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[BUG & Solution] Tower Down Level 70

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Yesterday I got to Tower Down mission and I could not complete it. I tried restarting it 3-5 times, but no luck there.

First 2 runs the last standing tower, does not get destroyed. It says I am supposed to "Escort Tonn's team to the undead towers".


I tried several things. Clearing all enemies (some get bugged in the pile of rubble when the tower gets destroyed), before the team can catch up. Then I tried going with the team and clear enemies as we encounter them. No help there. This was all solo, then I invited a friend, after that the last standing tower (I think there are 3) gets destroyed, but then I am supposed to talk to Tonn or whoever and another bug appears. I can only talk to him as I would to a local, I cannot initiate a conversation beyond greetings (all he says is hello and stuff like that). I quit after that and tried my luck replaying it one more time today, but again the same bug. The last tower does not get destroyed. Also, I'm not sure if this is any help, the Mormox or whatever that animal is that is carrying stuff during this mission, it stays behind the last tower on the hill next to the tent.


I should probably mention that I cannot exit this story mission via the button on the bottom right side, because it is not there. I have to leave the area so the game kicks me out, to leave the mission. I've read online there is a cinematic when you complete the mission, but it never starts to play for me. If its any help at all, I've just recently came back to play the game and bought both expansions(but I bought them a few days ago).


I also tried logging out of my character and even restarting the whole game. It didn't help. So that's it. I'm stuck and can't progress the games main story, it's really frustrating :(


* Date and time: 14-15.07.2018 22:00-01:00 and 10:50-11:35 CET

* Map: Sparkfly Fen, Story mission [Tower Down] (LvL 70)

* Character: Boltpowy -lvl 80 (was lvl ~70 yesterday) -Norn - Revenant

* Group: Yes and no


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> @"Lexi.1398" said:

> Not sure how much help this is but - I can only remember one time I had issues progressing this story instance. That time, there were mobs in the cave that were alive, after i killed them it continued as normal.


I still have the issue it's my ~ 20th try. I cleared the complete instance for several times now, in different order etc. Before finishing the event, after finishing the event. I don't have any workaround left ...


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Tried EVERYTHING, got annoyed as hell and am deciding if I should quit altogether and try it again in..dunno, year two? When they fix this damn thing. I've tried to bypass this bug 10 times. Made two extra levels just by tring to finish it. It didn't work anyway. I killed that ever-healing bastard stuck in the tower rubble, made sure I killed everything with party (Tom), and solo (and died trying many times). Backtracked from third tower, to second and first and then led Tom through. I kept being close to the animal. Nothing. In first case I've seen the cutscene after destroying the third tower, but after that I can only greet Tom anyway. Other times he got stuck at the second tower and didn't move, spawned to me when I got near the third tower, helped me fight, but then nothing...just followed me around. Next time all bugged together, rubble stuck prick, Tom froze at second tower, and when the animal stopped moving near the staircase structure I just rage-quitted. Tried the last time this morning, well rested and calm. Soloed it all by myself, led through Tom and his band, destroyed all towers, saw cutcene and then......greeet. I've no more patience for this. Enough, just enough.

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Hmm, by chance has anyone tried the "workaround" suggested in the [wiki](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Tower_Down#Walkthrough "wiki")? Someone even linked here the thread post that hinted it.


Bug: Failure to defeat the Risen near each tower before they are destroyed can cause the quest to hang. See the official forums for more information.

Bug: Leave the Risen Krait at third tower to the end after the tower is destroyed to cleanly Clear the Beach. Otherwise, you may not be able to talk to Tonn.


To highlight what I mean...

"Failure to _defeat the Risen_ near each tower **before** they (the towers) are _destroyed_ can cause the quest to hang."

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I think I figured it out (how to do the quest, not what the issue is, sorry devs, in 6 years you should have figured it out).


So, when you start the mission, kill everything that moves **BEFORE** speaking to Tonn. Then head to the towers via the shortest route and voila.


Hope this helps you guys as well!

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Can I just add another thing here... If you don't kill the Risen near and in the towers they can get trapped when the tower falls on top of them; then you cannot kill them because you cannot see them to target them. My Guardian managed to get a target but could not kill because the Risen was on a different 'level' to me so healed as fast as I could damage it :(

Devs: Is there any way you can get the Risen to run out of the tower when it comes down?

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Devs...... i have the same problem. After that many years you should had fixed this bugg. Or just redo the whole scenario insted. Im going to try what SloBiscuit.7913 said. But still it annoys me (and others) that you have left a bugg like this for so many years, i want to make Gw2 my main game but things like this destroys everything. Now im going to have it in the back of my mind "Maby its bugged, maby thats bugged"..... destroys immersion so hard!

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Oki! Just did it. Here is how i made it. I entered the instance. Dident talk to anyone. Cleared all the mobs in the instance. Every single one of them. There is one close to the first tower that usually gets stuck when its blown up. Dont forget to kill that. Spiders spawn when you walk over them so be sure to zig zag through the whole cave system so you get them all to spawn. When you are about to get to the last tower there is a Plaguebringer that despawn after he does hes cast. Be sure to kill it fast before doing so. Hes stand alone before the 2 brutes at the tent.

Dont ress up anyone. The packmule will stand and wait for your crew to go and ress them, and after that he will stay there. after they all are ressed. Go to the 3de tower.

one more thing. Dont stand to close to the exploding towers but dont stand to far either since Tomm can bugg out if your to far or to close....

And one more thing. Dont go ahead of the packmule when you go to the 3de tower. Spiders will spawn again but let your pack spawn them and kill them slowly.


Hope this helps fellas! (Maby its to much info and stuff to think about... but i wanted to make sure i got everything i did and thought about 100% for everyone)

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> @"bluemonkey.1762" said:

> HURRAY! Killing everything first fixed it for me too!! Some of the towers really hide those Risen very craftily.


im confirmed this way ! :wink: but i hope they're going to fix ... :confounded:

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Lol. Just wanna look in google for answer and found this post

Yeah. I have issue with escort first 3 runs and.. and after 3 tower destroy and beach undead clear now shoud speak with Tonn


I cant, because can only greet her ;D




and no quest progress

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I was stuck on this yesterday, tried it again just now. I killed everything I could before talking to Tonn the first time (including one mob in the first and second tower that I couldn't kill before because they were stuck in it with their health regenerating). It worked, hope it works for you guys too

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I've been stuck on this for two days now. Today I made sure to follow the tips from others and when the third tower was blown, Tonn tells me "I'll give you a full briefing when you're ready". He moves away a little with the green star above his head, but whenever I go to talk to him now, all he says is stuff like "greetings" or "excelsior". I can't get the dialogue to choose how to blow up the ship. I'm stuck.

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[Temp fix] Just got this bug, on 3/4 attempts. The second attempt he didn’t even blow the tower.

My fourth run, I killed everything but the final boss before talking to Tonn at all. Then when I talked to him, there was no fighting until after the first 2 towers were blown. From there we just had to kill the new cave spiders, and the final boss. Also! whenever there was a cutscene, I skipped each line instead of skipping to the end. Being most people’s second+ playthrough, skipping it all may be the problem.

Anyways, final boss was killed, beach was cleared, and it finally worked for me, hope it helps.

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I just ran it again and this time I went in and killed everything in the instance (all but the risen krait on the beach) before I even talked to Tonn the first time. We got thru the cleared out area after that.


When Tonn blew up the first tower, a Risen popped up from inside the tower (I couldn't see it before to kill it) and immediately got stuck inside the wreckage where I couldn't get to it. I kept going and we got the other two towers down and cleared the beach, and this time it went through and I got to choose what to do to complete the mission.


We must've had that idea at the same time! Glad it worked for you too. :) Good luck everyone!



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