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[BUG & Solution] Tower Down Level 70

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Just ran this a little bit ago and the first time around it bugged with Tonn hanging back, figured it probably bugged, came here and read people were having similar issues.


The second time I ran through it, I kept as close to Tonn as possible, most of the time in these story missions, I jump way ahead and start killing things and wait for the pack to catch up, this time i figured I would 'baby' the mission and stay as close as possible. Moving forward, even after disposing of mobs, I would run back in Tonn's direction, sometimes he would just stand there until I got close to him, at that point, he would move. Then anytime I came across the next mob, I would use a ranged weapon to pull the npc's to me as to not move out of Tonn's area. This method worked perfectly. Whether or not this is a work-around or not, I have no idea. I might have just gotten lucky and it didn't bug. Either way though, try it and see if it works out.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Same, I played through mission as normal, accompanying the team to take out the enemies as we took down each tower, but got stuck on the final tower, with Tonn hanging back by the second tower location. When I left the instance and tried it again going around and killing all the enemies before triggering the first cutscene with Tonn, I was able to play it through to the end. (I also killed all the enemies who were in the water near the third tower, though there were some spiders that spawned on the trip I either missed or don't spawn unless you have the team with you, but I was still able to finish anyway.)

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  • 3 weeks later...

> @"Greinhed.7869" said:

> Sill bugged in 2020, the quest hangs with Tonn unresponsive after blowing up the second tower. The quest log says "Escort Tonn's team to the undead towers" and the quest marker point me to the third tower.


Still Bugged June 6, 2020 same problem, tried several times doing several different things as mentioned in this thread, killing all enemies but nothing changed and Tonn is still standing at 2nd tower as before

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> @"grommie.6107" said:

> > @"Greinhed.7869" said:

> > Sill bugged in 2020, the quest hangs with Tonn unresponsive after blowing up the second tower. The quest log says "Escort Tonn's team to the undead towers" and the quest marker point me to the third tower.


> Still Bugged June 6, 2020 same problem, tried several times doing several different things as mentioned in this thread, killing all enemies but nothing changed and Tonn is still standing at 2nd tower as before


Do Tower2 first, worked for me. don't worry about killing all. As Tonn will follow you, go straight to Tower2, dont triggered Tower1

Tower2 > Tower1 > Tower3

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Some enemies get stuck inside the towers and I've even found them glitched in walls, so killing everything before starting the story gets tricky, but I've helped several people past this bug, it can be done, but it's ridiculous this has gone on for years without being fixed.

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  • 3 weeks later...

MADE IT ON MY SECOND ATTEMPT! FORGET ABOUT SCORTING, Just talk to Tonn at the begginig and go straight to the towers, Tonn will automatically spawn where you are. After the third tower you can clear the beach and the mission will be complete.


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  • 2 weeks later...

the solutions that works for me today are :


1) don't wait for tonn's team

2) go to tower 2 and tonn's follow you and destroy the tower

3) go to tower 1 and tonn's follow you and destroy the tower

4) go to tower 3 and tonn's follow you destroy the tower and clean the beach .


you dont need to kill every mobs . Just kill the mobs that annoyed you.



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  • 3 weeks later...

This is really depressing. I've just been playing for two weeks, and this is the first major bug I've run into. It's been around for years, and still no fix. Kind of dampens my enthusiasm for the rest of the game, if things stay broken for years. I'll try the suggested workarounds next time through, but dang... sadlife.

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I just did this quest and on the 3rd try I simple went and killed EVERYTHING on the map BEFORE I took the quest. Worked like a charm, some spiders had spawned again on the way to the last tower but other then that it was simply a run through, stayed behind the pack all the way to the end. Hope it helps for someone <3

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  • 2 weeks later...

For those still having issues I was able to complete the quest by following 2 different comments on this thread.

First, when destroying the towers the order you destroy the towers should be Tower 2 -> Tower 1 - > Tower 3

Second, you can just run through everything and skip all the monsters, Tonn will follow you regardless. Once you break the final tower is when you need to kill on the monsters that spawn and then youre done with the mission.

Hope this helps to those still having issues.

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Ok. Basically this still is a problem and I'm curious how they haven't fixed this bug. Players shouldn't have to find unique ways such as pretty much disregarding the story of the mission, to actually complete. They should be able to follow the story of the mission and complete it the way its supposed to be done. This is still a bug and hasn't been fixed within 2 years. Please fix this. I'll complete the mission the roundabout way, but we shouldn't have to if that's not what you intended.

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> @"Danger Ferret.6342" said:

> This is really depressing. I've just been playing for two weeks, and this is the first major bug I've run into. It's been around for years, and still no fix. Kind of dampens my enthusiasm for the rest of the game, if things stay broken for years. I'll try the suggested workarounds next time through, but dang... sadlife.


Don't give up on GW2! It's a really fun game besides this stupid mission. Once you get past it, the rest of the storyline is really good. I've had this game for at least 4 or 5 years (I can't remember when I first got the game, but it was a while ago) and I still enjoy playing it and going through the story. So far, my favorite storyline is the Path of Fire one. It is really good and I enjoy it. :) I hope they fix this bug, because I just encountered it today as well but don't give up on the game.

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> @"Helamay.6071" said:

> > @"Danger Ferret.6342" said:

> > This is really depressing. I've just been playing for two weeks, and this is the first major bug I've run into. It's been around for years, and still no fix. Kind of dampens my enthusiasm for the rest of the game, if things stay broken for years. I'll try the suggested workarounds next time through, but dang... sadlife.


> Don't give up on GW2! It's a really fun game besides this stupid mission. Once you get past it, the rest of the storyline is really good. I've had this game for at least 4 or 5 years (I can't remember when I first got the game, but it was a while ago) and I still enjoy playing it and going through the story. So far, my favorite storyline is the Path of Fire one. It is really good and I enjoy it. :) I hope they fix this bug, because I just encountered it today as well but don't give up on the game.


Thanks! I'm finding the game frustrating, tbh. I finished Paths of War and started doing Living World Season 4, but half the time I get kicked out of episodes after crucial battles with a "can't connect to login server" error that makes me do the whole thing over. (I've turned off firewalls and AV and followed all the recommendations. I don't think it's me.) I'll see if it gets less frustrating as time progresses.

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I guess while I'm here are there other mission bugs from 2018 should I keep an eye on?


The friendly NPCs aggro on EVERYTHING, making this extra painful to get to the 2nd tower only to have it break on you. Repeating what's helped me:


1) No need to protect the crew. They aggro on everything, making this mission take a while if you're actually trying to protect them. Just run past the mobs.

2) Hug the right side of the exit of the tunnel to avoid blowing up the first tower, and just run up to the 2nd tower. The first time I tried this the little bastard didn't spawn to blow up the 2nd tower, but the 2nd time I tried this he did. Took him a few seconds but he showed up.

3) Go back to the first tower, he'll just spawn and plant the bomb.

4) Run back through all the mobs to the 3rd tower

5) As you're clearing the beach, some of the mobs may be in the water. What's even more fun is some of the mobs are far enough out into the water that the mission threatens to throw you out of the instance. Maybe bring something ranged to pull them into the instance.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This bug certainly isn't fixed. I killed everything and kept with the group. Tonn got to a point just short of the tower and stopped and no prompt will make it move on.

I am really frustrated with this. I've had a few missions that haven't progressed and this is getting old. I don't want to waste time going over the same stuff several times killing the same crap.

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Just came here to confirm that this bug is indeed still here. I'm a new player so I was obviously very confused when the quest (which already took a looong time because I actually tried to protect the NPCs) just suddenly...stopped. No matter what I did, they would not destroy the 3rd tower. So I googled it and it turns out...several people have the same problem ;_; I managed to finish it by following the advices the people in this thread gave, especially destroying the second tower first, then the first and then the third, but seriously....players should not need to google this. This bug should have been fixed by now :/

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