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[EU][GMT+2] a casual player LFGuild [PvE]


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Hi, I've been playing GW2 years ago just to try out the genre but stopped primarily due to time constraints and lack of regularity in my play. Now I have more free time and would like to return to the game, but have no-one to play with; hence my post here. I am from Poland, but speak english well and consider membership in a guild a chance to "polish my english" even further ;) - I am then eager to use voice communication. With regards to my time commitment, I make no promises - as long as I consider it fun, I will play the game when the time permits. I play on Blacktide, but am willing to make a switch if needed.


To sum it all up, I am looking for a rather small guild and am eager to participate in exploration and dungeons, although I may play occasional PvP/WvW just to try it out.

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Hi there bart i run a small guild off about 45 members we are a PvX guild. We also have a girl from Poland in the guild were close to what you call a GMT+2 guild with a few poeple in a different time zone. If you want to know more about us just follow this link - https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/47121/eu-cbd-is-recruiting-experience-returning-and-new-active-players-any-one-welcome#latest

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