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Let us make pets auto attack


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I'm talking about Beast skills there. I understand why we would want to keep some of them for a particular moment, to break a defiance bar for example. But, there are these others skills with a very short cooldown, and that don't offer any utility, they are just pure damage or apply a flat buff. Juvenile Hawk is a very good example. It would be nice if we could let the pet use that skill off cooldown without having to think about it every 5 seconds... Just making the same system as for our auto attack, Ctrl+right clic to toggle auto cast, would be perfect.

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I'm thinking it should go the opposite direction. Don't make F2 skills that are only useful as sustain DPS, and focus them on higher utility, damage burst, or control burst. Most of the Core pets need casting times retooled anyway, so may as well put the effort into modifying the skills to better capitalize on the crap ton of narrow conditional bonuses the ranger has.

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> @"starlinvf.1358" said:

> I'm thinking it should go the opposite direction. Don't make F2 skills that are only useful as sustain DPS, and focus them on higher utility, damage burst, or control burst. Most of the Core pets need casting times retooled anyway, so may as well put the effort into modifying the skills to better capitalize on the crap ton of narrow conditional bonuses the ranger has.


Yes this.

Smokescale is still the best PvP pet just fue to CC and the smokefield to stealth, it has huge utility and thats what pets should be.

Stab, stealth, quickness, heals, evades etc.

Pets should be utility not dmg, dmg could be redistributed to the ranger.

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  • 1 month later...

> @"starlinvf.1358" said:

> I'm thinking it should go the opposite direction. Don't make F2 skills that are only useful as sustain DPS, and focus them on higher utility, damage burst, or control burst. Most of the Core pets need casting times retooled anyway, so may as well put the effort into modifying the skills to better capitalize on the crap ton of narrow conditional bonuses the ranger has.


I will agree to that too. Maybe some well organised thoughts can create some combinations that will make the profession more interesting!



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> @"Thandor.5748" said:

> > @"starlinvf.1358" said:

> > I'm thinking it should go the opposite direction. Don't make F2 skills that are only useful as sustain DPS, and focus them on higher utility, damage burst, or control burst. Most of the Core pets need casting times retooled anyway, so may as well put the effort into modifying the skills to better capitalize on the crap ton of narrow conditional bonuses the ranger has.


> I will agree to that too. Maybe some well organised thoughts can create some combinations that will make the profession more interesting!




The whole reason I even brought it up was finally seeing ranger's oddly demanding single use or short window buffs coming together with the Maul and Worldly Impact Combos. Ranger always had the potential for some nasty burst combos- but its only with Soul Beast that added enough control on how they fire, to set up and fully take advantage of them. Marksman is a cluster of "on next hit" type bonuses, which are shared with the pet..... but you could never properly control either to reliably have the Pet's big skills fire with the AoO/OS active. And all the combos internal to the Ranger suffer that scaling loss from the 75/25 power budget split with the pet.

When merged, the Ranger has total control over EVERYTHING. And its only in this setup that all the bonuses and effects chained properly for full effect.

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