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Moa stance doesn't benefit from soulbeast's "Leader of the Pack" Major Grandmaster trait for player

Crystal Paladin.3871

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I checked it in pvp lobby... it just increases the stance duration alone... it didn't affect the boons it provides...

if it were one wolf pack, i agree the stance duration is valid coz the stance deals extra damage as long as it is active... but for boon based stances, it isn't valid... why didn't the anet devs thought about that i wonder?


or atleast, it should trigger the said boons if those boons run out of duration before the stance duration run out right?


or it just benefit the allies? i mean with moa stance duration increase, and we use warhorn, it just increases the boon duration that i granted to my allies?



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in my experience it does, you only have to keep in mind boons and instances aren't the same.


Leader of the pack will do the moa instance to last longer, which will make any boons you cast to be 66% longer in duration.

If you want to test it: cast moa and then quickening zephir, you should get around 10 seconds quickness instead the 6.

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> @"anduriell.6280" said:

> in my experience it does, you only have to keep in mind boons and instances aren't the same.


> Leader of the pack will do the moa instance to last longer, which will make any boons you cast to be 66% longer in duration.

> If you want to test it: cast moa and then quickening zephir, you should get around 10 seconds quickness instead the 6.


but the stance says " Gain boons. Increase the duration of **boons you grant** while in this stance" and not **your boons** and i tested it yesterday... i'll do it again today too in pvp lobby... if your claim is true, then im happy... if not, :/

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> @"anduriell.6280" said:

> not the boons you already have, the ones you get after the moa stance is active.


get or grant? that's what I'm concerned about


coz, during stances, you grant those stances to allies and the boons associated with them will be 50% of the original stance boon duration... are they mentioning that?


I mean for allies or for us?

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Grant, the description is correct.

Once you have the icon in your bar, any boon you grant will have the extra duration.


For the allies is the same, while thay have the icon in their bar they will have the extra boon duration for the boons they grant. The only thing they get just 50% duration of the icon in their bar.

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nice to know... but its a give and take as it seems.... after giving them the stance, they should grant boons and if we get those boons, those boons duration will be increased by 66% while they grant it to us... if that was an alacrity boon, ill be totally happy... i can cast moa stance once again and it might become a never ending loop ;)

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