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Can't log in.

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So was in Kourna and left to guild hall. As soon as I touch the W key it ports me back to Kourna. Weird right, but then I logout thinking hey little bug I'll just log right back in. Nope.


Then the launcher "forgets" my PW. No big deal I think, I re-enter PW. Wrong PW it tells me. Hmmm, it's written down right here, and easy to remember besides. Go to reset PW link. Not working.


Go to server Discord to see if it's effecting others. Oh yeah, quite a few. ETA on fix?

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> @"Empanda.4617" said:

> Not just you Doo Lally, I haven't been able to log in for 12hours now. I'm probably going to miss out on my log in bonus and dailies now because of it. Maybe its server related?


Oh well - it's this code I get: Error Code: 42:0:9001:4414 which is a connection issue either on the client or the server. I was playing fine until about an hr ago, had to relog and now it won't let me in again.


Rebooted, checked firewall etc. It'll resolve itself at the server side when they get the finger out. An evening off drinking wine and watching a good show is the better option anyway.


Good luck.

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