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[EU] [tR] Tek Rangers - Small, Casual Guild


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**We play on the Fissure of Woe EU server, but welcome players from any EU server**



The Tek Rangers have been around as a group since 2003; We started out life as a Battlefield 1942 clan and expanded for a time from there, many of us making our way into the original Guild Wars - where we had a guild of about 12 active members. These days we're just a group of friends who like being stupid together, we're not hardcore gamers, but we are always looking for new games to play as an escape from our daily lives. If you join us and you like us, it may not just be GW2 you're in for ;)

We set up the guild upon release of GW2 as a continuation of our original guild; in that time we've played, played hard, and then we haven't, and then we really haven't, and then we have. That is to say we are **definitely new player friendly**, although we're currently on the lookout for some veterans to join us too.



Currently our guild holds about 35 members, a growing group of which are regularly active. We play Guild Wars 2 in our own haphazard, eccentric way, with no expectation to see people active on a daily basis. By request we do have a discord server we're happy to see new names on, but the old guys of tR still enjoy using our public mumble server. We have both boys and girls who game with us, and would definitely like to increase diversity (I'm getting really bored of these guys :P).

Normally you'll find people online in the evenings, but that entirely depends on if we have work in the morning, our kids to parent, or generally real life getting in the way of play time. You'll see me on at all sorts of weird times of the day just getting my fix of Guild Wars whenever I can.


Our Guild has a varied set of goals:

- We're working on our Guild Hall piece by piece, taking requests from members on which upgrade they would like next. We've setup in the Gilded Hollow.

- We're developing an interest in RAIDs, and are looking for some good teachers to help us along our way.

- Some of us are also striking into World vs World, and are looking for some experienced players on the FoW server to join us.


For fun we have regular Guild Mission nights (currently every Saturday), and we'd like as many people as possible to join us on these, whether you come as a fully fledged member of the guild or just want to tag along.


Being a small play-as-you-like guild means every member has their own interests away from the Guild's overall aims. We all encourage this and help wherever we can!

- We go where the fun is; Fractals, Events, Dungeons and anything else you can think of, we'll jump in with you if you ask.

- Many of us PvP regularly, ranked or not, as a means to complete our dailies or just to have fun. We welcome company.

- We enjoy playing and learning as many different aspects of the game as we can, so if there's something you want help with, or you could teach us, by all means let us know :)

- We do have newcomers to the game as well as veterans, and we do our best to maintain a non-toxic environment. We're all here to relax and enjoy the game after all!


We do accept members under 18, but all our current members are adults aged mid-20s and beyond and unfortunately act as such (the buggers).

We also accept members with trouble socialising; there is no obligation to voice-chat with us (we mostly text in-game anyways), but if you want the experience and benefit of setting up a Guild Hall and having a few extra players on your side when you need them, we're there!

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The description you are providing sounds nice. I kind of have an off again on again relationship with Guild Wars 2, been playing for a while by myself, but have decided in trying out joining a guild. Was wondering if it would fine if I join your guild?


Also, I don't have a mic for my computer so I could join the mumble, but wouldn't really be able to contribute too much. One day may get a mic.


Edit: Forgot a question mark

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Had some great response to this thread so far! Still feeling like our guild and discord is just getting warmed up though, so if you've got yourself, or yourself and some friends, and whether you talk lots or only a little, we're looking forward to meeting you ;)

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  • 3 weeks later...

I am a 41 year old mom of an active do not want to sleep 3,5 year old, with matching (lack off) playtime. Been playing gw2 on and off since release. Now coming back after a year hiatus (save logging in to unlock LS). Every one I knew left so it feels lonely and I would love a new casual, low demand guild. Yours sounds great and would love to say hi to you all if you would have me. I am on Piken Square.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello! If you're still recruiting, I'd love to join.

I'm not really a new player, but I'm a newbie in so many aspects of the game. I'm in college and there are periods of time on which I can't really spare time to play - so a casual guild is what I'm looking for. Even so, I log in regularly. I'd love to have some friends to play with :)

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