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Necro builds on SC benchmarks


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So we have 3 builds on Benchmarks.

I mean thats pretty good. Not that numbers but that we are on benchmark. Pugs who play SC builds and dont know the game will take you . I mean thats pretty good. I dont care about numbers on golem but the fact that we are enrolled as a usable build is super and i wanna thanks to SC guys(still think that was done by anet guys who told them to make this happend )

But again Thanks

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Oh... outside of DE that overperform a bit and necromancer that underperform a bit, the professions seem to have found a balanced dps at 33k. That's nice.

Reducing DE's _malicious backstab_ bonus per malice to 5% and puttin _premeditation_ at a fixed 5% should put them in line with other professions. As for the necromancer... Halve _chilling nova_ ICD and change _Reaper's onslaught_ to give ferocity per might stack and they should be good to go.

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