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Mirage Auto Attack Chain


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Hey, got a Question Regarding the Autoattack chain. In the Snowcrows Guide, in the Guide it Reads :-1: "This class has a medium learning curve due to the need to always finish your auto attack chain when wanting to get really nice high numbers"


My Current Problem (fairly new to mirage) is that i struggle with "seeing" when the AA - Chain is completed in a raid enviroment, since its really hard to see the Character, is there a good way to see when the AA-Chain is finished ?

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This sounds pretty awful, but in the case where you have trouble seeing your character, your muscle memory needs to remember when the attack finishes, which only improves the more you play the build. A tip (may or may not be helpful) is to manually press the AA yourself. Alternatively, the last hit usually has a cast time which you can gauge on the yellow 'cast-time' bar in the middle of the screen. With quickness, however, this bar may shoot across without you noticing it.


Also it would be nice if you could state the weapon you're referring to - I'm assuming axe but I'm referring to chain skills general.

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I learned tracking my AAs by looking at the skill bar every x seconds, so with this i could track the mechanics + the AA chain too, but as Noodle said after some time the end of AA chain will burn into your muscle memory so you do not need to look at your skills to know when to continue the rotation

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