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"The Departing"

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This is for ArenaNet, I think it's open for anyone else to rage too.

I have been trying to play through the story mission "The Departing" for about two and a half hours, and over the course of 4 times I have disconnected at the same parts. It's incredibly frustrating as I've already played this on a character I've deleted- I've had no trouble with the Eater of Souls, but half of the time, Balthazar says "you won't" and my game goes back to title screen, or the PC says "I don't need you" and it disconnects. From my surveying of the forums, this instance has had bugs from the start of the expansion and I am begging for either a patch or the instance to have checkpoints, as it's incredibly long without the usage of mounts. Feel free to post fixes for this, because nothing I did managed to work for me.

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I've done this instance twice, both times, i've defeated the Eater of Souls, then Joko starts talking and I lose my indicator where the exit is and the game kicks me out of the instance 'lost connection to the game'. (My internet is still up and running).

Please Anet, on long instances like this, please put some save points! So we don't have to do the whole thing again when the game glitches.

Or even an option to skip story steps, so when a glitch occurs, at least those of us having problems stand a chance of seeing what happens next.



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