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The Departed - Story Quest Issue


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I've done this one more than 3 times trying solo and in a party. I've restarted computer and modem and still get disconnected right after the Palawa Joko conversation where it says "You're right. I do need your army, but I don't need you." I'm basically stuck at this part and can't finish the storyline now and not sure what to do either. I submitted a bug report but i haven't gotten a response yet. This issue is DEFINITELY not fixed though and highly frustrating when I have to start all over from the beginning with no way to skip past any conversations so basically wasting at least 30 mins of my time every time i try and do it (the first time it was 2 hours because i was solo and in trash gear...).

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> @"tehdras.1489" said:

> I've done this one more than 3 times trying solo and in a party. I've restarted computer and modem and still get disconnected right after the Palawa Joko conversation where it says "You're right. I do need your army, but I don't need you." I'm basically stuck at this part and can't finish the storyline now and not sure what to do either. I submitted a bug report but i haven't gotten a response yet. This issue is DEFINITELY not fixed though and highly frustrating when I have to start all over from the beginning with no way to skip past any conversations so basically wasting at least 30 mins of my time every time i try and do it (the first time it was 2 hours because i was solo and in trash gear...).


UPDATE: so someone suggested running this one via someone else's instance who's ALREADY COMPLETED the quest. when i did it, i dc'd after the portal but was finally able to do my own instance and succeeded. this one actually worked though when everything else didn't. I don't know what was causing the issue but please (for the love of whoever) fix this one

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Right as Palawa Joko finishes talking and we boast we don't need him, every time (20+ at the time of writing this), this is NOT an issue on OUR end. This is CLEARLY an issue with ANet's code and optimizations, no other game puts you through this much hassle, port forwarding, resetting routers and computers, forcing an administrator privilege adding -clientport 443 at the end of the target to the shortcut etc.



1) It's your ISP talk to them

- Bull, there isn't an issue, I'm connecting just fine to everything and if a 3rd party app can STOP the game from force-ably disconnecting without affecting our routers then it is CLEARLY the damn game.

2) It's your router / computer

- NO, it is A-Net's code, if it was my router or computer much more intense and network heavy applications would have this issue.

3) It's your install, verify it or reinstall

- Since I've already tried this 5 times, thank god for 1GB/s download on fiber-optic, it is very definitively the GAME not a corruption of files.


Fix this, NOW or give us story checkpoints for boring missions like this one where I literally just sit through a recap of every mission I play, can't even use a mount to move faster and back talk the same idiot over and over.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I've been having a huge issue with the disconnect problem. I've run this same quest 4-5 times with my husband and we get disconnected during the NPC's offer speech thing. Usually, he loses connection and I get kicked from the story instance. It's clearly a bug since the problem happens during the same NPC dialogue every time.


It's really disheartening to see that this is still a problem 10 months later. This issue is completely blocking progress. We are getting so frustrated with having to repeatedly run this quest. This happened with another quest as well, again during the NPC dialogue...we ran that quest 3 times. We seemed to succeed the final time by staying far away from the NPC while it was talking. But it's bizarre that we'd have to figure out what "trick" will get the quest not to bug out each time...

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Can't finish the story instance. Either crashes at

>! balth encounter, aurene cutscene, joko speech or resurrection cut scene.



I'd like to do more in the game but there's quite a few things barred by finishing the story for the first time, like spearmarshal's gear and the griffin, apparently.


It's not my isp, it's not my router, it's not a repair fix, please someone look into this already, I've been seeing reports of this since 2017 in trying to find a solution and everyone is being left out to dry. I came back just a couple weeks ago and I'm already disappointed that I'm hard blocked by this issue.

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