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Back to the game, any advise?

Isle of Stars.3049

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Good day my fellow delinquents, hooligans, and most despised, unsavory folks in this squalid old town.


I just returned to the game after a year of hiatus, during those times Daredevil s/d was my game for WvW and sPvP.


Currently contemplating of purchasing PoF for the Snipah, is this a viable PvP/WvW profession, or should I stick with Daredevil? Also, any other advise on what I can expect on these two game modes?




-From your fellow unsavory miscreant.

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Deadeye balance is as thin as a tight rope.... and has swung heavily between OP to grossly unreliable, as the Devs have been tooling with the mechanics to normalize its performance. Daredevil has been in a good, stable place for a long time.... but Deadeye is still really volatile. So it depends on much tolerance you have for changes. At the moment its on the strong side, but much of that hinges on its increased stealth access.... so depending on whither or not it gets to keep that, DE could realistically get a nerf to stealth or malice damage that could make it overly difficult to get a payout for.


Considering both DD and DE use similar Power gear sets for WvW, theres not much risk in playing around with Deadeye if you're already Zerks/Mauraders.

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Daredevil will continue to be nerfed (look at last balance update for Lotus Training). Staff (either Staff Mastery or DA 3) will be next on the chopping block.


Deadeye will continue to be buffed until next expansion announcement. Rifle keeps getting improved and arguably DE with Rifle trait/Iron Sight/boons is now as good as Shadow Arts defensively too. All ANet has to do is give an +endurance option to DE and lol. Warning though, Malicious Backstab will be nerfed since Dagger Training 5% + Revealed Training + Iron Sight 10% + Malicious Intent 20%-70% changes is way too good right now in all game modes.


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for WvW deadeye is a solid choice, tho opinions differ on it some call it OP, some still call it weak and most call it easy so probably good for returning to get in touch with all the other new specs.

i wouldnt be so sure about nerfs coming to malicious backstab, they specifially just buffed it. nerfing the base backtab would hurt core / daredevil way more and reducing the malice bonus will further inbalance the malice value across weapon choices as dagger is already the weapon with lowest +% damage of the 3 weapons with that type of malice bonus. so if there will be a nerf i guess it will be in some other part not malicious backstab.

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