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[Soulbeast] List of bugged / non functional abilities and traits


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> @"Daniel Handler.4816" said:

> Jacaranda's call lighting stops pulsing when you enter beast mode or swap pets. It's not a channeled skill. The Jacaranda will continue to attack after the .75 second cast time.


The sad thing is - even if/when they fix this particular issue. It will deal almost no damage thanks to how the game calculates condition damage and power ability damage. If the source disappears (pet swap - soulbeast beastmode) the power of the jacaranda won't be tracked anymore (like the game does it with condition damage) and we'll see below 100 dmg lightning strikes :(


anyway - added to the list

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> @Sedlina.1097 said:

> > @"Daniel Handler.4816" said:

> > Jacaranda's call lighting stops pulsing when you enter beast mode or swap pets. It's not a channeled skill. The Jacaranda will continue to attack after the .75 second cast time.


> The sad thing is - even if/when they fix this particular issue. It will deal almost no damage thanks to how the game calculates condition damage and power ability damage. If the source disappears (pet swap - soulbeast beastmode) the power of the jacaranda won't be tracked anymore (like the game does it with condition damage) and we'll see below 100 dmg lightning strikes :(


> anyway - added to the list


Well at least you can fake them out with lightning.

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> @Sedlina.1097 said:

> ~snip~


Melding with a pet after it has applied condition damage causes the condition damage modifier to drop to zero, ie, felines have 1000 so if you meld with a tiger after it has used Maul, the damage will drop from 85 dps per stack to 22 dps per stack.


Also, most pets gain no benefit from Quickness.

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Moment of Clarity does not update the tooltip for increased daze/stuns on merged pet skills.

As far as I've tested it, it does seem to lengthen stun duration.


Twice as Vicious does not activate when pet disables. Might be intentional, as that's how Moment of Clarity also works.

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i switch weapons in combat, sigil of combat bug when i use this in combat every 9 sec, zero charge of power.Perhaps bcz i play with Rune of the Aristocracy or leadership.

Minor traits master beast don't give charge of power when i crit or my pet crit.

In pvp when i die i return to back and my pets disappear no pet out of soul beast of course.I am obliged to use soul beast and lost 10 sec in match /cd of soul beast / for my pet return.


And more bug, but you see when i speak English ,i m the boyfriend of Jane.

ps: must also be said that the drop to be overflowed



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It looks like [Essence of Speed](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Essence_of_Speed "Essence of Speed") is not working with [Live Fast](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Live_Fast "Live Fast").


To test this I used [Moa Stance](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Moa_Stance "Moa Stance") to grant Protection, Fury, and Swiftness. I then activated Beastmode which granted quickness via Live Fast. Since I had the Essence of speed trait enabled, I expected that my swiftness duration would increase by two seconds, but this didn't happen in any of my tests.

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One wolf pack should be able to hit 16 times over its duration, cant get it to hit more than 8 and very rarely 9 times, and for allies it should be able to hit 8 times, but have yet to see anything more than 4-5 times, tried it with quickness, mad king runes, warhorn 4, and dagger autoattacks to ensure hitting it twice per second, still not registering enough hits. seeing how this at worst case means the skill is doing 50% of the damage capability it should have I'd say its a fairly substantial bug that needs looking into.

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> @Druar.1730 said:

> One wolf pack should be able to hit 16 times over its duration, cant get it to hit more than 8 and very rarely 9 times, and for allies it should be able to hit 8 times, but have yet to see anything more than 4-5 times, tried it with quickness, mad king runes, warhorn 4, and dagger autoattacks to ensure hitting it twice per second, still not registering enough hits. seeing how this at worst case means the skill is doing 50% of the damage capability it should have I'd say its a fairly substantial bug that needs looking into.


The problem here is a simple coding issue

How it could have been done:

You hit someone with the stance. Every hit adds +1 to a counter and as long as the buff/debuff is on the target it delivers a hit to the target every 0,5 seconds or until the stacks/buff/debuff expire

How the game handles it:

You hit the target. The game registers that you have the stance active and it delivers a hit to the target.

for 0,5 seconds from that point on + your delay (ping) the game won't acknowledge any additional hits

once that time is over you can get another hit from the stance


That means in theory you could score 16 hits. Since most of our abilities have 3/4 timers you are already losing basically almost 50 % (in a realistic scenario) Not accounting for the target dodging, blocking line of sight and so on and so forth


It is funny. I've said the exact thing when I saw the first stress test weekend. People on stream called me out for it and in the end the skill had the exact problems I had predicted it to happen.

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> @Helbjorne.9368 said:

> Jesus Christ... I wonder how many other professions have bugged abilities and traits...


Mirage and soulbeast are the most broken ones ( in terms of bugs ) , while as a sad mirage Player i can feel u soulbeasts even more . Ur list is way longer then ours.


I dont know any other spec with major bugs. For example scourges are CRYING right now that there new heal skill isnt proccing "on heal skill use" - runes, and well they got the double F1 dmg bug...


100% this is fixxed before mirage or soulbeast are mentioned anywhere.

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  • 3 weeks later...

> @InsaneQR.7412 said:

> I found another one: Soulbeast does not get correct stat conversions when entering beastmode. Traits like Instinctive reaction and taste of danger do not convert the bonus stats drom beastmode.


I think this might be intended? IIRC, conversion traits don't work with potentially temporary affects or other conversion traits for simplicity's sake. So your trait that converts power to healing power won't bounce around if you gain might, bloodlust stacks, eat food, etc. Since the merged soulbeast stats aren't base, they would work the same way.

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just saw this post for the first time today - hella good work to OP of testing (I'm assuming that testing was done in reasonably accurate manner based on clarity of post)


I sincerely hope that the original list isn't fully updated? Last edit date was Oct 7. I rarely call for dev input on forums, but would be nice to have at least a quick response that these have been resolved or didn't bear out to full testing....

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  • 2 weeks later...

> @Sedlina.1097 said:


soulbeast mode skirmishing major grandmaster quick draw The effect of quick draw is consumed by mainhand dagger weapon skill instinctive engage without reducing the cooldown of the ammunition system (1 charge should recover more quickly, but the recharge remains the same - tested for both two stacks of insinctive engage and for the last one)


This one is especially important to fix, since when using mainhand Dagger the first thing you want to do is exactly to use Instinctive Engage. LOL


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> @"Blanche Neige.7241" said:

> So...


> Another update without any fixes for all the SB bugs....


> Is Anet even aware of this thread?


Who knows, honestly.


I found this thread looking for info on the Loud Whistle bug. So much about Beast Mastery isn't working. Thank you OP for gathering everything together in one spot. I know if I were a dev, I would look at this list and blanch. I know that they have told us Soulbeast was the hardest profession to "make work", but it seems like they just gave up half way through. Let's hope that this post gets some recognition. We are not bug testers, we are customers.


The only reason I could think of for these not being fixed is that ANet is just not sure where they want to take the spec, and maybe they are still making decisions on how they want to fix these bugs -- whether they should give the listed bonuses, give the bonuses at a lower amount, or give different bonuses. However, these things should have been figured out pre-release.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

> @"Sedlina.1097" said:>

combat skills:

  • >
  • core ranger pet Iboga's skill consuming bite receives inconsistent benefits for conditions on a target. It appears to only grant the benfits once and not for every additional condition (neither stacking of one type, nor multiple different types - tested with poison, confusion, bleed, torment)>
  • core ranger pet Jacaranda's skill call lightning (pet casted skill not player beastmode skill) stops to work when the ranger swaps the pet during the ability. The same issue happens when a soulbeast ranger enters beastmode while the ability is active. The ranger's death also removes the Jacaranda and therefore cancels the ability early. >
  • soulbeast mode bird pet skill swoop travels 600 units instead of the listed 1200>
  • soulbeast mode gazelle pet skill charge travels 1000 units instead of the listed 1200>
  • soulbeast mode gazelle pet skill charge daze lasts for 2 seconds instead of the listed 1 second >
  • soulbeast mode canine pet skill crippling leap travels 250 units instead of the listed 400>
  • soulbeast mode canine pet skill brutal charge travels 130 units instead of the listed 600>
  • soulbeast mode jellyfish pet skill dark water does not create a smoke field unless it successfully hits a target>
  • soulbeast mode smokescale pet skill smoke assault does not grant the listed 1,5 seconds of evade to the player>
  • soulbeast mode spider pet skill poison gas is always fired towards the max distance of 900 units even if the target is in melee range and the ability is fired directly at point blank range>
  • soulbeast mode warhorn weapon skill call of the wild does not apply 4 seconds of unblockable to the ranger>
  • soulbeast mode utility shout 'guard' does nothing. It doesn't apply the damage reduction on players around you, you don't take the dmg instead of them, neither does it grant you might when you are hit>
  • soulbeast mode utility skill signet of renewal does not apply resistance to the ranger. does not transfer conditions to the ranger. does not strip conditions of any friendly target nor the ranger him/herself >
  • soulbeast mode is canceled in lower level regions every time the player walks into a sub-area which triggers a level adjustment>
> >

onto traits:

  • >
  • soulbeast mode marksmanship minor adept opening strike: No compensation for the lost pet's opening strike (the player loses 5 vulnerable stacks)>
  • soulbeast mode marksmanship minor master alpha focus: No compensation for the lost pet's opening strike (the player loses 2 seconds of cripple)>
  • soulbeast mode marksmanship minor grandmaster precise strike: No compensation for the lost pet's opening strike (the players loses a guaranteed critical hit)>
  • soulbeast mode marksmanship major grandmaster relentless: No compensation for the lost pet's regained opening strike (the player loses a guaranteed critical hit)>
  • soulbeast mode skirmishing minor adept sharpened edges: The game does not compensate for the lost pet's bleeding on critical hits (the player's chance to proc sharpening edges stays at 33 % and the player only applies one stack of bleeding) - special thanks to RednoRurikhan for the 10 minute playtest to confirm this>
  • soulbeast mode skirmishing major grandmaster quick draw The effect of quick draw is not consumed by greatsword weapon skill maul . The quick draw buff is not consumed and the skill does not get the cooldown reduction>
  • soulbeast mode skirmishing major grandmaster quick draw The effect of quick draw is consumed by mainhand dagger weapon skill instinctive engage without reducing the cooldown of the ammunition system (1 charge should recover more quickly, but the recharge remains the same - tested for both two stacks of insinctive engage and for the last one) >
  • soulbeast mode wilderness survival major grandmaster emphatic bond: The duration of conditions on the ranger are not reduced when in soulbeast mode>
  • soulbeast mode nature magic minor master fortifying bond: This trait does nothing while the ranger is in soulbeast mode (which is confusing since we heal as one increases the durations of buffs on the ranger instead of sharing them with the pet while in soulbeast mode) - special thanks to RednoRurikhan>
  • soulbeast mode beastmastery minor adept pack alpha: Pet skills granted in soulbeast mode do not receive the 20 % cooldown reduction>
  • soulbeast mode beastmastery minor master loud whistle The game does not apply the damage bonus to the ranger for staying on or above 90 % health. >
  • soulbeast mode beastmastery major master natural healing: The healing does not show up in the combat log (this is misleading players to think that it wouldn't work in soulbeast mode)>
  • specilization soulbeast major adept unstoppable union Does not break the ranger out of stuns when activating beastmode to merge with the pet. >

core ranger beastmastery minor adept pack alpha: The following pet skills of the new Path of Fire pets do not receive the 20 % cooldown reduction:

  • >
  • Sand-Lion: Blinding Roar>
  • Cheetah: Savannah Strike>
  • Rock Gazelle: Head Toss>
  • Rock Gazelle: Kick>
  • Rock Gazelle: Charge>
  • Jacaranda: Jacaranda's Embrace>
  • Jacaranda: Call Lightning>
  • Jacaranda: Photosynthesize >
  • Iboga: Fang Grapple>
  • Iboga: Crippling Anguish>
  • Iboga: Narcotic Spores>
> > honorable mentions due to the inability to access the core ranger mechanic 'swap' pets while in soulbeast mode>
  • >
  • soulbeast mode marksmanship minor adept clarion bond: The 10 seconds of fury, 3 stacks of might, swirftness and the 3 seconds of unblockable can not be activated while in soulbeast mode>
  • soulbeast mode wilderness survival major grandmaster poison master: The 2 poison stacks on the attack can not be activated while in soulbeast mode>
  • soulbeast mode beastmastery major grandmaster zephyr speed: The 3 seconds of quickness and superspeed can not be activated while in soulbeast mode>
  • soulbeast mode beastmastery minor master loud whistle The reduced cooldown on pet swap can not be utilized since pet swap can not be activated while in soulbeast mode>
  • soulbeast mode nature magic major master spirited arrival The 8 seconds of fury and vigor can not be activated while in soulbeast mode>
> > List of not mentioned as bugs mechanics due to the fact that the abilities to utilize said benefits are transferred over to the ranger as F skills while in soulbeast mode - therefore maintaining the benefit even though the traits/skills do not change when in soulbeast mode>
  • >
  • soulbeast mode wilderness survival minor adept taste for danger: The vitality gain and expertise gain remains unchanged>
  • soulbeast mode nature magic minor adept bountiful hunter: The damage bonus per boon remains unchanged>
  • soulbeast mode nature magic minor adept instinctive reaction: The healing bonus percentage gain remains unchanged>
  • soulbeast mode nature magic minor grandmaster lingering magic: The concentration bonus remains unchanged>
  • soulbeast mode marksmanship major grandmaster predator's onslaught: The damage bonus remains unchanged>
  • soulbeast mode utility skills all signets: the game does not compensate for the lost benefit of the signets on the pet while in soulbeast mode.>
> > > updates:>
  • 26th of September>
  • marked smoke assault evade as the issue has been patched>
  • 28th of September >
  • added skirmisher traitline issues with quickdraw>
  • added gazelle charge (soulbeast mode) to the list>
  • marked soulbeast mode cancel in lower level zones on lvl adjustment as the issue has been patched>
  • 29th of September>
  • added list of core pet abilities from the new Path of Fire pets which are unaffected by the beastmastery minor pack alpha >
  • added unstoppable union not breaking stuns to the list >
  • 30th of September>
  • added Sand-Lion Blinding Roar to the list of core ranger PoF pet F2 skills that are unaffected by pack alpha >
  • added nature magic spirited arrival to the unaccessible list during beastmode >
  • marked quick draw fix for greatsword maul as the issue hsa been patched (dagger instinctive engage issue remains)>
  • replaced removed listing points with strikethroughs for a better overview>
  • 2nd of October>
  • added Iboga's consuming bite receiving inconsistent benefits for one or multiple different conditions on a target>
  • 5th of October>
  • added Jacaranda's call lightning being removed by pet swap, soulbeast mode or the ranger's death.>
> > P.S.: I'm doing someone else's work here ... someone is really bad at his/her jobAny update on this after the Feb 06 2018 patch? thank you!also would like to add Soulbeast charge (gazelle) does not increase daze duration when traited with moment of clarity. not sure if intended for every beastmode skills
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Spider gas has been fixed in beastmode but is now bugged for the pet itself. (both Should be ground targeted honestly)


Unstoppable union works now.


GM in marksmanship is called remorseless not relentless (not bickering just for fact consistency and to keep this topic as ernest as possible).



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