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[EU] [tR] Tek Rangers - Small, Casual Guild


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Hi there, your guild sounds perfect for me. I get overwhelmed by a large group of people so I like smaller guilds. I am active during the evening of PDT, if that works for you guys. I also have an on and off again relationship with GW2, though right now I'm trying to get back into it again and find that I don't have anyone to play with. Hoping you guys will help me with that :) I'm available on Discord/voice as well.

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Hello! Your guild sounds like one that I have been looking for! I used to play a lot but dropped out over the past couple years and wanted to try my hand at this again. I’m not a serious player and like your casual and friendly attitude.


I’m coming back with a different attitude towards the game and want to explore some of the other mechanics besides just PvE combat... not that it is a bad thing, mind you! I’ve been playing with crafting, and have been curious about WvW.


I’m PDT but hope you’ll consider me.



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Hi, I'm a returning player and was wondering if it's still possible to join your guild seeing that you're on EU server and I'm on NA.


I main a Reaper and certainly not an expert at it. I have ran into some guild that would not allow me to join based on being a Reaper in game. So just wanted to let you know prior. Even if I can't join, hopefully we can be friends in game =]

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No problem with Reaper's what so ever, we welcome everybody.

To be frank, being on an NA world does come with issues: Currently, as I understand it, players cannot guest on EU worlds from NA worlds or vice versa. We would be able to talk, contribute to the guild hall, even exchange items via the mail system I believe, but we wouldn't be able to physically play together.

I'm happy to have you along if that's not a problem for you, I know there are some people out there just looking to have people to talk with while playing, bounce ideas off, or get some friendly advice. Otherwise, without switching to an EU world, we may not be what you're looking for. Hope this helps!

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Hey, I just read the description and I realize your guild is exactly what Im looking for :) I am only semi active ingame due to a busy schedule but Id be willing to chat along on a discord (voice and/or text, depending on circumstances) even while out of game :D

I am also a returning player and I am on the Fissure of Woe server.

EDIT: Typos :D

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I just read your guild description and it sounds casually perfect. I am returning after 2.5 years hiatus. All folks I knew here seem to have been swallowed up and running around just feels empty. I have 3 bratty kids who take up most of my time, so casual playing is the key here and especially so since there is a LOT I need to catch up on (and need guidance on too, for that matter). I play on GH, by the way..



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Hello, my name is Roberto and I'm looking for a social / casual EU guild, and your guild looks interesting.

My main character is a warrior and I would like to participate in the guild's group activities, such as dungeons, world events and why not, raids.

I have some experience playing in other mmorpg as a healer and I'm trying to learn how to use the druid, but I'm still working on it =) =) =)

I can be on Discord, but most of the times I can only listen, I hope that's not a problem.

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