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Target that actually moves?


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For PvP put sh4des on sensible points or behind your foe and than push it near with fear.

Then active Sand Shroud (+Dhuumfire), follow with another fear and end with daze or knockback to prevent cleanses.


For PvE its easier to predict what AI will do and where put sh4des after have played for a certain amount of time.

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You're more then ok vs moving targets. For spvp you got sand savant trait that makes one shade but with massively bigger area. It also causes your manifest shade to recharge faster (once every 10s), so you can reposition it sooner, In spvp that one is a must have - full or nearly full coverage of most capture points.

Also don't forget that for all shade skills you yourself are also a shade - if the shades can't get the job done, you can walk into melee yourself and make sure they eat your shade skill.


Another thing is that scourge is all about torment (and burning) - if they move, they might move outta your shade but will eat higher damage from torment for doing so.

Also you're a necro - those cripples, chills and fears didn't go anywhere. One small and sweet trick is to cast desert shroud while enemy is passing though your shade to you, then follow up with garish pillar to have them walk right back into it.


Lastly again..you're a necro! Asides maybe p/p thieves and longbow rangers most will try to jump you and kill off in melee. And that's when you'll have them, as with exception of your manifest shade (the skill that places them) all your shade skills have instant cast. You can be flat on the ground from cc and it still won't stop you from retalliating with your shade skills.

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