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Druid in wvw able to infinitely swap pets?


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So I was in EB and there was this druid. And he just sat there and let me kill his pets. Normally when one pet dies, you swap it for the other. If both die, then you just gotta wait till either their life goes back up while OOC or wait something like 30 seconds before you can swap again. However this guy was able to swap his pets infinitely even though I killed both of them within about 10 seconds. So he should of had a significant cooldown. I can only guess this is some sort of bug?

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so you feel like it was 10 seconds, i have heard the weirdest things what people think they saw me doing ingame so i wont take your word for it as your perception can be deceiving. are you sure his pets were dead or could he have swapped them right when they would die?

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> @"MUDse.7623" said:

> so you feel like it was 10 seconds, i have heard the weirdest things what people think they saw me doing ingame so i wont take your word for it as your perception can be deceiving. are you sure his pets were dead or could he have swapped them right when they would die?


They were definitely dead because they had the crippled animation. And it was definitely within 10 seconds. It's not like the guy and I were fighting. He literally just sat there and let me kill his pets back and forth over and over. I'm not exaggerating at all. I really want to know how he did it. Cause we was able to just swap them out never ending.

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Did you attack the druid at all? Because if you didn't, chances are only the pet got into combat while the druid was OOC. It happens sometimes, not sure what exactly causes this. If the ranger is out of combat then they can just swap pets with a 1sec CD even if the pet is defeated.

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> @"ChartFish.1308" said:

> Did you attack the druid at all? Because if you didn't, chances are only the pet got into combat while the druid was OOC. It happens sometimes, not sure what exactly causes this. If the ranger is out of combat then they can just swap pets with a 1sec CD even if the pet is defeated.


Oh! That makes sense. No I didn't attack the druid. And his pet never was able to attack me cause I killed it before it reached me.

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Also - are you sure it was a druid? I think Soulbeasts can merge while their pet is KO'd and it revives the pet once they leave merge. In any case, there isn't any strategy to killing Ranger pets nowadays. Since all the rangers whined and moaned about how their pets died easily in zerg fights and ANET granted them *insane* toughness/vitality in response.

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> @"Turk.5460" said:

> Also - are you sure it was a druid? I think Soulbeasts can merge while their pet is KO'd and it revives the pet once they leave merge. In any case, there isn't any strategy to killing Ranger pets nowadays. Since all the rangers whined and moaned about how their pets died easily in zerg fights and ANET granted them *insane* toughness/vitality in response.


You are correct as far merging and then unmerging. It was definitely a druid though. They were using a staff. Cause they killed me with it afterward they got bored of me killing their pets.

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> @"circuitnerd.5863" said:

> > @"Turk.5460" said:

> > Also - are you sure it was a druid? I think Soulbeasts can merge while their pet is KO'd and it revives the pet once they leave merge. In any case, there isn't any strategy to killing Ranger pets nowadays. Since all the rangers whined and moaned about how their pets died easily in zerg fights and ANET granted them *insane* toughness/vitality in response.


> You are correct as far merging and then unmerging. It was definitely a druid though. They were using a staff. Cause they killed me with it afterward they got bored of me killing their pets.


This story started off iffy...


it was starting to feel complainy and nerfy...


then the reveal (ty @"ChartFish.1308" )


and beautiful ending. /Bravo



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