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Interested in making my own build


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I'm rather new to this game still even though i have been around since beta. I took a huge hiatus when the karka attacked and i finally came back and leveled 3 characters to 80 and fully unlocked their skill lines. I think i found where I want to be with my thief and Revenant but my warrior I find exceedingly fun as I played daredevil a bit for dodging experience making warrior a heck of a lot more fun. Currently I am using this build for spell breaker (which I like and enjoy a lot) it uses Axe and dagger and reverse dagger and axe for weapon switch. It is amazingly fun to use.


Let me cut to the chase. I kinda want to know if there is a viable way to build around dagger dagger with a great sword as a backup and have it usable in both open world dungeons and for dipping my toes into fractals. Great sword was something I really missed out on when I was leveling and i really only used it for about a few levels starting out and I liked its move set but I like using the daggers so much right now I almost do not know if there is a way to use both.


I have not used berserker yet as I have not really heard anything good about it. (willing to try it out provided i farm the gold to buy spare gear for it) But for right now I would like some suggestions for a Dagger/Dagger great sword combo if it is at all viable or decent.

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Dagger in both main and offhand is really overshadowed by Axe as far as PvE is concerned, sadly. Dagger does way less damage (in favour of more CC which isn’t that useful in PvE). That being said, for just messing around with open world PvE and dungeons the dip in damage hardly matters much. If you like Daggers, stick with ‘em.


Greatsword has no issues with being used in conjunction with either, as they’re all Power-based and as such benefit from the same stats and build. Personally I use it as a backup weapon for my Axe/Axe by using the Forceful Greatsword and Might Makes Right trait in Strength for Might-stacking and healing.


The traitlines you want are the aforementioned Strength, Discipline and Spellbreaker:


Strength has an awesome trait in “Peak Performance” which you couple with Kick and Bull’s Charge as utility abilities. “Forceful Greatsword” is a given for and GS build and either “Might Makes Right” or “Berserker’s Power”.


As for Discipline, “Warrior’s Sprint” I simply cannot live without but the rest are up to you. “Axe Mastery” is a given if you use Axes, but since you aren’t... yeah.


Spellbreaker you pretty much want “Pure Strike” and “Magebane”, and probably “Sun and Moon” with Daggers. The other two are mainly PvP things anyway.


Berserker is just as good, but entirely different in that is a Condition-based build using Sword/Torch and Longbow. So it would require an entirely new set of armour and accessories to support it.

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You can deffinately make GS-D/D work, I actually run a build that uses both it's sort of a dodging makes right/everything you do heals you/lazy warrior sort of build for screwing around in open PvE. I haven't put it together on GW2 skills yet, but I can tell you the build can solo champs, it's not the best DPS but thats not the intention of the build. The GS is better for taking on larger groups and the daggers are better for smaller groups. When you're on the GS side you're dodging allot because forceful greatsword/might makes right synergy.

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