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[Soulbeast] Beastmaster trait line buffs after the July 10th patch


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I just had to say now after some good time playing since the patch that I absolutely **LOVE **the full stat gain when soulmerging now. I can actually run it (BM) very securely in WvW now and I often find myself swapping Survival trait line with MM for huge damage. I just slot SoR and Bear Stance for condi and I'm set.


I religiously play as a melee ranger and with these new stats added, along with the fantastic much needed change to Worldly Impact, I can really see a difference and I'm so happy. Thank you ANET for the go ahead on this, it reassures me that while Ranger doesn't see huge tweaks and balances in most patches and updates, the slow and meticulous changes that have been made over the years are making this class, in my opinion, one of the most balanced and well taken care of classes; we don't go through massive buffs then nerfs, we stay the course and do well.


I have faith restored in this profession wholesomely.

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> @"skystorm.9280" said:

> I just had to say now after some good time playing since the patch that I absolutely **LOVE **the full stat gain when soulmerging now. I can actually run it (BM) very securely in WvW now and I often find myself swapping Survival trait line with MM for huge damage. I just slot SoR and Bear Stance for condi and I'm set.


> I religiously play as a melee ranger and with these new stats added, along with the fantastic much needed change to Worldly Impact, I can really see a difference and I'm so happy. Thank you ANET for the go ahead on this, it reassures me that while Ranger doesn't see huge tweaks and balances in most patches and updates, the slow and meticulous changes that have been made over the years are making this class, in my opinion, one of the most balanced and well taken care of classes; we don't go through massive buffs then nerfs, we stay the course and do well.


> I have faith restored in this profession wholesomely.


You sound like the perfect person to answer a question that's been bugging me then.


I currently run MM / BM / SB, with the theory that I have a very narrow window for burst (Rapid Fire) and if I can't down a player with that, he better be pretty close to dead or I'm just going to get roflstomped. With this is in mind, it made perfect sense to run MM for the reduced cooldown on LB skills, the ability for arrows to pierce making it easier to snipe targets in a group, and the added damage bonus for attacking at long range.


But time after time I see rangers touting NM / BM / SB as the best build. How does that make sense by robbing your damage for added survivability, when really, how much longer are you going to last against a Mesmer or FB, much less SB or Rev?


If I go 1v1 against pretty much anything, I'll lose 8.5/10. I recognize that's a L2P issue, but I've been playing for a while and I don't completely suck at GW2, nor do I think I'm always running into Plat level players, so something else must be amiss.


This is my exact build / gear set at the moment: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vNAQJATRnE8CN8id8CuCCs8il9A7pDcEeaLNhAwZLf9+evvlMtDA-jFDBQBM4BAcElInRJoGVOhFlEc4QAAgrAgCMRIQ1EwhqN5RXA/2fIAwBw5nHAIKgRD-w


I haven't bothered working on getting ascended armor yet for this character because at the moment I doubt it will make much of a difference. Either I really suck at WvW (possible), really suck at Ranger (equally possible) or I'm just doing it wrong.


I spend part of my time solo roaming for daily completion, but I also really enjoy running in a small group, or accompanying a zerg as a skirmisher / snipe, which is why I run stance share. I'm trying to get into WvW more but it seems that no matter what I do, I'm just not performing, so at the moment I go in with the mindset of getting dailys done and then logging over a different toon and succeed at T3/T4 fractals =(


What am I missing (besides skill obv)?




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Try this:


[gw2skills.net/editor/?vNAQJATRnMqAd8iNsAO8Cctgl9ALf9+evvLNhAwZ7pDcEeaFs4A-jVhSABEr+D1K/oVXQ4KBBY/BA-w](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vNAQJATRnMqAd8iNsAO8Cctgl9ALf9+evvLNhAwZ7pDcEeaFs4A-jVhSABEr+D1K/oVXQ4KBBY/BA-w "gw2skills.net/editor/?vNAQJATRnMqAd8iNsAO8Cctgl9ALf9+evvLNhAwZ7pDcEeaFs4A-jVhSABEr+D1K/oVXQ4KBBY/BA-w")


I'm using a variant of this right now and it's working decently well. The healing spring is much better than bear stance as it lasts longer, cures more conditions if necessary, and adds more healing with the regen effects. With this build, you should pretty much have permanent Fury, so you're always doing the extra damage that comes from not only your Runes but from the SB trait. You can swap signet of stone out for Sic 'Em, but I've found Sic 'Em to be nice in theory but lacking in execution. The extra surviability from the signet, on top of your minor trait in the marskmanship line, are great to help with escapes.


Overall, just keep tweaking things to find something you're comfortable with.

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> @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> > @"skystorm.9280" said:

> > I just had to say now after some good time playing since the patch that I absolutely **LOVE **the full stat gain when soulmerging now. I can actually run it (BM) very securely in WvW now and I often find myself swapping Survival trait line with MM for huge damage. I just slot SoR and Bear Stance for condi and I'm set.

> >

> > I religiously play as a melee ranger and with these new stats added, along with the fantastic much needed change to Worldly Impact, I can really see a difference and I'm so happy. Thank you ANET for the go ahead on this, it reassures me that while Ranger doesn't see huge tweaks and balances in most patches and updates, the slow and meticulous changes that have been made over the years are making this class, in my opinion, one of the most balanced and well taken care of classes; we don't go through massive buffs then nerfs, we stay the course and do well.

> >

> > I have faith restored in this profession wholesomely.


> You sound like the perfect person to answer a question that's been bugging me then.


> I currently run MM / BM / SB, with the theory that I have a very narrow window for burst (Rapid Fire) and if I can't down a player with that, he better be pretty close to dead or I'm just going to get roflstomped. With this is in mind, it made perfect sense to run MM for the reduced cooldown on LB skills, the ability for arrows to pierce making it easier to snipe targets in a group, and the added damage bonus for attacking at long range.


> But time after time I see rangers touting NM / BM / SB as the best build. How does that make sense by robbing your damage for added survivability, when really, how much longer are you going to last against a Mesmer or FB, much less SB or Rev?


> If I go 1v1 against pretty much anything, I'll lose 8.5/10. I recognize that's a L2P issue, but I've been playing for a while and I don't completely suck at GW2, nor do I think I'm always running into Plat level players, so something else must be amiss.


> This is my exact build / gear set at the moment: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vNAQJATRnE8CN8id8CuCCs8il9A7pDcEeaLNhAwZLf9+evvlMtDA-jFDBQBM4BAcElInRJoGVOhFlEc4QAAgrAgCMRIQ1EwhqN5RXA/2fIAwBw5nHAIKgRD-w


> I haven't bothered working on getting ascended armor yet for this character because at the moment I doubt it will make much of a difference. Either I really suck at WvW (possible), really suck at Ranger (equally possible) or I'm just doing it wrong.


> I spend part of my time solo roaming for daily completion, but I also really enjoy running in a small group, or accompanying a zerg as a skirmisher / snipe, which is why I run stance share. I'm trying to get into WvW more but it seems that no matter what I do, I'm just not performing, so at the moment I go in with the mindset of getting dailys done and then logging over a different toon and succeed at T3/T4 fractals =(


> What am I missing (besides skill obv)?





Are you roaming or zerging? Are you trying to snipe down your opponent and kite them if they try to close or play as a duelist?


If your plan is to roam or duel with your ranger you're going to need some defensive utility until you get better if you lack some skill. As you improve you can take some of that away but i really wouldn't run a duel or roaming setup without having WS slotted. Survival skills are some of our best utilities and the condi cleanse is a huge help. If you're having survivability issues i'd probably run with more marauder gear for a higher health pool. This is what i run to roam on ranger




it survives through dodges and beating down my opponent as fast as possible.


NM is usually run in boon heavy builds, you're slotting it to increase your concentration primarily and for some of the defensive utility

WS is all about defense

in wvw MM is for the dmg modifiers and piercing arrows, that's huge for tagging targets

this is just my opinion

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> @"Wolvesight.1254" said:

> @"Turkeyspit.3965"


> Try this:


> [gw2skills.net/editor/?vNAQJATRnMqAd8iNsAO8Cctgl9ALf9+evvLNhAwZ7pDcEeaFs4A-jVhSABEr+D1K/oVXQ4KBBY/BA-w](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vNAQJATRnMqAd8iNsAO8Cctgl9ALf9+evvLNhAwZ7pDcEeaFs4A-jVhSABEr+D1K/oVXQ4KBBY/BA-w "gw2skills.net/editor/?vNAQJATRnMqAd8iNsAO8Cctgl9ALf9+evvLNhAwZ7pDcEeaFs4A-jVhSABEr+D1K/oVXQ4KBBY/BA-w")


> I'm using a variant of this right now and it's working decently well. The healing spring is much better than bear stance as it lasts longer, cures more conditions if necessary, and adds more healing with the regen effects. With this build, you should pretty much have permanent Fury, so you're always doing the extra damage that comes from not only your Runes but from the SB trait. You can swap signet of stone out for Sic 'Em, but I've found Sic 'Em to be nice in theory but lacking in execution. The extra surviability from the signet, on top of your minor trait in the marskmanship line, are great to help with escapes.


> Overall, just keep tweaking things to find something you're comfortable with.


Until I get more Marauder I'm not sure swapping out Durability runes would be wise. I'll give the Healing Spring a try and see what it's like. I used to run Stone Sig but since I have the minor one in my MM tree, I figured it would free up a utility slot.


I used to run SotP, but I find One Wolf Pack just plain out hits harder, and because of stance share, is a buff to my allies. I wasn't running Sic 'Em for a while, but then I found if I pop both Sic 'Em and OWP, it's pretty brutal.



> @"Prophet.1584" said:

> Are you roaming or zerging? Are you trying to snipe down your opponent and kite them if they try to close or play as a duelist?


> If your plan is to roam or duel with your ranger you're going to need some defensive utility until you get better if you lack some skill. As you improve you can take some of that away but i really wouldn't run a duel or roaming setup without having WS slotted. Survival skills are some of our best utilities and the condi cleanse is a huge help. If you're having survivability issues i'd probably run with more marauder gear for a higher health pool. This is what i run to roam on ranger


> http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vNAQJATRnEqAVsglsAuCCctglJBrJA0AmA572fby9JIcB+YlMtDA-jFCBQB6TXgGV+BgrAADeAAc4QAoQ1fOpSQss/QAgDgzPPAgUARM0C-w


> it survives through dodges and beating down my opponent as fast as possible.


> NM is usually run in boon heavy builds, you're slotting it to increase your concentration primarily and for some of the defensive utility

> WS is all about defense

> in wvw MM is for the dmg modifiers and piercing arrows, that's huge for tagging targets

> this is just my opinion


Short answer is: zerging. I do play a bit solo when I'm just looking to complete dailies, but as I mentioned above, my 1v1 track record is pitiful, so I find myself having to follow other players around so I don't end up as just free bags for the other team. That said, I fully understand that Rangers aren't that effective in a zerg, so I'm not in the middle of the group (and most commanders won't send a Ranger an invite anyways), but I run on their flank trying to pick off the ~~Scourge~~ Elementalist players, as well as squisher folk like Thief or other Rangers. I'll also try to focus down some FB or SB and try to get them to blow their cds so the zerg can take advantage and roll them over.


As I'm not really in the zerg though, I don't get any of the sustain / heals that the Scourges and Eles receive.


(gee, doesn't look much like a short answer lol)


I've seen your build variant before, and I have to ask myself if I can be effective at sniping without MM in place of either NM or WS, because even with MM, I kind of feel like I'm just not hitting hard enough. If my target was dodging away at 10-20% health, I think that's good, but I still see people disengaging with 50% or more. Sure, they are disengaging, but truth is if they went on the offensive, I'd have little to fight back with short of switching to GS.


I'll give it a try and see what happens.


On another post it was suggested I just switch to Rifle Deadeye, but I'm trying to actually get my Ranger to work for me here, as I don't enjoy player her in PvE at all, so if she isn't in WvW, she becomes a bank toon =(


Thank you both for the replies.

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Well if I rarely go LB I run marauder armor with with either leadership or durability runes - and I run the same trait lines you do (MM/BM/SB). My advice is to learn how to use your LB #3 and #4 skills wisely whilst weaving in about of soulmerge with your Smokescale pet for the unblockable dmg and the pets own CC + dmg.


Having said that, I abhor LB as a ranger (as odd as that sounds); It's so much more rewarding for me personally to smash people with GS #2 :)

I love melee ranger and its hard for people to not panic and keep their cool with all that pressure damage coming their way.

Granted it is easy for them to negate and stall but I can play that game as well.


Propher and Wolf gave very good replies and hopefully its been helping you out some since :) Sorry for the late reply

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