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[NEED HELP] Guild : Hall

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Hello all


I created a guild some days ago and after asking informations, I learned more about the guild system in this game. But I need to capture the hall and I never did that. My computer is not very powerful too and I prefer have officers to help me. I can give you the 100 gold after the capture. I need between 5 and 9 persons to do it. I'm not sure I could be with you but if you can cap it for me, it will be cool, I have some problems of crashs actually. So if you have time and if you can help me with others persons, please say it here ! :smile:

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> @"Overlord RainyDay.2084" said:

> If you're talking about the 100 gold fee to capture, you can pay that before starting, as long as you know which guild hall you want. Which guild hall were you going for?


I don’t really know (I don’t have PoF so I can only 2/3) but whatever for me since the moment I have the guildhall. ^^ And I prefer to be sure to finish that before to pay (like I said I can pay officers when they finished it).

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Well, regardless of if you're paying people to help you, don't forget there's the 100g upfront cost to the appropriate Guild Hall Explorer in Lion's Arch to even start the mission. You can decide on your guildhall and pay that first, but you'll need to budget accordingly. If you're in NA, I might be able to help after sever reset.


Have you tried cranking your graphics settings all the way down to see if that helps your computer handle it more easily?

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> @"Overlord RainyDay.2084" said:

> Well, regardless of if you're paying people to help you, don't forget there's the 100g upfront cost to the appropriate Guild Hall Explorer in Lion's Arch to even start the mission. You can decide on your guildhall and pay that first, but you'll need to budget accordingly. If you're in NA, I might be able to help after sever reset.


> Have you tried cranking your graphics settings all the way down to see if that helps your computer handle it more easily?


I play all time full low graphics, but even like that, I can crash, my computer is not for games and it needs wind or reboot. XD

And I know but I don’t want to be stolen (100 golds it's not nothing). So I prefer wait after the capture. And I need more than 1 person to cap it. I'm in a french server (Arborstone). And maybe I will not understand all Things to capture the guildhall but it's better than loose 100gold for nothing because my computer is bad. :/

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What I'm talking about is the fee paid to these guys [Guild Hall Explorer](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Guild_Hall_Explorer "Guild Hall Explorer"). If I remember correctly from when I unlocked my guild hall, you pay the fee to them, and it unlocks the mission for you. You can try as many times as you want without paying again. The only thing that costs extra gold is to switch to another guild hall later, so you'll need to make up your mind on which one you want first.

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Ok so if I understand, I must be here to pay even if I'm not here to cap it and even if the officers have the authorization ? And I don’t need to pay 100golds if it's failed (I'm french but I think I understood xD) ? Personally, whatever the choice, I need a hall just to up the guild. ^^

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> @"Overlord RainyDay.2084" said:

> No, you actually have to pay 100g before you even start. Then the officers can start the mission. However, if your team fails, they can try again for free.


Oh ok I see. I will choose one. But now I will need people. I don’t know if you have one moment with friends or others persons ?

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> @"Killors.7526" said:

> I chose the hall of Sarah McKenzy. The name in french of this hall is : "Le Précipice Perdu". In english, it's lot Precipice. Already paid 100g + 150 Favor.


Go to VB, tell in chat map that you need help and willing to pay 5-10 gold, get no more then 8 people as even would scale if more then 10 making it harder. Good luck.


BTW you don't need the expacs to have guild hall in HoT or PoF



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> @"Overlord RainyDay.2084" said:

> Verdant Brink. Don't know what the french name is. The point of interest [HERE](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/The_Doomteeth "HERE") is specifically where you will need to meet.


Ok Nice, I have all informations now, need just to find people. I will maybe search in some minutes/hours if I can. And this map is "Orée d'Émeraude" in french but the translation seems not exact.

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Nobody actually... I think the week-end is better. And maybe say to people when I will try to cap (day/hour). I can't do nothing for the moment. I think I will put an announce for XX:XX hour and XX/XX/XXXX day to have people who is ready at the same place in same time.

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Finally it's done ! Thanks to a Scourge of my first guild, we have the lost Precipice, he carried me it's sure. ^^

We were only 2 and our first try was bad but we understood the strategy and we did it ! Ty for all informations and help, now I have it for my guild ! See you next time all ! :smile:

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