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Good revenants to follow for SPVP


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Hey all,


Another power shiro (which is insanely good supposedly) getting his ass handed to him in PvP. I have returned to GW2 a few weeks ago. Started with warrior, got to gold - now I've finished my rev to 80 and been doing a lot of games with him.

SPVP also starts me in gold because my warrior got to gold - so I guess it's mostly of a skill issue (have around 30 games in with revenant now). But I was wondering if there were some good players I can look up that do sPVP

(not WvW roam preferrably)


Thanks in advance!


EDIT: Ok - i'm sorry guys.. Not sure how to delete this post. JUst saw a thread from last month with the same question.. Oops.. Got what I wanted!

(for those with the same question: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCl0XLHILc_e97nX215fAGaA is who I'm gonna watch )

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