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Now how does a Hybrid Build Perform after the BM buffs?


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Currently theory crafting on a Grieving Build with skirmishing and BM for soulbeast.

Anyone tried one out yet how it performs?

Mainly asking for open world trashmob clears, how many enemies you can tackle at once and how fast can you kill one group after another.

With full grieving and Renegade runes in addition to axe, signet and viscious quarry ferocity modifiers i get up to 230%ish crit dmg with about 50% crit chance without fury and 1600 condi dmg and over 2k power.

I only got it on paper so far.

Has anyone tried the performens yet?

In open world and maybe a golem.

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Its only an extra ~75 stats (or +150 if you weren't running beast master traits before) so this isn't suddenly going to make up for the poor power coefficients of their weapons. Even if we ignore the DPS, Ranger still has a lot of issues with AOE tagging. Torch is the only field they have easy access to, and while Shortbow and Axe fan on skill 2, they're on barely acceptable cool downs for large event tagging. That leaves the cleave weapons your best option, and those are all Power based.


I've dorked around with Axe on a Viper build, and while the Auto does OK damage, its burst potential is limited and the low target cap is going to be noticeable in a multimob fight. If you're going Axe (which is the main hybrid weapon), you're mostly relying on point blank Split Blade and/or Winter Bite if traited for axes. Dagger MH is kind of questionable- Its decently power loaded, but its also limited to 2 targets, and attacks slow for the kind of damage it does. I'm pretty sure it was designed to camp auto most of the time and play off of the Stances, since interrupting the chain actually hurts your DPS.


Despite the fairly low damage per hit, the GS has more reliable burst damage and more cleave; which is why I recommend this more for general open world. Its also got a lot more utility and defense options, and the "Sic'em" combo is beefy if done right. (Trait Marksman: Remoreseless and Moment of Clairty. GS- Sic'Em, Maul, Hit Bash, Maul.) But you suffer a bit in champ fights, since Power Ranger burst peters off rapidly. Condi Builds do better in long fights, since it gives time for the bleed and poison stacks to build up.


Hybrid builds for Ranger are rough. Its power damage scales poorly (because it puts 25% of the baseline damage budget into the pet), its damage multipliers are extremely conditional, have very short windows, and the hybrid skill damage are split pretty closely down the middle (meaning it scales badly on both ends).

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Yes, on paper it looks good.


I tried to do a Grieving Soulbeast in open world for the lul. I was trying to include : Axe, Dagger (MH or OH) and Bristleback. Grieving is only doable with MH Axe and Honed Axe, since the Axe is the only weapon that is hybrid and gives easy access to Might. You can get higher Condi Damage stats than a Shortbow Viper SBeast, but lack of in the application department, but you win in raw damage.


Overall it was doing okay stats. I thought they would **_unsplit Ambidexterity from PvP_**, but they never did. It would have helped a little. Quickly, you realise how terrible our condi OH are. Crippling Talon and Throw Torch are so underpowered and have long cooldowns.


You wonder if you should merge with Iboga or Bristleback. If you merge with Iboga, you don't have other ways to apply Confusion and Torment, but Iboga has a nice AoE. Bristleback gives the most for Condi users, because it has a mini Sharpening Stone and pAoE bleed with nice power damage. Don't even think about the spiders, the poison field is so short and it has a super long cooldown.


When it comes to Traits, you have WS and Skirmishing competing. Should you go WS to get condi clears and Ambidexterity ? Should you go Skirmishing for Vicious Quarry and bleed proc/damage ? I felt like going WS + BM, with no Stances was the way to go (and use Oppressive Superiority in SBeast line), since you can have Sharpening Stone + Bristleback's Sharpening Stone. The buff to BM Ferocity and Attributes makes Vicious Quarry less important to get, the only thing you lose is Bleed proc.


Enough rambling tho, I think it works fine for Open PvE, but as long we have terrible condi OH and Axe MH is still unsplitted, I can't see it becoming better. Splitblade and Ambidexterity unsplit would GREATLY help that type of build.

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> @"starlinvf.1358" said:

> Its only an extra ~75 stats (or +150 if you weren't running beast master traits before) so this isn't suddenly going to make up for the poor power coefficients of their weapons. Even if we ignore the DPS, Ranger still has a lot of issues with AOE tagging. Torch is the only field they have easy access to, and while Shortbow and Axe fan on skill 2, they're on barely acceptable cool downs for large event tagging. That leaves the cleave weapons your best option, and those are all Power based.


> I've dorked around with Axe on a Viper build, and while the Auto does OK damage, its burst potential is limited and the low target cap is going to be noticeable in a multimob fight. If you're going Axe (which is the main hybrid weapon), you're mostly relying on point blank Split Blade and/or Winter Bite if traited for axes. Dagger MH is kind of questionable- Its decently power loaded, but its also limited to 2 targets, and attacks slow for the kind of damage it does. I'm pretty sure it was designed to camp auto most of the time and play off of the Stances, since interrupting the chain actually hurts your DPS.


> Despite the fairly low damage per hit, the GS has more reliable burst damage and more cleave; which is why I recommend this more for general open world. Its also got a lot more utility and defense options, and the "Sic'em" combo is beefy if done right. (Trait Marksman: Remoreseless and Moment of Clairty. GS- Sic'Em, Maul, Hit Bash, Maul.) But you suffer a bit in champ fights, since Power Ranger burst peters off rapidly. Condi Builds do better in long fights, since it gives time for the bleed and poison stacks to build up.


> Hybrid builds for Ranger are rough. Its power damage scales poorly (because it puts 25% of the baseline damage budget into the pet), its damage multipliers are extremely conditional, have very short windows, and the hybrid skill damage are split pretty closely down the middle (meaning it scales badly on both ends).


I know how each weapon scales with what and what weapons provides which utility.

I appreciate your answer but my thread mainly aims for curiosity if someone has tried out such a build yet. I actually quiet like hybrid on ranger just due to versatility of dmg. You can burst against normal mobs and your dmg is above decent against champs. Which makes it optimal for open world.

GS has nice mobility but uts AA is pretty slow and us mostly relying on Maul-Hilt Bash combo although it has nice burst it is poor as AoE tool.

Dagger has better mobility and the quickbess ibcreases the burst if Axe OH significantly.

Axe MH is not that useful as Power weapon, its power scaling is meh in PvE due to the split.


I work towards the ascended trinkets and test how it will perform in openworld after i converted my armor. Maybe until then we got the unsplit updates or a dagger power coeff boost.



Agree with your last statement. Condi OH need an update especially dagger and the unsplits of Axe skills and ambidexterity should happen too.

I use spike trap (needs an unsplit too) for AoE and CC together with whirling axe and preluding lash/raptor dismount uts a fantastic burst tool. Sadly sharpening edges and trappers expertise still compeed after so many years. But i still went skirmishing just for more precision, ferocity and bleeds . Cleanses are provided via HS.


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