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MAJOR STEALTH BUG fix fast pls


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> @"Pvt Frosty.6973" said:

> what, when was the last time they nerfed ranger? don't think it has been nerfed yet in 2017. by that, you must be stuck in 2016



> Maul: This skill grants a merged ranger 25% increased damage on their next attack.


ranger stronk soulbeast build was nerfed to the ground after beta, while all the other classes got to keep that meme dream damage (holo was a bugfix not a nerf)


anet never acts faster than when it’s nerfing ranger


apparently maul hitting like a truck with the most obvious slow animation on earth was too strong, but deadeye hitting for 35k from 1500 range with bugged stealth is ‘nothing to worry about’ & ‘just fine guys, no need to talk about this. why patch this, it’s cool’

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you cry because of 25% damage reduction? on a skill of a weapon that isn't competitive anyway? Greatsword needs alot more than just 25% more damage on maul to be truly competitive :) Tho the bigger nerf to soulbeast (which is a bugfix) and you probably didn't even realise was happening, is that you gained 3x your pets boons when merging with it, rather than just 1x, now you only gain them once.


technically you are right, its a nerf, but one I would just overlook as it is as impactful as an ant without its colony

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> @"Pvt Frosty.6973" said:

> you cry because of 25% damage reduction? on a skill of a weapon that isn't competitive anyway? Greatsword needs alot more than just 25% more damage on maul to be truly competitive :) Tho the bigger nerf to soulbeast (which is a bugfix) and you probably didn't even realise was happening, is that you gained 3x your pets boons when merging with it, rather than just 1x, now you only gain them once.


> technically you are right, its a nerf, but one I would just overlook as it is as impactful as an ant without its colony


it’s not a 50% damage reduction on maul, its removes the damage increase on maul completely. pre nerf, attack of opportunity activated on skill cast- so you would get the the 50% damage increase on maul itself. now not only is the damage increase reduced to 25%, but it no longer applies to maul just the next skill. ranger has no other big damage skills on GS, so the 25% buff is practically useless now.


sure GS isn’t great, but if you could go big doink with soulbeast & sic em it could have become a pretty brutal 1v1 build if the pet bugs were fixed too.


it’s a big nerf, & it killed a potentially good build before people even had the chance to properly test it. i feel like GS not being typically competitive actually makes the nerf even less warranted, because without the nerf it had a chance to be- but anet just decided that nope, this can’t be good we can’t have that.


according to anet having big damage on the unviable ranger GS was not ok, but 30k on the unviable thief rifle is just fine. I really don't understand their Dev team at all.

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> @shadowthejedi.3089 said:

> Relying on bugs is pathetic. Win trading is pathetic and if you participate in it, you too are pathetic.


As an avid sPVPer that's oldchool enough to have known arcade culture, I find this type of attitude excellent .


Sadly and for many reasons, a good balance is difficult to archieve. You will always want to evolve your game and that will push/pull things in many, sometimes unexpected directions. Bugs, blatant imbalances and exploits sap the very spirit of competition we want to be having around here, behond the posturing and the chest pumping.


An expansion hit less than a week ago. Of course there's gonna be things that break. That's just the way the world is.

Getting them fixed in a timely manner is ultimately what's going to matter.


Of course then, it's open season on the salty, freshly shaved posers that kept insisting it was "all skillz, and l2p scub". And when the metaphysical boot finally woops that booty, it's the best feeling in the world.


> @"Cal Cohen.3527" said:

> We have a fix for this internally that will be coming in a hotfix



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> @shadowthejedi.3089 said:

> > @"Pvt Frosty.6973" said:

> > > @shadowthejedi.3089 said:

> > > No surprise that the likes of Vallun and Frostball have to use bugs to climb plat lmao.

> >

> > There is always some poor fool that has to deviate from the main purpose of a post for their own petty satisfaction I guess

> >

> > Still not been addressed by anet I'm guessing?


> Well, given the fact that I'm the only player in the world undefeated in hundreds of wager duels against world champions like drazeh, I'm neither poor nor foolish. It's time to dispel the notion that you're doing the right thing by abusing these bugs to "bring it to anet's attention". What you're doing is clearly using a bug to climb the ranks only to condescend to those beneath your rank when the bug is fixed.


> Your account name sounds familiar and provided that you aren't miaz, I can be quite sure I've handed you your collective rear. Even in miaz's case, I could only be killed during a lag spike. So since we've gotten some information out of the way, lets get to the point: The bug needs to be fixed, and the players and streamers abusing the bug lack skill and instead rely, opportunistically, on circumstantial favor. In other words, bugs and win trading. **You can come here with your big boy attitude, but I've fought thousands of people just like you. None of them beat me, and neither would you. You want to act tough, put up some cash or shut up and stop defending these bug abusing scum**


> Relying on bugs is pathetic. Win trading is pathetic and if you participate in it, you too are pathetic. I don't fear anyone. Not Sind, not helseth. Not rank 55 dragons. I dont fear any one of you because I can beat any one of you. Remember that fact next time you want to act tough, Pvt. Chain of command lad. Know your place


While very .. well confident(and I am sure rightfully so).. Thank You for what you said about bugs/exploits! If you want to report or bring a bug/exploit like this to anet, better to do so in a custom arena of yours or a friends, document it, send it to anet PRIVATELY and NEVER NEVER abuse it in an actual game! Let alone stream it and tell the world how to abuse it and worse to abuse it... There are enough people who will do so anyway, they don't need encouragement and validation from the pvp community.


On another note I am a lowly gold 3 atm so jedi let me know when you have your next ping spike so I may have a chance at beating you in 1v1. =P (Joking ofc, am fairly sure I would still lose) On a serious note I do love dueling and do not mind getting my ass handed to me while doing so when outmatched.

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> @shadowthejedi.3089 said:

> My next duel is with Sindrener or Helseth. Unfortunately, I only fight for high stakes. I don't train people and I don't think it would be fair to be honest, given my unique skillset.


Aren't you the fella who showed up for duels on a broken Druid build for 1v1s then claimed you were godly afterwards?

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> @Jinks.2057 said:

> > @shadowthejedi.3089 said:

> > My next duel is with Sindrener or Helseth. Unfortunately, I only fight for high stakes. I don't train people and I don't think it would be fair to be honest, given my unique skillset.


> Aren't you the fella who showed up for duels on a broken Druid build for 1v1s then claimed you were godly afterwards?


A broken build I created myself. Only broken due to my own individual reflexes and strategic application of skill moves. But, I've never once compared myself to God or any such title. I am merely one infamous soldier who has perfected the art of combat.

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