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[BUG & Solution] Tower Down Level 70

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Glad it worked out for you, the bug is somewhere in dealing with the normal mobs and/or boss then. I think it’s near the end there, where the pack mule like to stop randomly at the top of the hill because of the mobs. Glad it worked for someone else! We broke the glitch lol

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> @"SloBiscuit.7913" said:

> I think I figured it out (how to do the quest, not what the issue is, sorry devs, in 6 years you should have figured it out).


> So, when you start the mission, kill everything that moves **BEFORE** speaking to Tonn. Then head to the towers via the shortest route and voila.


> Hope this helps you guys as well!


This has worked for me. Clear everything you can go back to the beginning talk to Tonn and just follow the party. There will be some spiders spawn in the cave and some zombies at the end near 3rd tower.

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> @"Zenji.9671" said:

> > @"SloBiscuit.7913" said:

> > I think I figured it out (how to do the quest, not what the issue is, sorry devs, in 6 years you should have figured it out).

> >

> > So, when you start the mission, kill everything that moves **BEFORE** speaking to Tonn. Then head to the towers via the shortest route and voila.

> >

> > Hope this helps you guys as well!


> This has worked for me. Clear everything you can go back to the beginning talk to Tonn and just follow the party. There will be some spiders spawn in the cave and some zombies at the end near 3rd tower.


Can you party with me and help me do it. Because I am low level, it takes a lot of time for me to kill each minions alone.

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I finally got this on my seventh attempt. This is what worked for me. Hope it helps.


I followed the advice to clear all the enemies before talking to Tonn. As soon as you enter the instance, go into the cave and kill everything. Go to all three towers and kill everything. But be aware that I followed this strategy twice before I got it to work so I think there's a little more to this bug. I think the trick is on the last tower.


I got just close enough to the final tower to trigger Tonn to place the bomb and then I immediately ran up the hill. Only 2-3 enemies spawned on the beach and they didn't seem to aggro Tonn. If you stay down on the beach after Tonn blows the third tower, there will be several waves of enemies coming in from the water—something like 15-20 enemies.


I killed the 2-3 enemies from range while staying as far as I could from the beach and that triggered the "talk to Tonn" prompt which worked. Good luck!

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August 8th, 2018. Experienced the same issue unable to talk with Tonn after completing the mission, but after reading some of the comments on here I was able to complete the story.


1st attempt (bug) : Story starts and first thing I talk to Tonn to start escorting him to the towers. I rush with him to the towers evading as many mobs as possible, also leaving the rest of his team behind (this didn't really occur to me as Tonn and I could walk a much faster pace than the rest of his team). After the destroying the final tower, there was no cinematic, and right clicking Tonn did nothing but have the guy greet me over and over.


2nd attempt (completed) : I clear all the mobs on the map **before** talking with Tonn to help him and his team destroy the undead towers. After killing all the mobs, I back trace back to Tonn to start the escort. However, this time around Tonn and I kept the same pace with the rest of his team. Mobs will spawn during the actual escort portion. Easy kills. I noticed a mob being stuck at the first Tower that I couldn't get to when first clearing the map from mobs. The mob appeared right beside the Tower when the actual escort was in motion. Got to the last point, killed the remainder of mobs that spawn with the escort, and finally received the cinematic. Tonn was much nicer the second time around. :)



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  • ArenaNet Staff

I'm trying to track this down, but I haven't been able to reproduce the issue where the objective is "Speak with Tonn" but he won't bring up the conversation to pick your next mission.


I _have_ found a situation where the "Clear the beach of undead" objective can appear to stall because some of the enemies you need to defeat aren't very obvious, especially if you go directly from tower 2 to tower 3 instead of backtracking through the caves. I've also found a case where that objective can stall in multiplayer. I have one report of Tonn stalling at tower 2, but it's unclear exactly where it's stalling. (The report doesn't indicate if he finished blowing up tower 2 or not.)

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> @"Jeffrey Vaughn.1793" said:

> I'm trying to track this down, but I haven't been able to reproduce the issue where the objective is "Speak with Tonn" but he won't bring up the conversation to pick your next mission.


> I _have_ found a situation where the "Clear the beach of undead" objective can appear to stall because some of the enemies you need to defeat aren't very obvious, especially if you go directly from tower 2 to tower 3 instead of backtracking through the caves. I've also found a case where that objective can stall in multiplayer. I have one report of Tonn stalling at tower 2, but it's unclear exactly where it's stalling. (The report doesn't indicate if he finished blowing up tower 2 or not.)


I spent about 10 extra minutes running around in the instance looking for anything that I could kill and couldn't find anything. I tried initially to play it out as intended by just following the group and killing everything as we saw it. I also ran ahead and cleared the entire instance, starting with tower 3, then the rest of the cave and towers 1 and 2. No luck.

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On my first attempt, Tonn stucked in front of tower 3 - he was supposed to blow it, but he didn't do anything. Then I restarted cleaning up all the mobs and it solved this part.

My current is after destroying tower 3 and cleaning up the beach. The next step is "Speak with Tonn" but he don't quest-respond. It's only availble the 'greet' option.


Edit: I just tried with my other character and I had the same bug. I just can not talk to Tonn, the quest speech is disabled. I'm giving up for now, so I'm going to level up to 80 on open world.

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I had to run ahead and kill every thing before starting the quest. Pretty crazy that this #1 is still a bug after so much time, and #2 that people have to complete this quest in a manner not intended by the dev team.


I did the mission twice before I started looking for answers. The first time I couldn't get Tonn to run down the hill and plant the last bomb. The second time, I was getting the final cutscene conversation, but then couldn't talk to Tonn to complete the mission, apparently he wasn't standing in the exact spot he was supposed to be in.


My third time through, I killed everything before speaking to Tonn to begin the escort. If you are meant to clear out every undead before the bomb explodes then the timer is very unforgiving. The second major thing is that even before planting the bombs there are undead trapped inside the structures, and you have to get creative in your ways to get them out. It seems that the towers have very vague collision physics when talking about the enemies within them so they path right inside it and get stuck there.

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Tonn won't speak to me after the 3rd tower is down. Tonn says 'Hello', 'Speak' and 'Excelsior'. I have gone back and killed some mobs to no avail. I can't believe I have to do this quest multiple times in order to get credit. When I started the quest, Tonn's bunch wouldn't keep up. After the 2nd tower, they led me to the 3rd, which seemed like quite a change.


Round 2: I carefully killed every single mob in the instance. It worked. The video of that perv Tonn came up (he better not mention my big guns again) at the end but I hit skip to the end, (it's a reflex, I'm just not into lore) and got the instruction to 'Speak to Tonn'. The jerk is just sitting there ignoring me again. Again, the quest is stuck.


Really, it shouldn't be to hard to duplicate this error. Just run through it as fast as you can, pretending you don't know every mob has to die. It's glitching for a lot of us.



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  • ArenaNet Staff

Ok I believe I found and fixed the issue with Tonn becoming unresponsive at the end of the chapter. (Coming to a future update, as usual.) I'm continuing to look at the problem where he stalls at one of the other towers, but so far I can't reproduce it--I've only seen it once in about 20 play throughs.

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Ok i finally was able to complete this quest on like my 12th try. Here is what I did: BEFORE you talk to tonn in the very beginning, clear out literally every monster yourself. Go from tower to tower killing every monster. at the third tower, I even killed the monsters that would come at you after exploding the third tower. Go through everything. Kill everything. after you kill everything you can, THEN talk to tonn. watch his whole cut scene just to be safe. walk with his group to explode the towers, and kill the spiders in the cave that spawn after the second tower. just explode the 3rd tower and watch the whole cut scene just to be safe. the talk option should be available after the cut scene. hope this helped.

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Attempt number 5 was successful. Thanks for the tips, everyone! From what I can tell, after clearing every living enemy from the map, one undead spawned inside the first tower. I managed to use an area attack to draw it out before the tower exploded. I don't know if that made the difference, or not, but I was able to speak to Tonn afterward.

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