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What dungeons do people solo speedrun?

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arah p2 was always the one I did the most, mostly bc goku from sc always made a lot of cool videos of him doing it. Actually his last video from 2 months ago was a p2 solo it turns out:

(h ttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=suGc1AT7zVk)


His whole channel is a gold mine on solo speed running. However, its going to be a bit tough to keep up with what he is doing. A huge part of solo speed running is staying out of combat so your movement speed stays high. Lots of different kits exist, here are the ones I have used:


For stealth:





The executioners axe is incredibly helpful for speed running dungeons if you happen to own it, because it has an amazing movement skill with very short cool down. Many people, myself included, bought the executioners outfit just for speed running dungeons.



Additionally hylek poison an get you some swiftness



If you need a quick ranged weapon to draw agro (for example the asura surrounding the abom in arah p2), these are nice too:



Finally, med kits can be used to for emergency heals (not much), but also swiftness and fury:


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