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[NA][DB] Awkward Introverts [AI] Recruiting

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Post Rework: February 23rd, 2019 --


Hello Adventurer!

I see you're looking for a new Guild to join in Guild Wars 2! Well, it just so happens that Awkward Introverts [AI] is looking for new, active, friendly, silly, clumsy, friends to socialize with!


**What are we good for?**

* Guild Missions

* Raids / Raid Training

* Fractals

* Dungeons

* Family Night every Friday at 10:30pm EST

* New members with lots of questions

* People who enjoy using Discord

* Members from all around the world online at different times


**What are our drawbacks?**

* Chat isn't overly active in-game


AI is always looking to try new things, engage new people, and change the way people view Guild Wars 2. With your help, we know we can continue to grow to be one of the most friendly, resourceful, and engaging guilds in all of Tyria. We will never exceed 500 members, (We want to stay tight knit) we kick members we haven't seen in over a month, (but we always welcome them to rejoin us) and we're forever looking for more friendly faces to join our e-family.


Message Quianmore.6038 in-game for more information or to receive an invite!


Warm regards,

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I am interested. I adore the guild name as it suits me. I added you to my contacts in game.


I'm a stay at home mom in the Central timezone, so my online hours are all over the place. Primarily in the mornings and evening (9 pm - Midnight). Hopefully, that will work with guild active hours.

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> @"niyogi.8571" said:

> I am interested. I adore the guild name as it suits me. I added you to my contacts in game.


> I'm a stay at home mom in the Central timezone, so my online hours are all over the place. Primarily in the mornings and evening (9 pm - Midnight). Hopefully, that will work with guild active hours.


Glad to hear it! I'll shoot you an invite :)

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> @"CamoBadger.8531" said:

> How active do you want members to be? I play as much as I can, but school/work/life may keep me away for a few weeks on occasion.


It keeps me away at times too. I'd prefer people log in at least once a month to show some level of commitment to the game, that being said, I know life can lead to turmoil at times. I'm not super stingy. :)

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> @"Quianmore.6038" said:

> > @"CamoBadger.8531" said:

> > How active do you want members to be? I play as much as I can, but school/work/life may keep me away for a few weeks on occasion.


> It keeps me away at times too. I'd prefer people log in at least once a month to show some level of commitment to the game, that being said, I know life can lead to turmoil at times. I'm not super stingy. :)



I'm interested in joining, if it's okay for someone who doesn't really touch PvP or WvW. I do everything else, but those 2 modes really never appealed to me.

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> @"CamoBadger.8531" said:

> > @"Quianmore.6038" said:

> > > @"CamoBadger.8531" said:

> > > How active do you want members to be? I play as much as I can, but school/work/life may keep me away for a few weeks on occasion.

> >

> > It keeps me away at times too. I'd prefer people log in at least once a month to show some level of commitment to the game, that being said, I know life can lead to turmoil at times. I'm not super stingy. :)


> Awesome!

> I'm interested in joining, if it's okay for someone who doesn't really touch PvP or WvW. I do everything else, but those 2 modes really never appealed to me.


Duly noted! I added you as a friend in-game, I'll message you next I see you on. :)

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