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Rate My Power SB Build


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So what I tried to focus on here is a bunker/burst build for WvW.


That's right.


The best of two worlds thanks thank to a potential 23 1/2 seconds of Protection, with an extra 10% dmg reduction for a whopping **43% dmg overall reduction**. And that's before adding in +2401 armor no BM/+2551 armor with Gazelle BM/ +2751 armor with Black Bear! That and the 33% Condi dmg reduction and the 100% regen uptime (all the utility skills heal/have regen) negates Condi dmg overall. All this thanks to the "Lingering Magic" trait, Durability Runes, "Protect Me!" and the mixture of Marauder Gear pairs its decent health with all the added defenses. "Strength of the Pack," paired with its great dmg potential has a good 11 secs of Stability, adding to the overall tankiness of the build.


As for DPS, a strong 2624 in Power, 53.57% Crit Rate and 204.2% Crit Dmg makes this build strong for what it is. But that's only with the added Potent SS Stone and Fried Oyster Sandwich. Combined with the Gazelle, you get a massive **3002 in Power, 60.71% in Crit Rate and 230.87% Crit Dmg!** Combine that with Fury, 7% dmg increase with it along with "Sic 'Em" further increases it to the absurd 47% increased dmg with 80.71% Crit rate! Then you have "Twice as Vicous", Bloodlust sigil and Might from "Strength of the Pack!" added in to make it even crazier. With the Greatsword, there's also10% further dmg increase to account for or the 10 stacks of Vulnerability when using "Rapid Fire" with the LG and the "Unstoppable Union" trait when combining with your pet to make your burst unblockable.


I've been able to snipe damn near anyone because of this.


This build also surprised me with its mobility. With the 100% uptime with Swiftness, along with the "Swoop" and "Charge" skills, and/or the LB's range, you can chase/escape damn near anyone. With the LB, theirs "Hunter's Shot" which can either save you in a hairy situation or quite literally open an opportunity to one-shot someone before they know what's happening with a "Maul"/"Hilt Bash"/"Worldly Impact" or if they're running, a "Charge"/"Worldly Impact"/"Hilt Bash"/"Maul" then switch to LG, for a "Point Blank Shot"/Barrage" overkill.


I use "Bear Stance" to get out of those tricky situations where I'm immobilized, or if I'm chilled/crippled. Merging with the Black Bear adds some good durability as well as nullifying movement impairment condis thanks to literally everything it brings to the table.


And for an added note, "Sic 'Em" can also be used to counter heavy stealth users.


I've been able to survive Thief/Marauder bursts, zergs and heavy condi pressure thanks to this.


Overall, what do you guys think? And is there any way to improve it?

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Hey op looks good however, I'd make the suggestion to switch to leadership runes and NM for WS, the reason being for your high protection uptime without Ward, you'll get then gain a protection on Dodge and regeneration through rugged growth which combos great with second skin giving you more condition tic resistance and sustain


Also it would open up your choices for heals (for boon bouncing and burst healing you could swap to heal as one as ws let's you cleanse on heal, sustain trong heal troll ungent plus 4 contions cleansed on heal, or just leave bear stance for groups and take the 5% damage more reduction with regeneration) and open up your choices for utilities


The only downside would be the loss of toughness and a little bit of vit but a cab trinket would cover that



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i also use nm/bm/sb but i would highly recommend using warhorn instead of gs, you can keep 25 might stacks in and out of combat all the time.


bond, reinforcement and whao will turn you into a boon bot, you will have perm 25 might, fury, protection, reg, swiftness and high up time on quickness, stability and resistance. its for me the reason to take nm


dolyak over protect me


for pet smokescale is a must (stealth and simply highest dmg) and for mobility you can use owl or alpine wolf (resistance vs unflinching fortitude).

the alpine wolf leap is shorter (800 range) but you can swap right before the skill cast ended so you can use this every 4 seconds.


i run around with 4k power all time, plenty to snipe a target down in seconds with either warhorn 4 or lb 2 combined with elite stance if you take it.


great build all together

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