUG slots (either by invite or matchmaker) were always able to do well when we ran into a full 5 man. but we were like low/mid plat, so we had to fight some strong comps too- but those were always fun games, hard yes, but fun


as for the people in high plat, honestly a lot of them do scrims and want to form teams for ATs- so encouraging teams at high rating is a good thing imo. builds up the tournament scene


like if you cbf forming a team, why are you practicing 5v5 conquest at a high level? like why dude lol


if it's just organisation, then like since you're high plat and so good party invites should be easy- so join a PvP guild or something




basically my big issue with no teams, is my old trio can't play together- because we are all over 1600 if we play PvP. it's actually ruined our enjoyment of the game

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