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Any power Revenant doing raids...?

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I’m kinda sick to wait until Anet tweaks some numbers to make my profession spec desirable by pugs.


So let me ask, does any power Rev do raids ? I’ve never set foot a single time there since it felt too elitist like “meta or gtfo”.


Still I love my power Rev and I’m full ascended with leg weapons/aurora.

No idea what to do at this point.


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"I used to be a Reve like you.. but then i took an arrow in the knee".. no seriously.. i've expended a lot of time, gold, and money into my rev.. and i still love it.. but i can't do raids or even T4 with random ppl.. and after a while trying i'd just switch main to Weaver... and i got a DH too just to avoid boring periods... such a pity, very nice class.

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Interesting that you mention that, I just came across a video with power herald doing 29k on realistic buff back in Feb

It may go up to 30-31k now with bolster fortification so it reaches the low average mark

Should be able to do just fine in actual raid especially given its rotation difficulty

Will certainly need someone to benchmark it now. Probably someone reputable like Snowcrow so people don't just kick on sight.

As for upkeep stuff I felt like the change is quite minimal, but we'll see.


P.S. got the time wrong, that was back in Feb but I don't think there are much power rev nerf between?

P.S.2. I see few small nerfs after browsing through catalog, should still reach around 30k with ferocity reduction

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> @"NICENIKESHOE.7128" said:

> Interesting that you mention that, I just came across a video with power herald doing 29k on realistic buff back in Feb


> It may go up to 30-31k now with bolster fortification so it reaches the low average mark

> Should be able to do just fine in actual raid especially given its rotation difficulty

> Will certainly need someone to benchmark it now. Probably someone reputable like Snowcrow so people don't just kick on sight.

> As for upkeep stuff I felt like the change is quite minimal, but we'll see.


> P.S. got the time wrong, that was back in Feb but I don't think there are much power rev nerf between?

> P.S.2. I see few small nerfs after browsing through catalog, should still reach around 30k with ferocity reduction


Before last patch power rev with Renegade could reach 31k. No idea about now but with the IO changes it might be a tad bit more.

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> @"Paradox.2018" said:

> "I used to be a Reve like you.. but then i took an arrow in the knee".. no seriously.. i've expended a lot of time, gold, and money into my rev.. and i still love it.. but i can't do raids or even T4 with random ppl.. and after a while trying i'd just switch main to Weaver... and i got a DH too just to avoid boring periods... such a pity, very nice class.


Sucks really hard, instead of doing weak and shy damage increase can’t they just test and tweak the numbers so the dps can be at least on par with most other dps classes ? Which also very often bring not only dps but essential group support ( hello mesmers)

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To be fair, the rotation for almost every power Rev build (Herald or Renegade) is faceroll easy, I think it's actually easier than DH and perhaps Mirage, since it always consists of upkeeping your damage-over-time skills while you auto-attack. This makes it pretty much guaranteed that you can get close to the benchmark results during actual fights, and I have found that it also shines in relation to AoE-friendly DHs and Weavers when bosses move a lot like VG with greens.


With that said, the benchmarks are all that matters if you want to pug, and most of what matters if you want to play with a static, so you're not gonna see anyone wanting to take you as Power Rev to encounters. Also, the potential sustain you have for giving up some damage is pretty nice in T4 fractals, and I usually do go with a Rev when pugging. The only issue is that a group with a Chrono and just about any other DPS can easily outperform no matter how well you can play.


As for "meta or gtfo" mentality, this is less of a problem if you have a guild, but keep in mind even static/training guild groups are going to want you to perform meta rotations before giving leeway to try new things. It's just that much easier to focus on the learning/doing of mechanics if you're already playing the optimal and tried builds. The benchmark DPS for power rev is more than enough to kill any boss, but your potential, actual DPS is probably going to be lower than that, whereas a Deadeye for example can easily top your best possible result even if his/her rotation is mediocre; so you kinda do have to wait for Anet to grace Rev with some sustained damage (it DOES have burst damage as any PvP player will tell you, but that does not matter in PvE).

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> @"maxwelgm.4315" said:

> To be fair, the rotation for almost every power Rev build (Herald or Renegade) is faceroll easy, I think it's actually easier than DH and perhaps Mirage, since it always consists of upkeeping your damage-over-time skills while you auto-attack.


Actually this is not true since the last balance patch that modified vengeful hammers upkeep cost. Instead of spamming 1111121111112 you can now use abilities such as shockling wave or deathstrike. Not sure for unrelenting assault’s buff with +25% damage. I’ll need to test more but it does seem like more damage than simply AA. As Precision Strike, it requires good positionning and/or specific situation to be used to maximize the damage on a single target. Also with Impossible Odds upkeep costs recent changes you can use far more dps/support skills now. Feels way better.


The only real damage over time upkeep utility is vengeful hammer. Impossible Odds since quite a few patches is an additionnal hit that comes everytime you attack. So it’s different than condi actual DoT or vengeful hammers ( requiring you to stay in melee range).


I haven’t checked the other classes rotations but I can assure you it’s not as braindead as you make it out to be. That was more than 6 months ago now.


As you said though the mentality of “meta or out” is mostly found in pugs. I admit I didn’t try to find a guild for it, supposed it was the same too...

I’ll give it a try, hopefully Anet will be kind enough to release the new Expac along with an OP elite specialization by the time I find one!

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In random T4s you can play everything. It was like this in the past, the present and will be in the future. Stop looking at CM groups the rest of them with requirements is just looking for Chrono - Druid - War + 2 Dps (can be everything) or don't care.


Since this thread is from the night the OP should have waited a little bit and have a look at the actual numbers from this week's patch: Power herald is actually doing very fine in terms of dps.


In case of raiding, yes, look for a static. As a beginner you'll have a hard time no matter what you are playing anyways. This has nothing to do with power herald in the slightest.

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Considering that Power Herald does competitive DPS now while also offering boon coverage (F2) and HUGE amounts of breakbar damage (Shiro Elite/Jalis utility and a Staff as secondary weapon) and Condi Renegage being the best DPS option for large hitboxes now I say Revenant is back in business.

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I've played power herald even BEFORE this patch. And it did well. Not top DPS of course, but it brings some interesting things to the party while doing enough DPS. Pugs will be pugs tho, I guess now that it's been buffed maybe some of them will accept you as pHerald, some still won't. But it is viable. Hell, there are so many "meta" DPS classes in pug runs who are around 7k DPS, and pHerald can absolutely get that or more.

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Sadly even tho it now has a benchmark that's actually higher than Holo, I think your average pug group will still be pretty hateful towards Heralds....


I say this for a couple of reasons... Firstly you have to know how to do the targeting bug on IR to get even close to those numbers, and doing the bug is annoying, and a group is going to (most likely) assume that your average LFG rev does not know how to do this properly. Secondly, there's no instance where you would want to bring a Herald that you wouldn't also just want/prefer a Deadeye. And, like, Deadeye's rotation is easier, has higher numbers, is easier to realistically hit those higher benchmark numbers, AAAANNND there's a bajillion deadeye players in LFG right now. I think a lot of this can also be said about the new Power Soulbeast as well, although SB at least brings some interesting utility options like Bear Stance.


I suppose you could argue that Herald has better add cleave than deadeye, but that's honestly not really a concern.


I'm not trying to spread hate, I mean I consider myself a Rev main (although I only play it in 2 raid encounters), I would love for the negative stigma about Rev's to be better... But I'm also a realist about it. Maybe we can just get people as addicted to Assassin's Presence as they are to other buffs--it's honestly our best chance of landing a spot in the meta.

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> @"narcx.3570" said:

> Sadly even tho it now has a benchmark that's actually higher than Holo, I think your average pug group will still be pretty hateful towards Heralds....


> I say this for a couple of reasons... Firstly you have to know how to do the targeting bug on IR to get even close to those numbers, and doing the bug is annoying, and a group is going to (most likely) assume that your average LFG rev does not know how to do this properly. Secondly, there's no instance where you would want to bring a Herald that you wouldn't also just want/prefer a Deadeye. And, like, Deadeye's rotation is easier, has higher numbers, is easier to realistically hit those higher benchmark numbers, AAAANNND there's a bajillion deadeye players in LFG right now. I think a lot of this can also be said about the new Power Soulbeast as well, although SB at least brings some interesting utility options like Bear Stance.


> I suppose you could argue that Herald has better add cleave than deadeye, but that's honestly not really a concern.


> I'm not trying to spread hate, I mean I consider myself a Rev main (although I only play it in 2 raid encounters), I would love for the negative stigma about Rev's to be better... But I'm also a realist about it. Maybe we can just get people as addicted to Assassin's Presence as they are to other buffs--it's honestly our best chance of landing a spot in the meta.


It still benchmarks for ~30k without the UI bug exploit for IR, and is insanely easier to perform than DH and specially it is easier than SB and Deadeye still (Deadeye requires positioning which is a no-no for pugs on most bosses). As someone also mentioned above, you have absurd amounts of CC at your disposal which can only be a good thing in Samarog and the like. I agree with you that pugs are gonna be pugs (Kitten, most pugs I've been with insist on players taking their 10k Weavers instead of something easier to rotate) but Power Herald is in an excellent position for any training/low exp group to take and easily finish their full clears.

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Its kind of sad that the game went from "play how you want and have fun" to "how much damage you do to this golem?"...not sure why people just follow like sheep whatever some self proclaimed top players say, but was like this back in the day with dungeons too lol "4 Wars 1 Ele" or some stupid stuff...like, really? you really need that to kill Spider Queen lol

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> @"Scar.1793" said:

> Thanks for the replies guy, though I’m doing a huge focus on wvw to grind the ranks and get the Warbringer, it’s nice to see I can finally use my class in a raid scenario as power spec


Just don't bring glint. Run shiro/ dwarf. Ive Senn a few ppl running herald thinking they can just use their open world build. Please don't do this.

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> @"Ertrak.9506" said:

> > @"Scar.1793" said:

> > Thanks for the replies guy, though I’m doing a huge focus on wvw to grind the ranks and get the Warbringer, it’s nice to see I can finally use my class in a raid scenario as power spec


> Just don't bring glint. Run shiro/ dwarf. Ive Senn a few ppl running herald thinking they can just use their open world build. Please don't do this.


I don’t even use Glint in PvE (fractals or open world) it’s reminds me of warrior bannerslave : booooring.


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